Provocative Thought

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Dear will,

there is an idea my ego wants to share. The next stage after turquoise is black/white, ying & yang, it is the god of the Old testament and of islam. It is wrath, it is forgivness, it is one and all.

The idea came from Cioran, Hegel and Bodil Malmsten who said "Love is that I want you to exist".

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Ideas are great in areas of engineering, design, planning functions, etc.

When it comes to liberation,  ideas are definitely a limitation.

Liberation is not based on any ideas, it includes freedom from ideas and this opens the door to true creativity.

joy :)


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Lets rephrase the question. How to become self-actualized in love. I think I have to be completely condident in myself first? I have a hard time to reconcile with that.

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Yes.  Confidence, building image of self and becoming the best one can be is the area of self-actualization.   The idea of love here, since you are still dealing with ego/self as a separate entity amongst billions of other ego-selves, love in this arena is of a conceptual nature related to the concept of self-image. 

To become self-actualized in love is like saying to have an image of an image, or an idea of an idea.   This self, the self of self-actualization does not know that self is an illusion, an avatar/puppet of the body/mind complex.   When this self talks about love it is mostly talking of respect for mother, father, family members, attraction to opposite sex and the sharing of possessive feelings for one another.   It is a limited understanding of love.

To really find out what love is would be the next step, which leads to self-realization.   Here you are no longer concerned with becoming the best you can be, because you already have done that and it has failed you, or you see the fallacy of pursuing that illusive sort of existence.  You begin to go deeper into what thought is and start to reveal what you really are in relationship to thought and the world.   Then you might find out that love is everything and that there is nothing but love.  As J. Krishnamurti put it "I am the world and the world is me".  That is the level of understand of what love is, then one is on the path of self-realization (i.e. to real-ize, i.e. to see the real).

Now THAT is provocative thought!

joy :)


Edited by walt

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