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Share Your Best Poems On Enlightenment

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I truly believe that Poetry described enlightenment best.  I would like to share with you a Poem of Alhallaj, who was a Sufi mystic.. Ennnjjooy ;) 


I saw my Rabb (God) with the eye of my heart

I said: who are you? He said: You

“Where” with you has nowhere

And there is nowhere where you are

Illusion with you has no illusion

Can illusion know where you are?

You are the one who gathers every “where”

To nowhere, so where are you?

In my annihilation my annihilation perished

And in my annihilation I found you

In the effacement of my name and the outline of my form

I asked about me so I said: You.

My inmost secret pointed to you

Until I was annihilated to myself, and you remained

You are my life and my heart’s secret

Wherever I may be, you are.

You encompass everything with knowledge

All that I see is you

So grant forgiveness my God

            For there is nothing I wish for other than you

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