Eren Eeager

This is the last time I will ever fap.

62 posts in this topic

@Danioover9000  I guess that energy depletion depends on level of consciousness. If you you can control flow of your energy you will experience less negative effects. If you do it compulsively your energy will get disorganized.

However if semen is lost you have to spend energy to replenish it.

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26 minutes ago, Username said:

@Danioover9000  I guess that energy depletion depends on level of consciousness. If you you can control flow of your energy you will experience less negative effects. If you do it compulsively your energy will get disorganized.

However if semen is lost you have to spend energy to replenish it.

   This is good advice for @Leo Gura , and the OP. I've experienced similar energy depletions, but I learned through failures to manage to control the flow of energy and combine the sexual energy with love. The main problem is people who don't manage that flow of energy and combine it with love, and delude themselves into continuing a porn habit that's destroying little by little their life force energy, you get various degrees of severe negative effects, some can effect your physical body. I've suffered from P.O.I.S similar to the OP, and the management of my health is one factor in my decision not to fap every day, every other day or weeks.

   While it's still relative to many people's sexual needs, sexual orientations, attachments, the sooner the sex karma is burnt and done for, the better. I wish I could just zap people, also here in this forum, with how my experiences with crystal clean energy I got from semen retention from my mind to theirs. It's beautiful, really.


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Ive never really understood the no fap craze. Most people Ive talked to who have a fapping issue stems from porn addiction, like if you take away the porn most guys literally can't get off. if you can't go 2 weeks minimum without jerking off you have an addiction. You're not supposed to feel drained after you bust you gotta give your Johnson a break. 

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@Eren Eeager Hey I used to have exactly the same issues. Let me share something with you. 

Don't squeeze your penis muscles while masturbating / when about to cum. You want to be relaxed the whole way. Squeezing will only lead you to pain and a bad orgasm. 

When you are about to orgasm, you want it to feel like you are about to pee, and let that " Pee " out naturally.

No squeezing. No tensing of your tip muscles. No tensing of your pelvic floor. 

I bet my wallet that you squeeze everything as crazy.  It takes a lot of effort to relax the muscles. Like when you notice how hard you squeeze it's like jesus fuckint Christ what am I doing. 

After cumming, stop masturbating. Some pain is normal if you keep fapping after you are finished. Kind of ironic that pain can come from the same action that just gave you so much pleasure. Two sites of the same coin. 

Lack of motivation? Completely normal.

Most likely your depression is multi - dimensional and rooted in the very core of your existance. There is something essential that you havent worked through, like the meaninglesness of life, having sex and women as a priority for your life, lack of effort to create a life you love, etc. So after jizzing it's like Uhhh what now, there is nothing more for me in life ( untill you're horny again) 

Less energy is normal as well. Super common to get sleepy. Masturbate at night, not first thing in the morning .

Anyways, some basic energy tips : work out a little even though you have little energy. Couple of squads, pushups, jumping jacks. 

Ironically exercise creates energy. 

Hydrate. Way more.   I'm from europe but if you weight 170 pounds, divide it by half, so 85, and drink that in Oz. In that whole water jug, add at least 3 grams of quality salt. 

Dont eat shit, dont overeat in one sitting, 30 min nap when you are tired and download an app that tracks your micronutrients ; minerals and vitamins. 

Also get some sun. 

And get your life together in terms of Life purpose and overall love for life. 

Untill you do all of this, you are not allowed to blame cumming for your lack of energy. 


Pd. Remove ANY GUILT from your sexual desires and pleasure. Embrace it completely. 


P. P. D  try eating your own jizz to test for allergy  


 ( just kidding LOL) or not

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not a fact, more like bro-science.

Breatharians believe what the dude is saying as well...

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@Eren Eeager Me too.

I´m making again a 100day no fap! :D

I didnt get much improvements when I did it though since I peaked a lot of times in porn sites. But at least you DO NOT FEEL the crush of after masturbating during 100 days not a single moment :) 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

@Eren Eeager Me too.

