
your opinion on nightclubs x lockdown

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So basically we We are forced to shut obviously because of Covid And we have not been able to open properly as a nightclub for quite some time we have change the license to open as a theatre a bar and the restaurant but we still cannot open some members of my team think this is on fair seeing as there are stacks of  inobedient people walking the streets in crowds in hundreds and thousands in central London and just overall in the UK but something that obviously it's fair. In case you didn't know there are ministers for almost every crevice except the hospitality industry in particular the nightclubs and bars and restaurants so I would like to hear your opinion on whether it is fair to shut down clubs due to the virus or if it is fair to open them.


Hospitality industry is dying eith very little to no support

Edited by levani

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8 minutes ago, levani said:


Are these people being fair?
Closing clubs and other social places with an intention to not allow covid 19 to spread so quickly seems fair enough.
IMO it's the people who ignore the rules or even deny them and gather on purpose are the ones to blaim as they might be tje ones spreading it while there is no cure for it (well technically the vaccine just came out, but still).

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Clubs need to open soon in some sort of fashion or the industry is fucked

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very few people want to go to the clubs anyway 

sucks but they wont be pulling big crowds even if they are allowed open 

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1 hour ago, levani said:

@meow_meow i feel you but the question remains: is it fair to close the clubs ?

Yes, it spreads too easily in them. 

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i think people who are more at risk should be better protected and others should be freer to do whatever

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@PurpleTree yes and no, more no ∵ they share afterwards the public transport snd supermarkets etc


@Khr for vagina


but srs ∵ we pay rent and we can't trade, think about that, 2000 sqr metres of property without any trading.

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14 hours ago, Khr said:

governments are trying to do the best they can and what they can do

I wouldn't be so sure about this, Its most likely that smaller countries where corruption is higher (Eastern Europe for example) might be pumping Covid cases up artificially to get more money from US/EU.

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@PurpleTree yalla bro, the people who work / customers / artists in the club

@Khr "all the orange bullshit" hahahahahaha i LOVE that, i agree we are spoiler but we found our superficial anti-hating niche and we at least achieve financial freedom quickly faster than others, there are plenty of people who don't provide value and don't get financislly independent. Not everyone knows theit life purpose, especially us orange fucks.

@meow_meow off topic but super possible, unlikely though

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28 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

I wouldn't be so sure about this, Its most likely that smaller countries where corruption is higher (Eastern Europe for example) might be pumping Covid cases up artificially to get more money from US/EU.

Fuck me and these stupid conspiracies. 

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@Khr Can't just put everything into a little box, you can't just dismiss a whole industry because in your flimsy perspective it's "orange bullshit" 

Bro that's people's business, social time, livelihood. 

Entertainment is a very important part of life, people do need it. It will exist for eternity.  Maybe not you though, are you like a robot or something lol ?

The fact there's people like you who think the entire entertainment industry disappearing is a good thing is fucking disturbing. 

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@levani I have empathy that your business is going down like this, and it does suck for humanity that it's happening. 

 Don't listen to absolute psycho's like khr 

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@datamonster Yes but we can't keep them closed forever. There should be a more nuanced and balanced approach & at bare minimum there should be more bailouts for the arts / Night life.  

Also the elitist government e.g in the UK doesn't provide bailouts for common man entertainment, only for elitist forms like opera, and unnecessary companies like Rolce Royce. 

There should be a higher priority to protect art, music, theatre and entertainment over rolls royce and opera. 

Notice how a lot of this stuff going bust is actually stage green/orange anyway. 

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Obviously nightclubs can't operate how they were pre-covid, but it does suck for the industry and there should be way more support for you guys. Sunak did put extra billions into funding the arts, haven't heard anything specifically for clubs though :|

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I think it's fair to close those high risk areas down due to the uh, unprecedented 1-in-100 year global pandemic.

Personally, I really miss going to bars/clubs not going to lie.  It'll be back when things go back to "normal" but a lot of those businesses are going to crash and burn.  They will pop up again because humans have always loved dancing and partying since the dawn of time but if you're in that business right now--it'll be wise to start side hustles to keep you afloat and change professions if you can--that industry is taking a massive hit, much more than the restaurant business.

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