
Leo’s Beautiful Endless Wonderland

182 posts in this topic

10 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

No you don't. You don't want to know everyone's intimate life story of the details about their sex lives.

Of course I/we do, otherwise I/we wouldn't have projected them in the first place.

11 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

You don't want to become an expert on the anatomy of caterpillars.

I/we do, because I'm infinity. I want to know everything. Isn't that obvious? Creation is infinite. Its coming from ME, my WILL.

I'm not a caterpillar expert in this life, but its obvious I will be at some point. I will be everything possible, I already am that, but on a relative level, I will be it in the future.

12 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

You want to know specific things chosen based on the importance you've given these things based on how they make you feel.

On a relative level.

13 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Ralston, Parsons, Ramajii don't know anything you don't project on them. Nobody possesses any knowledge. We make them up and some story about what they know.

Only on a relative level. On an absolute level, they do know knowledge, and that knowledge comes from ME. And I pretend to project it, because I'm pretending to be an enlightened human.

knowledge is coming from others on a dualistic level.

I project knowledge on a non dual/enlightened human level.

others have knowledge, and that knowledge comes from me, on a God level. Because I an neither the character I'm pretending to be, nor the teacher with the knowledge, but rather the 3rd person observer of both.

15 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

No one can give you a truth you didn't ask for. You cannot find the answer to a question you've never asked. No one wants to keep seeking or stop seeking. You cannot do either of those things. You cannot find something that you believe to be lost. Why did God create the universe and then stop to rest on the 7th day? There's no rest unless something is created first. There's no such thing as rest if no action is taken first to rest from. Action and rest depend upon each other. Just like search and finding. 

only on an enlightened human level. The enlightened human cannot do any of these things, because the enlightened human embodies Nothingness. Yet these things are possible and true on an unenlightened human level. And both are true on a god level, from the 3rd person observer, so 3rd person, that calling it 3rd person is too grounded and distorts the meaning of what is trying to be conveyed.


The unenlightened human's experience is just as true as the enlightened person's experience, yet both disagree entirely. As God you can create this play to suit both perspectives. You can make a play about the 3D world and science being true, or you can make it about a being who is aware that the 3D world is within the present moment, or not even that, just within him/herself. As god, both perspectives are true. All perspectives are true. Everyone has a different truth.

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“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@electroBeam We're flipping back and forth on perspectives and absolute/relative levels so fast, I can't follow anymore. We're hacking our limited perspective of the character in this story to a greater one of the Author of the story. But there is no actual author outside of us, just characters and the creative Love or knowing Awareness that is the Author. So how does the character guide himself after the realization that his ultimate being is that of the Creator/Author and his reality is not? By feeling. By awareness of feeling. The story is written out of love. It's too Good to be true. Truth is Love. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@James123 when did you become nothing? 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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17 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@electroBeam But there is no actual author outside of us, just characters and the creative Love or knowing Awareness that is the Author. So how does the character guide himself after the realization that his ultimate being is that of the Creator/Author and his reality is not? By feeling. By awareness of feeling. The story is written out of love. It's too Good to be true. Truth is Love. 

That's right, on an enlightened human level ;)

There's another realization, along the lines of that character never was guided by feeling or awareness of feeling. Maybe a hint could be the word "infinite pretending" without being too explicit.

That's if you're ok with one of your children giving advice on how mummy can be more of an adult xD

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@lmfao wrong tag sorry lol. 


@mandyjw it's like you are dreaming. The dream world is already always your will and what you want. You come to me and ask "what you really  want to experience"? Well everything is already it. I cannot not experience what I want to experience as God. The entire universe is what I want and that's why I created and going to experience everything there is to experience. Including suffering pain. Sorry but you can't cover the sun with your fingers. Suffering exists and what's even more shocking is it's 100% what you want.  You are assuming that the dream character (the ego) is in control of what's going on in the dream. The ego is itself being dreamed by God. In the analogy the dream character and the one that is dreaming which is who you are really. So that's the paradox nothing from what's going on is in your control as the ego human character and yet everything is completely already your own will as the dreamer God. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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44 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

That's if you're ok with one of your children giving advice on how mummy can be more of an adult xD

I'm only interested in advice from other kids about how I can be more a kid. But they don't give advice, cause they're just kids without thinking about what they are. 

