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Tim R

The Dangers of Obedience

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I can't stress enough how important this is becoming in our current political landscape - all over the western world, people have become more and more complacent, obedient and left without a properly developed mind to question authority or truth, whilst on the other side of this coin, (corrupt and selfish) politicians and corporations are using the ever increasing polarity among their societies to gain power and control.

We must not further succumb to the idea of "someone will take care of it all - as long as I get my monthly paycheck, I don't care".

History teaches us that people are most obedient (and thus dangerous) when times are tough - in 1920s and 30s Germany, people were desperate for a strong leader and they were so goddamn thrilled when Hitler came on stage that they turned the whole country into one obedient, unquestioning, and following entity, obsessed with ideology. 

Now times are tough as well - I don't know about the rules in the U.S., but in Germany, this Wednesday, our 2nd "hard Lockdown" begins. Our politicians told us, that we won't have such a "hard Lockdown" again - as you can imagine, there's people who blindly follow the rules and on the other side, people who blindly disregard the rules. To disobey creates those who obey and vice versa.

Edited by Tim R

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It's more about inner consciousness than obedience. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

It's more about inner consciousness than obedience. 

Well yeah, in the end it's basically always and everywhere about consciousness.

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Another example is how Sweden and Finland are pathetic little obedient coward puppets to Russia. Because they don't join NATO because they don't want to upset Russia.

It's really fucking sad, and embarrasing.

Edited by Blackhawk

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