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The Illusion of Maya, Cosmic Insights and Necromancy

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Before I became enlightened I have wondered if I am a shadow. That the body-mind was not the real me and just a object and that the subject "me" was the shadow. Its like testing the allegory of the cave. So I stood in front of a wall with dim light projecting my shadow onto the wall. So I identified with the shadow. When I got to sleep I had a lucid dream in real space, not imaginary mental space. I saw a ghost sprinting around my kitchen, living room and dining room. This was a real space, not imaginary mental space. My etheric body was seeing his etheric body. He died middle-aged and radiated with high intelligence. I admired his intelligence and was magnetically attracted to him somehow because of that. He looked like a phantom. His etheric body was semi-transparent and shifted in color between dark gray, medium gray and light gray depending on the light. Aside from intelligence, the most striking thing about the ghost were his beautiful luminous eyes which shone like the brightest stars in the sky.

He strongly identified with being human, that's why his pure consciousness was projecting and creating the etheric body in the form of a human, although phantom-like, like a embodied shadow or a shadow person.

He had strongly masculine energies, I could sense it like a strong perfume.

I  telepathically communicated with him. I said to him why do you even exist? The ghost said why dont you leave this body and become a free spirit like me? Maybe the ghost sensed my physical suffering and felt compassion towards me.

When I woke up I tried to recall the dream. I realized that I saw a ghost. At first it was creepy for a few seconds, but I overcame this quickly without any fear. Don't be scared if you see a ghost, its just someone in spectator mode.

In the evening I thought a lot about the universe and my place in it. I thought alot about alien worlds, how the five elements created life, how everything in the universe is alive. This made my consciousness non-dual. I had little meditation in the past, yet I achieved a non-dual state of mind only through self-enquiry.

I felt divine cosmic energy permeating through me as if I am submerged in God. Suddenly I became aware of my etheric (ghost) body, my etheric body was shaking. I felt like I was going to die. I felt divine joy in that moment, but I put the hand on my chest and said. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. I wasn't ready to die unexpectedly.

In Buddhism I think this is called the fifth dhyana or fourth, I am not sure. The moment of realizing that you are not just physical matter, is the actual moment you become enlightened. The majority of people realize this only upon dying and forget that after they reincarnate.

Immediately after that I had a quantum leap in intelligence and intuition. I realized the illusion of maya. I started looking at the Earth from bird's perspective. Earth felt so cold, empty and eternal. I started thinking about astral travel and reincarnating on alien worlds. I was skeptical about Buddha or Leo Gura saying that you can reincarnate on other worlds and dismissed it as a fairytale, but I was shocked when I found out that this was true. All you need is good karma, courage, determination and of course physical death.

But I stopped thinking about this because it made my etheric body shake and I could really die if I let my mind wander too much. I started doing yoga to prevent my etheric body from shaking. The reason my etheric body shaked is because I am a cripple, if I was healthy I believe this wouldn't happen. Now I am doing isha kriya yoga primarily and I am currently stable.

Realizing the illusion of the maya I felt like a God role-playing as human. Life felt in that moment like a Truman show. Basically you were taught and socially conditioned that reality is this way whereas reality is much more deep and complex than most humans realize. Its infinity. Most people are lowe consciousness. The cosmos is a dream and we are dreaming our own reality.

I stopped viewing humans as humans but rather as a form of intelligent beings in the universe. Even beautiful women can't enchant me because I saw their bodies as illusory objects. Instead I am interested in their consciousness or the subject rather than the pretty body which is the object. A woman can look good on the outside, but evil on the inside. Looks are deception. I don't discriminate someone based on their looks. For example if I am talking to a black guy, I see him as consciousness first and foremost. To me an alien is considered an alien only in reference to Earth. They are not aliens, but rather denizens of a different reality. Most of them are also are under the illusion of the maya just like humans.

