
how often do you fast ?

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water fast and dry fast and what are your experiences, before and after, feelings, weight loss results, etc. I personally have done intermittent fasting a lot, i've done OMAD before too, i've done a 6 day water fast. In my experience the 6 day water fast was tits. My back pain went away, focus was laser sharp, just overall feeling great and massive benefits from it. What about you ?


Also what are the general rules or thumb for working out during water and dry fasting ?

Edited by levani

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Been doing IF (16-8) since March. I've got great experiences with it:

- I no longer desire breakfast and paradoxically I'm not even hungry before lunch

- Lost some weight even though that was not my intention

- I don't experience afternoon crashes anymore

- The fact itself that I let my body digest and rest for a while

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Never anymore. I used to do IF on conventional wisdom "healthy" diet simply because of the relief it provided from the constant bloating. The reason people feel good when they fast is that they cannibalize themselves and eat their own raw saturated fat stores. Just quit eating garbage and eat raw animal fats and you'll feel the same all the time, without the pain and unhealthy side effects of fasting of course.

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47 minutes ago, Village said:

without the pain and unhealthy side effects of fasting of course.

You shouldn't feel any pain if you're healthy. 

What are the unhealthy side effects? 

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@Opo By pain I mean the hunger and the general discomfort of starving.

The side effects are accelerated aging (because starvation is extremely stressful to the body), weight loss, fatigue, brain damage if the fast is prolonged. In short, it just slowly kills you. You cannibalize yourself.

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31 minutes ago, Village said:

@Opo The side effects are accelerated aging (because starvation is extremely stressful to the body), weight loss, fatigue, brain damage if the fast is prolonged. In short, it just slowly kills you. You cannibalize yourself.

It's actually good for aging because of autophagy. 

You aren't starving you're just using fat for energy. If you don't have any excess fat obviously you shouldn't fast. 

You shouldn't be fatigued after the first few days if you do it properly. 

Need source for brain damage claim. I assume it could be possible with dry fasting but I only do water fasts so I'm not informed on that. 

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yea i've done water fasting, tried it like 2 years ago for the first time

seems like one of the only real things which help my irritated gut for a while thus far

i'm trying to do it twice a year between 6-10 days

Edited by PurpleTree

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13 minutes ago, levani said:

@PurpleTree @Opo what do you think about doing 3 days every week for a year/long time ?

i think real great benefit comes at around the 5th day if i remember correctly from dr. rhonda patrick and dr. longo

check this out if you haven't already


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@PurpleTree The snake diet guy said after 72 hours and he seems to have a lot of experience from it but i guess i'll just have to try it out

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@PurpleTree omg. Dr Valter Longo and Director of Longevity xD. Why is this thing making me laugh so hard lol!! 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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16 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@PurpleTree omg. Dr Valter Longo and Director of Longevity xD. Why is this thing making me laugh so hard lol!! 


:P hehe

a matrix glitch


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2 hours ago, levani said:

@PurpleTree @Opo what do you think about doing 3 days every week for a year/long time ?

Depends on your goals. 

If you want autophagy you should aim to get at least 4 days. 

If you want weight loss I had great results with one meal every other day. My energy was great and fat was just disappearing. But everyone's different you'll have to figure out what works for you through trial and error. 

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@Opo very interesting, i've heard one meal a day (OMAD) but never one meal every other day

this might actually work bro, like 1 dinner every other day, but how often and for how long do you recommend proper hard dry fasting ?

Edited by levani

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On 15-12-2020 at 10:08 PM, Preety_India said:

@PurpleTree omg. Dr Valter Longo and Director of Longevity xD. Why is this thing making me laugh so hard lol!! 


I suppose for him it was either this, or porn star

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4 hours ago, flowboy said:

I suppose for him it was either this, or porn star



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