Eren Eeager

This is the last time I will ever fap.

62 posts in this topic

I only ever felt bad after orgasm while in a calorie deficit / low body fat.

I'd say you guys that struggle post nut (& aren't fat) should eat a bit more / healthier.

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On 1/18/2021 at 2:49 PM, Rayster said:

^ Exactly.

I rely more on my personal experience in regards to this matter. I tried No-Fap for a month and I broke it just because of a wet-dream that lead me to rub my pee-pee early in the morning. However, those 1 month experience gave me tremendous energy, concentration, and productivity. I was able to create things etc. I heard so many ideologies about masturbation and stuffs, but what works for me is moderation. I also did this 'Male Deer' exercise from Taoism few years ago. It's like channeling your sexual energy up to your crown and imagine things you want to create. It's like youre orgasm but no semenal fluid. This way not much of a loss of energy, in fact when done right you can have more energy.

@Danioover9000 I can totally relate to what your saying. Can you expand more about this sex karma?

   For whatever reason, people will have relative levels of energy flows in their chakra system. Some would have higher energy blocks in the chakra placement itself, or along the middle pillar of points between each chakra, from the base of your spine to the crown. Energy blocks can also vary, the higher the blocks, the more problems in life relating to that chakra. With sex karma, the main problem comes in the following: too much stagnant energy, too much tension, and too little energy due to other blocks.

   This is also why it's best to do and study yoga along with this practice.

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