
Is casual sex harmful for women?

52 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, Moon said:

@Pilgrim Amazing!! You put that into words well and it's the trajectory I was thinking. I guess as women are physically affected more by being penetrated (can get pregnant and RECIEVING sperm for fertilization), they are energetically more affected by it too as you said (RECIEVING whatever aura the man gives off), as well as the emotional/biological attachment occuring after sex, particularly for women. 

The exceptions would be those women who have more masculine energy/left brain dominant perhaps, and may partake in penetration themselves so may be less affected by casual encounters. Whilst the opposite for men who are more in touch with their feminine side. 

It's really an interesting question.. generally I think sex is seen in such a low-vibrational way in our society. There is of course an "animalistic" aspect to it, but with higher degrees of sensitivity you cannot see sex purely from that animalistic standpoint. But we are quite far away from that as a society and many people just want to "consume" sex.. I think this casual sex trend with dating apps and such is not very beneficial for our development as a whole.. but on the other hand, everyone is on their own journey and we need to make our own experiences. Maybe this is just the stage we are at as a whole, so I would never judge anyone who feels like sleeping around. But just as it has an influence on us with whom we spend our time – we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with – it of course has an influence with whom we share this degree of intimacy. Everything is energy, we are in a constant exchange of it and being this close with someone and it having absolutely no effect would just not make any sense. I suspect that believing totally "casual sex" is possible – casual in the sense that it does not mean anything and has no consequences whatsoever – simultaneously means that the person is likely not that much in tune with their emotions and their body. Because if they were, it would be obvious that this cannot really be the case. You can probably sleep with someone "casually" when you are emotionally closed-off. Which also implies that you are not in tune with your body, because that is where we feel our emotions. Someone who is in tune with their emotions and their body might still sleep with multiple people, but it's still not casual in the sense that it doesn't mean anything and that it has no effect. I would also assume that people who are truly in tune with their emotions might be polyamorous, but likely not into one night stands.. unless it's really an exceptional connection right from the start. In any case it would not be about the "consumption" of sex, but the connection you have. 

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I don't buy the whole "women get more emotionally attached than men" thing. I think that attachment happens completely without warning sometimes. We have to go much deeper and be more vulnerable if we want to see through attachment whether there's sex involved or not. It's not as simple as "I have decided not to get attached therefore I won't." 

From a health perspective, HPV is a concern. I'd make sure you've had the Gardasil vaccine if you're considering having multiple partners. If you have an amazingly healthy immune system you might be ok, but think it's hard for most people to maintain low stress levels, and have a really healthy diet if you have a really active social life. There are benefits to having a stable relationship for anyone, like more time and energy for health, spirituality and career. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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9 hours ago, ColeMC01 said:

Look i do not want to be mean but is it me or do your views on how guys think about love/sex/relationships etc tend to take mostly into account the stage orange type of guys. How are you so sure that guys are not as comitted and caring as girls are? 75 percent of divorces are issued by women (some random statistic), i honestly do not think that guys are any less into the girl as the girl is into the guy in most couples. Both sides cheat, both sides have issues for sure. 

Divorces can be for all sorts of reasons, I guess you are both right to a certain degree.

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13 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Men are dogs, remember this.


If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 minute ago, Keyhole said:

@Gesundheit c'est la vie


I think you're hurt by a certain situation and I have only discovered this situation like an hour ago. I think that you have the ability to know certain things and you probably should've foreseen this, now I'm not going to admonish you for that, but what I want you to know that you have your own journey that is very exciting on its own and you could lead it into whatever you want, since a direct communication is not possible, so I'm using metaphors, it's up to you to continue your way and find your power in that way and not allow to be reduced into a circle of social play, I think you would probably know what I mean, stop the throbbing inside you and learn to continue your way unhinged unimpacted, that way you attract less garbage and more fun into your life, I could have passed on this message through a certain misses egoi but I don't know if they are open to communicating or not so I personally delivered this. I hope things do go well 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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15 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Men are dogs, remember this.

That's right, positive/negative reinforcement is what gets us to do what you want.

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16 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Men are dogs, remember this.

Lmao can't belive someone on this forum just wrote such petty victim generalization. 

