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Thought Experiments - AS THE THOUGHT ARISES

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First thought experiment - Self Referential Variable Personal Life Perspectivism

  • Seeing my life from the perspective of any one being that’s ever existed or could exist, flexibly moving from the personal (someone I don’t like) to the impersonal (someone or something I’ve never met).

Strategy - just invent imaginary profiles and see what novel insights I get from that perspective:

1) from the perspective of an old transsexual (just as a cultural mindfuck seeing I’ve never met one nor do I have any particular interest beyond say scientific exploration) with a bionic arm and sexual ornament (which changes shape and sexual orientation depending on preference at the time) that’s now the first human to have lived 200 years old 80 years from now, what do they think of my life, what I have done, where I plan to go. More to their profile:

- they have a genius IQ

- they are homophobes (I am not nor am I homosexual so don’t be reading too much 8nto just having fun with this)

- they are high in conscientiousness, with strong perfectionistic tendencies

- they have an originally Greek background, but because they have lived for decades in a number of varying cultures due to their high openness, they can no longer be easily classified outside of certainly now falling to the category of Global Citizen 

- they hold a position in the United Nations, and in this situation the UN now actually do something meaningful compared to today’s times and aren’t corrupt 

- they are enlightened, but they don’t need to believe in any so called absolutes

- they are ambiverts have a social circle that is moderate and consists of mainly people that support their cultural causes they support in the UN

- they are 9 feet tall so they needed their own plane built for themselves for their UN travels that taxpayers complain about 


2) from the perspective of God. Build the profile of many variants of your perception of God so that you can see how foolish the endeavour actually is. One that is all benevolent and loving, notice the psychological effects of having them view your life. Now one that I’d indifferent, imagine how having them view your life produces different emotional effects. Now one that is like an authoritarian parent. Now correlate people’s perceptions of a God with either religious teachings, parental styles they were brought up with or the inverse of that sometimes. 

3) from the perspective of a younger, older, wiser version of yourself. A clone of yourself and imagine how you might communicate with said clone to bring about an insight feedback loop between one another. A version of yourself that grew up on a farm instead, purely in the city or in a luxury environment in the mountains. Imagine the things they might say, insights they might draw, etc. 


4) an extraterrestrial, again similar to the latter two create multiple kinds of personality, bodily and cognitive profiles and do so even far richer than the profile noted in the first example (9ft 200yr old transsexual).


5) Literally anything, a bird, plane, giraffe, something completely imaginary. It's all up to you. The Earth. The universe. So on and so fourth. Test what you're able to connect with. Explore.


6) Now discover the perspectives that are most meaningful to you. The people that have influenced you most in your life, what would they think about what I have done? What I am doing? Where I am going? What I will accomplish or not accomplish? Where I may fail? Maybe you imagine your life from the perspective of your parents, which I believe many people do and think these kinds of experiments have many real world observational subjective implications as it concerns understanding what motivates peoples sociocultural inner reality, the latter which can be described as containing these figures in their imagination that they commune with subconsciously to determine the rightness and wrongness of their lives. In understanding the deeper limits here, we can augment that process through discovering the imaginative heights that can help us entertain higher wisdom. Understanding the relationship between imagination, motivation, sociocultural inner landscape, model, reality.

Edited by Origins

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You had a terrible case of incurablechronic fatigue syndrome or any one of the following diseases and conditions that I'll list below (good for your daily education if you haven't learned enough things today - just starting with the letter A from the listed resource). Make an imaginative exercise of it. How would you live out your life while still making it worthwhile for yourself?

1) By having all of if not most of your energy gone, think about how you would manage the following activities that any regular person takes for granted:

  • Shopping
  • Pursuing a hobby
  • Having a relationship with someone (think about it, imagine what sex would be like, you wouldn't last long...)
  • Cooking, eating
  • Doing whatever is presently or has been your favourite thing to do 
  • Exercise
  • Work
  • Feeling like you have a productive purpose in society or just life in general (if that's at all important for you) or that you could even fulfil such a role if you wanted to
  • Thinking about a difficult topic to the point of understanding
  • Motivating yourself to learn any difficult thing in life, from riding a bike to playing difficult game of chess.
  • Think of other areas of your life that would be affected that are presently important to you, have been in the past or may be in the future

2) What did you learn from the experience? How can you creatively think about this further to take away more learning?


3) How could you take some of what you learned and better use your energy throughout the day so you don't take it for granted as much?


4) What's an activity you can begin today that would incrementally in the long term add to your energy levels?


5) Pick another/multiple disease/condition below (or in provided link), even if you've experienced it before, let's say you were going through it again, what is it that you could learn from it that could be empowering for you now, secondly that you could answer the same or similar/further questions about as those prior?

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm — see Aortic Aneurysm
Acanthamoeba Infection
ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
Acinetobacter Infection
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) — see HIV
Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)
Adenovirus Infection
ADHD [Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder]
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
AFib, AF (Atrial fibrillation)
African Trypanosomiasis — see Sleeping Sickness
Agricultural Safety — see Farm Worker Injuries
AHF (Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever)
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever (AHF)
ALS [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis]
Alzheimer's Disease
Amebiasis, Intestinal [Entamoeba histolytica infection]
American Indian and Alaska Native Vaccination
American Trypanosomiasis — see Chagas Disease
Amphibians and Fish, Infections from — see Fish and Amphibians, Infections from
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis — see ALS
Anaplasmosis, Human
Ancylostoma duodenale Infection, Necator americanus Infection — see Human Hookworm
Angiostrongylus Infection
Animal-Related Diseases
Anisakiasis — see Anisakis Infection
Anisakis Infection [Anisakiasis]
Anthrax [Bacillus anthracis Infection]
Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic Dissection — see Aortic Aneurysm
Arenavirus Infections
Childhood Arthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Ascaris Infection [Ascariasis]
Aseptic Meningitis — see Viral Meningitis
Aspergillus Infection [Aspergillosis]
Atrial fibrillation (AFib, AF)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder — see ADHD
Avian Influenza

Edited by Origins

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Note to self:

Don't talk to people that treat you as a part of their thought experiment in sense based interaction. You're not just a thought in their brain as much as they solipsistically wish to refer to you as. It's just their fear. It's just their ego. Forgive them.

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