41 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The entire universe is what I want and that's why I created and going to experience everything there is to experience. Including suffering pain. Sorry but you can't cover the sun with your fingers. Suffering exists and what's even more shocking is it's 100% what you want.

What's the difference between experience and the thought of an experience? How do you experience feeling? Can you experience feeling yesterday? Or can you think about what you felt yesterday? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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9 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

cause they're just kids without thinking about what they are.

No, they definitely do think about what they are. That's why if you push them off a cliff they scream, and they get jealous when other kids take their toys from them.

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8 hours ago, lmfao said:

@James123 when did you become nothing? 

You are already. Just let go to the thoughts, which gives you so called identification.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@electroBeam Agree with you..

Everybody got a different Truth but reality is infinite imagination. 

That is what GOD is.

It is totally nothingness YET it is all forms as well.

Reality is nothing but the mind of GOD.

It is a mental universe. 


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

@lmfao wrong tag sorry lol. 


@mandyjw it's like you are dreaming. The dream world is already always your will and what you want. You come to me and ask "what you really  want to experience"? Well everything is already it. I cannot not experience what I want to experience as God. The entire universe is what I want and that's why I created and going to experience everything there is to experience. Including suffering pain. Sorry but you can't cover the sun with your fingers. Suffering exists and what's even more shocking is it's 100% what you want.  You are assuming that the dream character (the ego) is in control of what's going on in the dream. The ego is itself being dreamed by God. In the analogy the dream character and the one that is dreaming which is who you are really. So that's the paradox nothing from what's going on is in your control as the ego human character and yet everything is completely already your own will as the dreamer God. 

Yep agreed.

The universe is nothing but a thought in the mind of GOD.

Including our limited view of it.

Leo is absolutly right when saying that there is infinite states of conciousness. 

Just like your mind x infinity.

It is by pure imagination creation arises.

But we are like a mini god in this world.

We can affect things around us and create stuff from our imagination but we do not have the imagination of the god head.

We are becoming GOD.

Thats evolution for you right there.

The world that we see is a image in gods mind.

Reality is holographic and fractal in nature.

Thats why you got a mind and without the mind there is deepsleep.

So it can take in an infinite of varietys of forms and non forms alike.

But the formless state is VOID.

So we are a part of god but in this incarnation we are not true GOD.

Every god damn object is a thought form in its own way.

The universe is a conceptual space.

A realm of ideas.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 So, the main question is what is go? What is infinite? If it is me? What am i? What is mind? All words are identical, just a process of thoughts. 

50 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

Everybody got a different Truth but reality is infinite imagination. 

This is completely false. Truth is same for everyone. However, unfortunately you are not  awaken yet. As before birth identical is for everyone.

“All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?” “Buddha”. 

These all sentences comes from your so called mind. When only there is no mind, you can get what is the truth. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@Adamq8 @electroBeam Listen the man of intelligence. 

“The truth is something it can not be experienced, told to you, and word is not that. Because word is “tree” is not the tree”. 

“J. Krishanamurti “

Because, truth is genuinely not knowing. As before birth!

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 you are talking about different things then what iam talking about.

Iam saying that thoughts is ofcourse setting the course of experience. 

This is an almost impossible topic to talk about cause there is alot of misunderstandings. 

You have zero explanation from where all This is coming from, and to say that it is not happening is utterly absurd.

Without labeling nothing happens and if thoughts didnt happen you are saying it is like prior to birth or what?

Where do you go in deep sleep and why does a dream world arise from it?

