
What are some important things to do in mid-20s

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6 hours ago, levani said:

so what are the tools I'm using to operate in reality then ? my sensations ? emotions ? thoughts ? fears ? love ? is there a list or a guide/book ?

Your worldview and your direct awareness are the top tools you use to make sense of reality.




The reason you don't know what to do or where to begin is because both of these tools are either underdeveloped or being misused a great deal:


1. Your level of awareness/ consciousness is extremely low and can be enhanced 100x 1000x 10000000x infinity what it is right now.

The tricky thing about it is you won't know how unconscious you were until you start becoming more conscious.

(Not sure what this is? How do you know you exist right now? Prove to me you exist? How do you know for sure? The only way

you know that you are here is because you are conscious of this moment right now. Thats consciousness. You are conscious, but you are

still unconscious of what consciousness is. Consciousness is your true nature that you have yet to become conscious of.

-tools for becoming more conscious: meditation, meditation retreats, various forms of yoga, psychedelics, self inquiry, etc.


You need to research spiritual books and information for yourself like your life depends on it.


2. Your worldview is highly polluted with all sorts of limiting beliefs and false ideologies that both society has both programmed you with and your

mind has constructed based on your childhood, upbringing, culture, and any emotional pain you have experienced. And most of these  

beliefs are things you hold to be very normal and real. To you most of them seem like 'tangible physical reality' or 'hard facts'.

 The problem is you don't know which beliefs and ideas or how many are incorrect and you

can't know until you find truth and understanding to compare it against.


On top of that your mind is doing everything in it's power to keep you from changing those beliefs or growing as a person because it knows if you

become too aware, it's time is up. That means death of the ego mind. The moment you become aware of your true nature is the moment you will

experience what we refer to culturally as death. But it won't be what you think it is. Right now you think death is hard and real and will

be lights out for your existence because you still fundamentally believe you are a body and mind organism sitting in that chair reading a forum.

Thats not really your true nature.

It's possible to discover what you really are. Where you came from. What you are doing in this matrix we call life through your own

direct awareness.


And when you awaken from the dream of life you realize death was an illusion your mind used to keep you trapped in this matrix. 


Simultaneously when you awaken from the dream of life you still live your life like you used to. But now that you are aligned with your true nature, your

levels of joy, fulfillment and happiness are more than you could have ever dreamed possible.


Your at war with your own mind here. Your mind wants homeostasis. Survival. To keep you in the rat race of staying alive. 

But staying in the rat race of staying alive causes you immense suffering.


You want happiness. Joy. Love. Not suffering. 


So In conclusion. Your plan is:


1. Start doing at least 1hr of consciousness work every single day starting tomorrow whatever that means for you. 

You don't even have to do 1 hr to start with if your mind has too much resistance to meditate for instance.

Start with 20 minutes a day in that case but be consistent. You will be able to tolerate more at once as you start doing this work.

In time you will see that that the pursuit of consciousness is the highest and most fulfilling pursuit of all.


2. Start reading books of all kind. Take detailed notes on them, and start applying them to your life.

Books on spirituality, personal development, emotional mastery, dating relationships and sexuality, food diet and nutrition, life purpose career and

business, etc.

Leo's book list is a good place to start. 

But also do research on your own. Don't be looking for any one person to give you all the answers. You are the CEO of your life. 

Research books, courses, seminars, workshops, etc that you feel you need to improve in.


This stuff is like the theory. Your job is to gather the theory, and then test it out in your own direct experience. 

Thats how you discover whats true. Their are people who have struggled their whole life and mastered a field and they write a 300 page book

that holds all their deepest wisdom they gathered through their journey that you can access with one click for 15 dollars on amazon. 


theory----> test whats true in my direct awareness?------> Insight/ understanding.


Thats how you improve and grow.









Edited by Byun Sean

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@Byun Sean bro, this was mad mad mad mad useful and very much needed. i appreciate you taking the time to write that, really !

"god" bless you bro ??

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On 15-12-2020 at 9:30 PM, levani said:

@LfcCharlie4 i don't even know what "I" am


my wants are not healthy atm, i am engulfed by greed, lamborghinis, supermodels, clubs, no drugs or anything like that.


I want all the things that i know won't make me happy - the latest ferrari, the minimalistic but sick looking house, the superhot shaman gf who has access to all samadhi states and jhanas, i want too much of this shit which is why my daily routine is filled with mostly non hedonistic stuff so I can raise my consciousness and hopefully see past this shit


i know what I really want deep down is just "being" but this isn't easy for my ego to realise bro, and my ego is huge and superficial atm

@levani Step out of your own shadow, my friend :)

What you're trying to do here is to skip stage Orange. Stop caring about money and earthly possessions before having had any of them.

