
Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction 7 Day Challenge

2 posts in this topic

Introduction: A challenge to transcend your addiction (e.g. video games, smoking, porn etc.) 

Synopsis: To transcend an addiction, you must sit and do nothing. People fail with addiction because the fear of emptiness terrifies them.  

Detailed Video: 


7 Day Challenge: Starting today, take 1 hour of your time to sit and do nothing, for the next 7 days (1week).

During Your Sitting: 

You are not allowed any external/internal stimulation (books, socialization, television etc.) 

You are not allowed to distract yourself with fantasies, temptations, cravings. 

Practice mindfulness meditation.  

Practice existential investigation. 

Post Your Experiences: After your session, post your experiences following this format: 




Day # (e.g. Day 2):

Feelings Felt Psychologically:

Feelings Felt Physiologically: 

Questions You Asked Yourself: 

How Do You Feel After Your Session?: 

 Conclusion: On the 7th day, do you feel transcended? Yes or no? 

Note- If you think it’s time for you to get serious about your addiction I encourage you to take action and be a part of this challenge. 

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Day 1

Addiction: Porn

Date:  12-13-20

Time: 8:50-9:50

Day # 1

Feelings Felt Psychologically: I didn’t really feel anything. A bit frustrated and a bit discomfort. Tried to stay present the whole time but I would start thinking random stuff. Once I caught myself thinking I returned to being present and this happened a lot of times in the 1 hour. Near the end I found myself thinking a lot about random stuff and it got harder to become aware of it. I was tired. 

Feelings Felt Physiologically: Felt uncomfortable just sitting. Shifted my place from time to time “example sitting to laying one leg moving a bit”. Moved my hands a couple times. 

Questions You Asked Yourself: “how much time has gone by or how much time left” 

How Do You Feel After Your Session?: Calm. Don’t feel like doing anything really. Tired too. 


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