Is there any cause at all?.

Is it not images appearances thoughts and so forth?

Which arises out of NOTHING?

What is existence?

Nothing? Yeah but this is projected out of nothing. 


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Adamq8 said:


Without labeling nothing happens and if thoughts didnt happen you are saying it is like prior to birth or what?

Where do you go in deep sleep and why does a dream world arise from it?

Is there any cause at all?.

Is it not images appearances thoughts and so forth?

Which arises out of NOTHING?

What is existence?

Nothing? Yeah but this is projected out of nothing. 


there is no such a thing as existence, world or sleep. Do you think that these are conversations? Because you can understand when ı say 'thought', it is only way to explain to you. But there is no such a thing as thought. For me these all sentences are ıdentıcal, because it is nothing, but for you, it has a meaning. which creates distinctions and duality. just trying to help brother.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 And brother not to be one of those but what you are talking about is a mere belief for me cause i have not yet experienced that which you are talking about, I have tho experienced no self and god conciousness and infinite imagination.

From my own meditation experiences and sober realizations and psychedelics and other stuff, I know the nothingness which is true nature.

But it is all inclusive to other kind of "states" as well.

Thats also why you and Leo are different. 

But you are claiming to be enlightened yet trying to disprove people using ur thoughts and mind so you are more of the Mind then you think you are.

If you were totally nothing as you are saying u would not be here, and If you erase yourself and the show continues there is something in ur realization which is not the ultimate Truth.

It is part of the whole Truth but there are facets of awakenings.

Still we are using words and we cant escape it.

This might be a belief on my part but in my own experience i can tell you that you are using your mind for experiencing this world.

You cant escape the five senses either.

If you could we wouldnt know the form of you even "existed"

I can tell you that what you have is an experience thanks to conciousness itself.



No mind=mind

No conciousness = conciousness. 

You see? 

Conciousness is capable of everythingness and nothingness.

Thats in my own experience.

For you all is nothing but it is still a thing which you have used your conciousness to reduce this down to nothing.

Can you see how sneaky this is?

You cant escape it.

And we are using words here which is not the thing itself but im totally getting what you are saying brother i just think that you are misinterpeting what iam saying to.

Much love to you brother and like I said it is good to have you on the forum and ive learned alot from you.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@toocrazytobecrazy there is no thinking. Thoughts are me, therefore they are not thoughts. Everything is identical. because they are nothing. you need awakening. The word of 'thought' is not a thought. Listen the video above ı posted of Krishanamurti and read the quote “All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?” “Buddha”. “The truth is something it can not be experienced, told to you, and word is not that. Because word is “tree” is not the tree”. 

Additionally, you can only comprehend this when so called mind is quite and there is no mind to separate between me and thougths. because ı am it.

@Adamq8 cool brother. Much love!

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 hour ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

you ve became embodiment of your thoughts even if they lead you to hell and that is pre-programmed by you.

there is no identification with the thoughts. ı am the thoughts. There is no such a thing as embodying anything, becuase there is no body. thought of me, body and chair ıs identical. Because they are nothing, which is me again.


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 hour ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

good for you!

if everything is identical to you, hell and heaven same place for you and that can only exist as void.

plus thinking and non-thinking is also identical to you. :)

There is no such a thing as hell, heaven, thinking and not thinking. Because there is no mind. whatever you say is identicitaion, naming, labeling and putting meaning on the the thoughts. do you think that you are in the world and these are sentences? of course it is all me, because nothing is now. 


1 hour ago, toocrazytobecrazy said:

stop fooling around.

Arrogance. make almost impossible to let go and surrender.


Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Nothing=something something=nothing

Do you understand? I don't. Some moments, in meditation, I got it. Yes , obviously, I'm a shape, all that I am is shaping the nothing, a shape is the same to another shape, suffering is the same than joy, shape is the same than nothingness. But in the moment that you analyze it, you loose, there is not logical in that

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