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The whole universe

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This has been on my mind for so long but am I really the entire universe @Leo Gura if this is true I don’t see why I will ever have to be you ... yes yes all possible things must happen because nothing limits nothing from being everything. From what I understand if I’m the whole universe and I’m god which I already know 100000000% I am . You don’t exist your a character that I will never be besides right now imaging you. After this dream I will dream another dream but only me everything else is a dream your not ever going to be a real bubble of experience for me? Or is this wrong. I will be all beings that I will be but your being is a side character not a main character I don’t play as them all beings that do get played I will be the one playing though . If this is truly 10000% a dream prison that makes sense that it’s the rules. I hope not ... then again it’s heaven if it’s true . Either way the illusion of other is a gift and heaven .

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The whole universe is a lot to take in and process, huh? Good thing it’s actually nothing!

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As @dflores321 says there is only this - the present moment. You can spin your wheels conceptually all day long; but there is still only this. Just accept you don't know and you'll be closer to the truth.

57% paranoid

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