
Sociaty becoming polygamous?

26 posts in this topic

If this happends we are fucked. What do you guys think about this and those statistics?





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It is already happening. I don't see it as a negative, since the institution of marriage is no longer sacred so it is destined to evolve. 

13 minutes ago, arlin said:

If this happends we are fucked.

No, you are not. You are coming from a scarcity mindset. Become a value provider to women and you can have more women than you can deal with. 

If everyone becomes their best version of themselves, equilibrium will be established again. If only a few high-value men provide value to women, then we have a problem. If everyone is high-value, we have no problem. :) 

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Don't listen to this video person. He always drums up false statistics and exaggerates dating scenarios from scant dating samples. 

In general most people value monogamous relationships. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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It may be true for some portion of population. It's because most people are materialistic, so do girls. They will look for best value they can get, but number of "highest value males" is limited. I don't think that this apply to people above orange.

Stop reinforcing your fears.

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He's stupid.

Why would the richest men want to marry multiple wives? It doesn't make sense. Most men want the sex, not marriage. Assuming the man wants to reproduce and pass on his genes, and since sex can be easily acquired by the rich without marriage, one wife would be enough, the rest of the wives would be unnecessary and just for entertainment, which he can easily get on the side with his money and status without having to marry. Polygamy is not the most favourite route for most men, because it requires responsibility, commitment, and sharing. Hell! Monogamy is already enough work, so why would anyone want more work?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit interesting point. 

@Username i dont study SD yet so i dont know what is above orange. 

2 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

You are coming from a scarcity mindset. Become a value provider to women and you can have more women than you can deal with. 

Yes i think here, he is talking only about looks and money... 

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@arlin One word of advice never watch this guys videos ever again ahah, 90%  of what he says is just wtf. Plus its pretty negative 

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LMFAO! Rumours about Leila Trabelsi, widow of the past Tunisian president getting married to a Saudi Arabian prince as a fourth wife.

She was known for her firm feminist positions and was against polygamy.

Still rumours, funny ones though 

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Man ofcourse is polygamous. I mean males. You want to sleep with all the women in the universe that's your secret desire as a man. Eating the same lunch every day gets boring. Females just want that  perfect dream guy and they can't understand what does it mean to love two persons simultaneously. True love that is which is ofcourse is completely outside of the male paradigm. So they go against each other. So society will never be fully polygamous nor monogamous. 

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@Someone here Most men are polyamorous, not polygamous. It's different because polyamory can be casual, as opposed to polygamy.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@arlin You have to becarful what you put in your mind, you listen to guys like him his toxic ideologies will start seeping into your mind, you do not want that. Ask yourself who is it you want to end up like, him or say sadhguru? 

Edited by Globalcollective

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What if he is actually true. 

What is more important? Do you want to ignore reality? 

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20 minutes ago, arlin said:

What if he is actually true. 

What is more important? Do you want to ignore reality? 

@arlin it's not, that's the problem. If you want me to fully explain in detail why I will happily do so :) its more there are higher levels of development and seeing the world he is blind to. He is still young so is just talking from a very limited perspective. If only he knew aha. But this is where we need to step in and stop guys like you listening to him and being lead astray 

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Yes, humans have been polygamous for throughout evolution, traditional monogamy and relationships, marriage, are just social constructs. 

People cheat, because monogamy is boring. You only live once. 

Why does the future being polygamous mean you're fucked ? It's a great thing, finally breaking free from the chains of societal expectations, arranged marriage & all this religious, conservative  dogshit.  It's especially good thing for women, sexual liberation. 

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@arlin  The problem is that you believe reality is fixed, and it doesn't matter in which direction you look. That's wrong. Your reality is different from mine, and different from that of anyone else. It's also malleable, and changes with every experience and every piece of information you accept as true. There is infinite evidence you can find in any direction, and once convinced, you will be locked in and only experience more of the same kind as the direction you started in.

So while you think that you are looking for truth, in reality you are letting your fear of scarcity propel you to skew your reality more and more towards that.

If you don't want your life to become about scarcity and fear, turn back the ship now.

I've lost a friend to this phenomenon already. He started getting into conspiracies heavily. I told him he should reconsider, and told him the same thing I wrote here. He didn't understand. Now, he has all sorts of strange beliefs, does amphetamines multiple nights a week whilst discussing conspiracies with conspiracy friends, and is very close to paranoid schizophrenia.

Look up Reality Transurfing (audiobook, youtube). Thank me later.

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On 12/18/2020 at 0:07 PM, arlin said:

What if he is actually true. 

What is more important? Do you want to ignore reality? 

The consideration is already the ignoring of reality. ?? ?



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