
Best job during covid?

13 posts in this topic

I want to move out (feel like that is quite an important step towards my life purpose and my personal development in general) and that requires a little bit of money so I need to get a new job. 

Any ideas for a high paying job that doesn't require a college degree and that is possible to apply for during covid? In the best case even a job that can teach a very useful skill for life in general ^_^

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Any sort of online tutoring or teaching of mental skills etc. Language teaching, math sessions. Not sure what skills you have? 

You can also sell stuff online as a middle man. That can supposedly earn nice money

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 14. 12. 2020 at 0:57 AM, Striving for more said:

@Michael569 What's good website / resource to become an online tutor without qualifications

Tutoroo for language teaching

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@Striving for more  Yes, I made some money there. It is very easy to get clients - Tutoroo finds them for you, take all the profit for the first 2-4 lessons and then all the money goes to you, that's their business model. Then you just need to schedule a meeting and convince them that they want to continue with you. If they end up not enjoying your classes, half of the money they paid to Tutoroo for connecting them with you goes to you. Teaching is quite hard so be prepared for every lesson you give.

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@Michael569 Great idea! I'll look into online teaching 

@datamonster I'm not that interested in learning programming skills or something along those lines but thanks for the recommendation. I'm not sure if college is worth the time, I would just get a psychology degree to be a therapist but I can also earn real life experience by working directly and then get into coaching. 

@bejapuskas Nice! Will try that one! 

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Poker, I play 20-30 hours a week, whenever I want, it's chill af (only 1 table) and it's 1 on 1.

Here are my results:


I have systematized the entire thing and I teach it, if you want to learn the rules and are keen, you can do well. I guess it depends where you live as the first year under me (we go 50/50), I'd expect 15-20k for those hours, 30k wouldn't be unheard of, but it would be somewhat hard. Long term, 40-50k is where you'd be.

It depends on where you live though, if you live in Eastern Europe or Africa or if you live at home, it's awesome. If you live in NY, London or California alone....not so much. Anyways I'm always looking for more students, but you gotta be willing to do the repetition and learn the rules/terms.



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4 hours ago, Romer02 said:

Any recommendations on how to sell stuff online as a middle man? Youtube videos? Seminars? 

I'd say @Average Investor can answer this better than I can 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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