But this skip can not be staged - and if you try, you will have a huge Orange shadow that will cloud all your purposeful efforts.

Live out some of those desires. In a healthy way.

One of the best things to do during your 20s, is achieve full financial independence.

Decide how much money you need to be comfortable, then make a plan to get it and execute it.

Do you have cultural hypnosis telling you that wanting to be rich is morally wrong? Discard those beliefs. I highly recommend this book on Audible, it's very spiritual despite the title, and will help provide an interesting and new perspective on your current morality

Once you have money, you can then have full focus on spirituality and purpose, without being constantly distracted by a need to pay the bills.


EDIT 13:50: I see I misunderstood. In another thread you mentioned already that you do have a goal of being financially independent. Apologies for incorrectly projecting a materialism shadow onto you. Clearly, you make a distinction between financial independence and more flashy desires, which you deem unhealthy.

Don't know what to tell you there! I have those desires too. But... what's wrong with them?

They won't make you happy. True, but people often take this to mean: "don't pursue them". I think that is a common misunderstanding. Most people have a base level of unhappiness, and think that reaching some milestone will get them happiness. That doesn't work. And when they are finally living in their sick crib, they discover that and feel the need to scream it to everyone: "It won't make you happy! I thought it would, but I feel exactly the same!"

However, pursuing a goal is actually what makes you happy and creates a sense of meaning!

So the trick is I think, to enjoy the process of pursuing a goal as much as possible. Knowing that that's all the happiness you are going to get out of it. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is an illusion, but the journey around the world is still worthwhile! And you kinda need the rainbow there, to keep you on track. Feel me?

Book recommendation still goes.

Edited by flowboy

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On 15/12/2020 at 8:17 PM, levani said:
  • meditation
  • yoga + grounding
  • life purpose course
  • breath work
  • violin/guitar
  • reading / researching / reading forums
  • swimming/hiit/mma
  • visualisation

you got it all in there !

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@flowboy i have lived through it but it's never enough, Also I am completely aware that I can't skip stages attract I am not planning on doing that I am not going to pretend to be better than i am, I know I am not a perfect picture of orange and green and a bit of yellow, I know there is some red and blue and whatever else in there but I do know that I am definitely and have been orange for the past few years and I think it's going away slowly especially lately because I have adapted to minimalism and quite successfully if you ask me I do not own a lot of things at the moment. I am fully aware that stage orange is not just a physical materialistic Stage It's also the mindset but I am working through that as well


For someone with my background and what I've lived through in the last few years, it is so absolutely superficial and so full of greed and money and even fame to an extent in a narrow niche that I am so completely toxified with all of these things that I'm going to need to meditate and fast for at least a year or two before I get all of that shit out And start appreciating the little things. I think I am appreciating the little things at the moment that aren't hedonistic and dad are quite eudimonic actually. but super slowly


also I don't know what "step out of your shadow" means

Also I can't see the book that You've made the hyperlink to if you can forward it to me on direct message that'll be great.


"However, pursuing a goal is actually what makes you happy and creates a sense of meaning" - i like that, gonna jot it down.


i feel you bro, thanks for your time you put in bro i appreciate that

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@levani  The shadow part doesn't make sense now, that's when I thought that you had a shadow (repression) around material wealth, which I realized now was a misinterpretation :)

Interesting that you mention it is never enough. I wonder if I will start to notice that as well, once I hit some financial goals. Thanks for the peek around the corner ;)

The book is something that untied some knots for me, because I was raised to believe that desiring material wealth is evil. It was an interesting amalgamate of 19th century western spirituality and self help principles. Basically a guy trying to help out a very stage blue Christian reader, by connecting God to the law of attraction. It taught me that God wants me to have everything I want, which I somehow teared up at to hear :') . It's called The Science of Getting Rich  by Wallace D. Wattles.

However, since you have integrated Orange, it may not be just what you need.

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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@flowboy Bro honestly like five years ago my goal was to own a pair of those 80 or £90 memory foam cool shoes I member ship a gym box which is like the school nightclubby kind of fancy gym And some other very low financial thing that I forgot, and when I got those things I completely even forgot I said that girl five or six years ago and I got this many years ago and I didn't even think twice about it I was so greedy to want more and to fuck more girls, and get more money a more success and more wealth and more fame and everything else that it is just ridiculous. I now understand why people say it is important to surround yourself with those five people but I didn't even understand what type of people I needed to be around, no one ever gave me the knowledge that I have now about all the important things to do in life I didn't even know what consciousness is I thought it was just being alive and doing things - That's how daft I was.


Let me check the book out and I'll get back to you. Thank you again brother

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