There are aliens who reincarnated on our world adopting the human shape as well as humans who reincarnated on other worlds. Maybe I am an alien in human form, since I know about this so much I am not sure. I don't want to explore past lives because my mind would be overloaded by unecessary burden and Asperger syndrome seems like a weak proof because it could be just bad karma from a past life. I never understood humans or had a close friend on this planet. I was also heavily bullied, ostracized and misunderstood in school. Because of this I would be labelled as an Aspie or autistic. There is even a website for autistic people called Wrongplanet. 

The etheric body tied to consciousness can leave Earth because it doesn't recognize physical laws. The proof for this is that you can fly in lucid dreams. Guess what? Death is like a lucid dream if you are sufficiently conscious.

I was aware of other enlightened sentient beings in the universe and they were also aware of me. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. Intuition is the missing link between God and man. It is also the awareness that the cosmos is like a superorganism. They didn't see how I look nor did I saw their shape, because the physical shape doesn't matter, for it could come in infinite shapes - centauroid, draconoid, humanoid, reptiloid, plantoid...

I started viewing the existence on this Earth as inherently empty. Houses are empty, schools are empty, temples are empty, organs are empty, food is empty, cells are empty, the mitochondria is empty, humans are empty, atoms are empty. Everything is empty.

Schools are like factories and we are the product. Most people are puppets and tools of the system. Everybody is just a number with a ID card on this server called Earth. In this 21st century everything is systematized, vivisected and turned into a commodity. Even humans themselves have become a commodity. We have made Earth a prison sort of because of capitalism and governments. A standardized matrix. You see the same stuff in Tokyo, Paris or New York. Same architecture, cars, brands, interpol, regulations...

People are socially conditioned from a young age. For example if you dont want to get married then why get married because society tells you so? Its not HUMANITY that is imprisoning you, YOU are imprisoning yourself. Why not work on self-development first and then get married if that is your dream. This is delusional blue morality.

Frank Zappa said if you live a boring life because teachers, parents and society told you so, then you deserve it. When you realize that you are a God, then you can't obey society's values and morals. You must transcend them like Nietszche. I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me.

Being human is a immense possibility. Its bad to limit what you are capable of because society tells you some lies. I reject modern values and morals but I accept knowledge and civilization.

If I said to someone that I saw a ghost and did telepathy they would think I am delusional because I believe in magic and because they never experienced this. So its hopeless to tell anyone about this in person.

Being rich is just a means to realize your dreams, it can never be a healthy life purpose in itself. You see lots of people are rich, but miserable and empty inside. Orange morality is equally delusional, striving for success for the sake of being viewed successful in the eyes of others.

Its funny when scientists say they know everything. They are like six blind men studying an elephant but missing the holistic picture. A non-educated truth-seeker is closer to ultimate reality than a Phd physicist trapped in rationality. The irony of science! Reason is a prison. The scientists imprison themselves to reason and empiricism. If you value truth by how much people agree with you you will never get to the truth, thats what the universities and laboratories are trying to do. To them the opinion of hundred people is superior to the conclusion of one person. One person's conclusion is dismissed as subjective because it doesn't agree with the opinion of the majority. This is the tyranny of majority. Its not that those who made the education system and top professors are hiding some secret knowledge from students. They too are delusional because they are slaves to reason. Science is still in immature stage and philosophers tend to be more open to the truth than scientists such as Paul Fereyabrend. It will take centuries for science to realize how deluded it is. Just as those in 21st century dismiss some theories of 20th centuries as outdated, the same will happen in 22nd century.

Due to enlightenment, I cannot be indifferent to not appreciate how much intelligence was invested in this planet such as cheese, television, dogs, pizza, capitalism, microwaves, airplanes, dinosaurs, tuxedos, castles, trees... There will never be another planet like Earth. Every world is special in its own way and so is Earth. There is heavy intelligent design on this planet. Even the position of continents look as if they were under the spell of intelligent design.

Edited by Firebird

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I thought you were gonna talk about The Truman Show, I love that movie.

What is this "I" that became enlightened?  Who owns conciousness? Who is the one becoming aware? 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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It has similarities with the Truman Show sort of. I found the movie to be inspirational and clever.

