
Let's expand our Youtube world.

7 posts in this topic

Yes only English is to be spoken on this forum, but what I want to talk discuss here is the uncharted depths of Youtube that we are completely blind to because of our English paradigm lock and the inmense inertia of the American culture. 

The goal is to directly expand our notion of the scope of humanity. You understand that other countries and continents exist. But to what depth? 

The idea is to idealy post videos in your language / culture, the more diverse and unique the better, giving an insight into how different cultures can be, shown from the INSIDE. 

Alternatively, use google translate to get access to hidden parts of Youtube and explore a new digital world ( I do this a lot when I'm specifically lookint for a tutorial or something and there is nothing in English or Spanish.

This also goes for shopping online. If you live in Europe, you'd be amazed how cheaper you can find things on the Polish Amazon aka " Allegro " . 

Also there may be more uses that I haven't thought of yet. 


Post away. 

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You should definitely check this out, if you found the robot-arm prosthetic fascinating.

This is an 8 part YouTube Originals documentary. 

Also, it's hosted by Robert Downey Jr. - I am not saying that this is the only reason to watch it, but it definitely is one of my favorites, haha! 


Edited by xxxx

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The guy experienced what he called a "mindgasm" and attributed it to his knowledge of science which, as the theme suggests, saved him from religion. I can appreciate his antagonistic attitude to some extent, but I think he'd also appreciate the depths of "inner" uncovery and/or expressions of psychonauts if he truly got into it. Perhaps he'd even have another "mindgasm".

Fun video anyway, and I've shared it with a few religious folks I've known in the past just to see what they'd say. It got interesting, and for various reasons.

I've also always been absolutely amazed and in awe of nature in all its manifestations. Just thought I'd share it as it came to mind today after many years.


Edited by kbone

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