I´m making again a 100day no fap! :D

I didnt get much improvements when I did it though since I peaked a lot of times in porn sites. But at least you DO NOT FEEL the crush of after masturbating during 100 days not a single moment :) 

   Good for you! We need more people like you to set a good standard for beginners to Nofap.

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14 hours ago, Bando said:

Ive never really understood the no fap craze. Most people Ive talked to who have a fapping issue stems from porn addiction, like if you take away the porn most guys literally can't get off. if you can't go 2 weeks minimum without jerking off you have an addiction. You're not supposed to feel drained after you bust you gotta give your Johnson a break. 

   It's common that it comes from porn addiction, but the P.O.I.S syndrome after nutting is mainly because the body has to replenish seminal fluid, which is nutrient dense in order to be used for creating new bodies. That kind of material being ejaculated on a daily or multiple times a day forces the body to relocate biological fluids from a few of the endocrine organs to replenish lost sexual fluids, which leads to fever like and cold like symptoms of over masturbating. Don't think there isn't a great cost to continuously losing sexual fluids and the body having to keep up with that rate of ejaculation. 

Edited by Danioover9000

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9 hours ago, mmKay said:

@Eren Eeager Hey I used to have exactly the same issues. Let me share something with you. 

Don't squeeze your penis muscles while masturbating / when about to cum. You want to be relaxed the whole way. Squeezing will only lead you to pain and a bad orgasm. 

When you are about to orgasm, you want it to feel like you are about to pee, and let that " Pee " out naturally.

No squeezing. No tensing of your tip muscles. No tensing of your pelvic floor. 

I bet my wallet that you squeeze everything as crazy.  It takes a lot of effort to relax the muscles. Like when you notice how hard you squeeze it's like jesus fuckint Christ what am I doing. 

After cumming, stop masturbating. Some pain is normal if you keep fapping after you are finished. Kind of ironic that pain can come from the same action that just gave you so much pleasure. Two sites of the same coin. 

Lack of motivation? Completely normal.

Most likely your depression is multi - dimensional and rooted in the very core of your existance. There is something essential that you havent worked through, like the meaninglesness of life, having sex and women as a priority for your life, lack of effort to create a life you love, etc. So after jizzing it's like Uhhh what now, there is nothing more for me in life ( untill you're horny again) 

Less energy is normal as well. Super common to get sleepy. Masturbate at night, not first thing in the morning .

Anyways, some basic energy tips : work out a little even though you have little energy. Couple of squads, pushups, jumping jacks. 

Ironically exercise creates energy. 

Hydrate. Way more.   I'm from europe but if you weight 170 pounds, divide it by half, so 85, and drink that in Oz. In that whole water jug, add at least 3 grams of quality salt. 

Dont eat shit, dont overeat in one sitting, 30 min nap when you are tired and download an app that tracks your micronutrients ; minerals and vitamins. 

Also get some sun. 

And get your life together in terms of Life purpose and overall love for life. 

Untill you do all of this, you are not allowed to blame cumming for your lack of energy. 


Pd. Remove ANY GUILT from your sexual desires and pleasure. Embrace it completely. 


P. P. D  try eating your own jizz to test for allergy  


 ( just kidding LOL) or not

   I've also had that issue where I get too exited in the mornings and masturbate in the mornings, so yes definitely at night if possible. 

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On 15/12/2020 at 6:23 AM, Leo Gura said:

Nothing about that is normal.

If you feel bad after having an orgasm, something's wrong with your system.

Jerking off is not supposed to make you feel bad.

I don't understand though. 

I just masturbated last night and I regret it. 

I noticed a noticeable mood drop and energy drop the next day, less concentration ect.. 

Lots of people report this effect so surely it's not that uncommon

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@Striving for more

45 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

I don't understand though. 

I just masturbated last night and I regret it. 

I noticed a noticeable mood drop and energy drop the next day, less concentration ect.. 

Lots of people report this effect so surely it's not that uncommon

   It really depends on each person's sexuality, sexual health and relevant body/mind attachments. Since @Leo Gura admitted in his healing video he watches porn, I wouldn't be surprised if he's addicted to more porn in particular, so in this case another role modal is much better.