Read Byron Katie - loving what is. It will save the rest of your life from hurt. 

Sending some ❤❤ to your wounds. 


Plot twist : everyone on this post is a virgin andd we are all just mentally masturbating ??

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter // Full time Restful Cube living on government welfare 

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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Casual sex be like 






INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Keyhole I usually see that situations of casual sex, coming from an Eastern culture, something like that will end up hurting the woman too much, most women around me are very decent and never the ho type so if a guy asks her for a casual thing, she will end up getting trapped and heart broken, it's a dangerous thing in my culture, so girls are often told to only engage with a man who gives a promise of marriage, funny how contrasting western and eastern cultures are, but I prefer the eastern because I don't wish to end up being used by some guy like it happens in the west, there liberty of a woman is taken for granted. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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36 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

Ultimately it is up to you, but men seem to prefer it when women are more choosy.  It will be to your benefit in the long run not to be too casual about sex.

I have to agree. I've tried to be more forgiving of women with a high partner count but it doesn't work. The rationale is that women who engage in a lot of casual sex will be less likely to ever give it up. So they don't make the best partners for a man who wants a monogamous relationship.

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3 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:

for a man who wants a monogamous relationship.

Thank God men want a monogamous relationship because I want it too. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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23 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Men are dogs, remember this.

Men are honest, loving, and sometimes indiscretionary of what they hump? xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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23 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Men are dogs, remember this.

why is such sexism allowed here

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2 minutes ago, Keyhole said:


@PurpleTree The amount of sexism against women here is in pale comparison to what I wrote, which any woman can comb over this forum and find it to be so.  Men generally are dogs.  But I am just one woman, don't take what I say to heart, there are plenty of foolish girl out there who have not learned this that could be taken in by someone with integrity, but not me, I'm too wise. ;) 

what do you say/think when people say " women are bitches" women are gold diggers" "black people are criminal"  and so on

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Just now, Keyhole said:

@PurpleTree It's not the same, women are usually more innocent than men are.  This is truth, it isn't very refutable.  Some women are bitches, if a guy feels that way - yeah.  Ok.
Gold diggers?  Some of them, but less so than you would think.  But yeah, I can see it.
I don't appreciate you bringing race into this, though, let's keep it on topic.

I can admit that many women are bitches and that a good number will gold dig.  Your turn.

i can agree that some men are dogs, some women are bitches, some women are gold diggers, some blacks are criminal, some whites can't dance, etc.

but i wouldn't make a general claim like "women are bitches" i think such claims are very problematic

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1 minute ago, Keyhole said:

@PurpleTree  I don't want to derail that with nonsense about someone getting butthurt because I think men are sneaky jerks.


well yea you derailed it with your generalizing sexist remarks and silly statements but it's fine i forgive you :P have a good one

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2 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

Not really.  I gave an opinion and you didn't like it, not my problem.  Sorry you're having troubles with girls, don't take it out on me because I'm dealing with my own stuff.  The world is a fantastic reflection of the lunacy of the stewardship of men, and we all know it.  And deep down you men know it, too.

yea also your car( which is problematic but very useful), the internet, your house, this forum and so on is something which "men" have planned and built

but you only see the bad things  

good luck in dealing with your stuff though

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@Keyhole Maybe the men you were involved with had a lot of unhealthy masculine energy... masculine energy in its unhealthy expression is more aggressive and maybe more outwardly damaging than feminine energy in its unhealthy expression.. that's why you feel like "all men are mean".. but if you attracted these kinds of men that would mean you yourself have some unhealthy feminine energy. You need to empower yourself more, then you will not attract these kinds of men anymore. Just some examples of unhealthy feminine energy: 

– Insecure; seeks outside validation

– Needy; “please love me”

– Afraid of loss; pulls on love, has insecure attachment

– Over connects; always talking about her emotions and what she needs

– Chasing love; obsessive, her actions are directed towards keeping her man

– A victim; runs a poor me story

– Self sacrificing; she prioritises others at the expense of self

– A care taker; she’s more concerned on others’ happiness than her own

– Desperate; tries to find safety outside herself

Do you find yourself in there? If so, that means your feminine energy is in its unhealthy expression, you need to develop your feminine energy and then you will attract totally different kind of men. 

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