To me this movie subconsciously conveys the message of transcending the world. To transcend the mundane.

Edited by Firebird

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Truman looked at the mundane until he saw it for what it is.

Look at the mundane until you see it as the transcendent.

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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19 hours ago, OctagonOctopus said:

Truman looked at the mundane until he saw it for what it is.

Look at the mundane until you see it as the transcendent.

Most people are under the illusion of the mundane. I have already transcended the illusion of the maya.

What's your problem with the word I? Just because I am enlightened that doesn't mean I can't have an ego.

Another equally important message of the movie is about illusion about ourselves. The ego illusions people trap themselves into.


Edited by Firebird

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I have no problem with the word. I was just wondering what that pointer was pointing to for you.

23 hours ago, Firebird said:

The moment of realizing that you are not just physical matter, is the actual moment you become enlightened. The majority of people realize this only upon dying and forget that after they reincarnate.

You can realize you are not physical matter but still not be awakened. It is more like realizing there is no realizing, there is just being, being itself. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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58 minutes ago, OctagonOctopus said:


I have no problem with the word. I was just wondering what that pointer was pointing to for you.

You can realize you are not physical matter but still not be awakened. It is more like realizing there is no realizing, there is just being, being itself. 

You're right.

For example, I strongly and intuitively believed in reincarnation before I was enlightened. Now I don't need to believe, I just know.

When you honestly and sincerely believe something is the truth then it doesn't matter much whether you are enlightened or not. Enlightenment confirms what you believed was absolutely true, removing any possible doubts.

I was surprised when some buddhists said that they doubted reincarnation. This can happen when you become culturally indoctrinated and taking your culture for granted because you were born into that culture.

The pointer was myself. I exist don't I? If I said I don't exist I would be denying the subject which is consciousness, spirit or God. What is the subject? Consciousness. What is the object? The mind-body.

When Leo says you don't exist, don't take that literally. Its just a way to lower down your ego so that you can become awakened.

Edited by Firebird

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If you can perceive a subject perceiving an object then what is perceiving that?


The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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11 minutes ago, OctagonOctopus said:


If you can perceive a subject perceiving an object then what is perceiving that?


Individuated consciousness.

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8 minutes ago, Firebird said:

Individuated consciousness.

That can keep going in a loop forever. Subject & object are one.

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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2 hours ago, OctagonOctopus said:

That can keep going in a loop forever. Subject & object are one.

You can't understand the "I" if you don't comprehend the bigger picture.

Words might be not enough for realizing the truth. It takes self-enquiry, lots of inward exploration. I never used any psychedelics. The answer is within you, not outside you.

I think you don't realize that I am talking to you from a pantheistic perspective. The "I" or consciousness cannot be fully understood without pantheism.

Everything is one energy or consciousness manifesting itself in a infinite number of ways. The cosmos is infinite. Pantheism means everything is God and there is nothing outside God because the cosmos is infinite. Since everything is God, therefore I am God. Everything is a manifestation of God, the chair is God, the rock is God, a cat is a God and therefore all humans are God. The only difference between beings are the beings who realize that they are Gods and those who aren't aware that they are Gods. A cat isn't aware that it is a God while a human can be. We are fragments of God, but by being fragments of God we are also embodied Gods. When I say everything I mean universe, I mean infinity. God is the universe and all that exists within. Universe means one infinity. There are no parallel universes or finite space.

The God is the same thing as being. Being is something that exists. I realized this myself when I entered the fourth dhyana. In advaita vedanta this is called realizing that brahman (God) is same as atman (being).

Experience man, experience. Words are useless if you don't experience it and realized it. If you want to know more about pantheism try Spinoza's Ethics. Try that for a start.

Buddhism doesn't teach you pantheism but the wisdom in it is priceless. It helped me towards gaining enlightenment. Especially the stuff about impermanence and emptiness.

Edited by Firebird

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14 minutes ago, Firebird said:

The God is the same thing as being. Being is something that exists.

Being is all that exists. Conciousness is Nothing.

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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You're on the wrong forum.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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