   You can practically masturbate to anything, as long as it isn't too much porn as that create dependency on porn being needed, so healthier ways of masturbating, and less frequent and around late afternoon is the ideal masturbation time.

   Or, you can try Nofap and saving yourself only for real women, and have more extra motivation to date and develop relationships if that's your main goal here.

   Or, you can try semen retention and gain significant benefits, including increase in energy, will power and elevated mood . In the semen retention state your mind and body gradually stabilize, and is useful if spirituality is your thing.

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@North Sea

2 hours ago, North Sea said:

@Leo Gura Shut up for once. You clearly have a personal bias in favor of fapping and porn. Let me bring in the facts. Porn is bad for men. Just because you dont have a problem with it and like to cry to your porn on 5-meo does not mean you should constantly make excuses for porn. Clearly a young generation of men is badly affected by it. Yet you continue to be apologetic to porn. If you are not pro nofap just shut the fuck up when porn is being discussed. Its not a funny or light hearted issue at all. Do you even know how fucked up it feels to have your sexuality change because of porn. I think not.

   Maybe it's because of too much sex karma that has to be burnt, and that's unique to each person pursuing spirituality, @Leo Gura is no exception to karma. You're fated to whatever amount of karma you have, and each person has different amounts, not exclusively to sexuality. Pornography keeps people's demons entertained enough not to have mass level sexual acts on the community level. I'm surprised he's not open minded enough to this, as he's done research on various spiritual methods, and some like tantric yoga and Daoism use some form of sexual transmutation. He's just being dumb for not shooting a video to clearly speak his position on this. What's the point of letting Nofap practioners here in this forum, to then troll around them and not make any videos on this movement, or any spiritual methods involving sex seriously?

   On the other hand, if porn is not regulated enough, we get distortions of sexuality, which some porn isn't helping, which I'm against because I've consumed porn and had enough of it. Glad I've seen beautiful people, but moving on. I don't even see a point in taking other people's opinions seriously anymore, they're all talking heads on screens, and the only thing important is if your decision is from having experience, which makes it solid. My decision to Nofap and semen retention come from too much body and mind suffering from pornography. User's experiences here can vary, yet always base it from experience.

   Real soon he must take this seriously xD

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 12/18/2020 at 7:55 PM, Danioover9000 said:

@Eren Eeager

   How's your progress so far? Any recovery?

one month, one fap. I used @mmKay advice and it actually works and I had less symptoms but still I prefer not to fap

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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@Eren Eeager

11 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

one month, one fap. I used @mmKay advice and it actually works and I had less symptoms but still I prefer not to fap

   That's Great!B|

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I fapped 3 times this week & it crushed my energy. 

Yes ... No fap is not the answer to everything ... it's only 1 variable, but it's an important variable. 

I'm trying to 30 days without fapping & limit it to once a month max. 

From my anecdotal experience, fapping (even without porn) fuck you up! 

Also, I love being horny. It's that libido that you can plough in to your goals. 

Fapping takes away the drive for anything. 

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^ Exactly.

I rely more on my personal experience in regards to this matter. I tried No-Fap for a month and I broke it just because of a wet-dream that lead me to rub my pee-pee early in the morning. However, those 1 month experience gave me tremendous energy, concentration, and productivity. I was able to create things etc. I heard so many ideologies about masturbation and stuffs, but what works for me is moderation. I also did this 'Male Deer' exercise from Taoism few years ago. It's like channeling your sexual energy up to your crown and imagine things you want to create. It's like youre orgasm but no semenal fluid. This way not much of a loss of energy, in fact when done right you can have more energy.

@Danioover9000 I can totally relate to what your saying. Can you expand more about this sex karma?

Edited by Rayster

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On 15/12/2020 at 7:23 AM, Leo Gura said:

Nothing about that is normal.

If you feel bad after having an orgasm, something's wrong with your system.

Jerking off is not supposed to make you feel bad.


I'm not friendly.

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