
What's your focus for 2021?

67 posts in this topic

good question. I don't know

I need a financial plan and some money 

I also need some meaningful relationships. 
I also need to figure out what this life purpose thing is all about and if it's any good

I also need some confidence and self-love 

I'm going to boil this down, make this more clear and have a better plan for next year, than this year, because this year went to buns

I also want to have some respect from my friends

Maybe an amazing life? And discovering what that means for me? and manifesting that 

I also want to have tons of energy throughout my day

I also want to be happy

I also want to be loved be a woman

I also want to learn lessons from my last previous relationship! I am excited about this one. What the fuck happened? What can I learn? 


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Taming the ox.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Awesome stuff guys!! Didn't expect so much engagement. Well done ya'll.

Mine would be to find and focus on second area of my professional development. For now it seems either life coaching or CBT

Second goal is to be able to leave my 9-5 job next year.

Keep them coming. I love to read these stories. 





Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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the fewer goals I have the better I feel, and, paradoxically the more productive I am




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HEY, great Thread. I think about 2021 nonstop.

2020 was awesome, because I accomplished everything I wanted. BUT Quarantine made me really sober and let me question what I want in my life. I got a strong sense of urgency to get ahead and I have not enough time to waste it on stupid shit.

My Intuition tells that I have to leave the City I was born in and lived to this day. To leave people and make room for new people. This would mean not a just new Chapter to me, but the end of Book 1 and the Beginning of Book 2. The hardest Thing I've ever done.

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No goals exactly, but I have some visions I'm pretty excited about. Both of my kids will be in school full time in the middle of next year so I'll be able to really focus on the career part of my life for the first time in years. I'm really excited about that. I'm not sure exactly what shape it will take yet. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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To take more calculated risks (and be okay with making eventual mistakes). 

one day this will all be memories

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Psychological Health 

  • Practice more self - love 
  • Recover from my traumas 
  • Cure my paranoia 
  • Cure / Improve my OCD
  • Meditate more often 

Physical Health 

  • Enhance mood & energy levels 
  • Improve cognition, memory 
  • Detoxify body of heavy metals / Toxins 
  • Sought out my Gastro-Intestinal problems 
  • Optimize sleep 
  • Build a profile off supplements tailored to my body & brain - (through testing & experimentation)

Self help 

  • Pay off all credit card debt / Save up $100K by December 2021
  • Become fluent in Spanish - move abroad & Create an online income 
  • Improve my social and dating skills, become more charismatic, less neurotic & better at pick up 
  • Find high quality fun, genuine friendships
  • Travel more on cool holidays 

Career / Skills  

  • Create content / videography > or Hire film crew & Create aesthetic, naturistic travel videos 
  • Save $100K thru stage orange business in order to bootstrap a business of passion 
  • Discover / decide on business of passion/ Take Leo's life purpose course 


  • Climb up a mountain 
  • Go Skiing again > ideally go skiing 2-4 times a year after 2021  
  • Try organic marijuana again in Barcelona / Amsterdam in social settings
  • Try mushrooms again (once I'm ready) - in a beautiful setting with friends 
  • Try pure MDMA again in a great set & setting, perhaps New years 2021
  • Take a psychedelic in a ski resort 


Edited by Striving for more

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Wake with the sunrise, sleep with sunset . Repeat. xD

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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18 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

Certified Electrician on June.

Yes Sir!

can you install some lamps for me?




me for 2021, probably going back to school. maybe going to a retreat.

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Fantastic topic ! Gets the creative juices flowing!

- Further expand on the Wim Hof Method, (Cold showers can be done at 2 min and 30 seconds now. want to up that to 5 minutes as a maximum), take an icebath and if possible attend a workshop guided by Wim himself. 

- Expand my calisthenics workouts. I'm doing oh so well but i have moments when i lose the consistency. Such a shame! I'm really close to some of the really advanced movements and if get the consistency right i probably be able to do them in about 6 months i suspect

- Cut out alcohol and upper drugs completely. I had my fair share of fun with these substances but they offer me no benefit anymore. 

- Save  money (atleast 5000 euros) This year i really became concious about how awfull i am with my finances. I already made a clear Sheet with my income and expenses, and i honestly do not have a bad income. Its just that i have so many bullshit expenses which i really want to tackle next year. 


- Follow a Spiral Dynamics integral course. Via spiraldynamicsintegral.nl (i am Dutch) you can follow courses. Spiral Dynamics is something i've become pretty passionate about. I'm even thinking about becoming an consultant I really love to use the model to gain a better understanding about companies and people as individuals. 

- Try 5-meo-dmt. I've got plenty of experience with LSD and psilocybin; But i am really, really curious to what 5-meo has to offer I first gonna do a high dose of lsd and mushrooms first, with the right preparations offcourse !

- Learn and read more. I've been reading this year but not as much as i anticipated. So this definitely is gonna be something i'm gonna work on and i have PLENTY of books that are on my wishlist!

- Keep being creative and create more. This year i FINALLY released some music on Spotify! THIS IS HUGE TO ME. till november i didn't release music and i had a very rough time getting better. But it worked out! I pushed through and boy was it worth it! I finally progressed to a level of developement in music which i am proud of my own work. I also gonna expand on my photography and surrealistic skills.

- Increase my skills and knowledge as a housepainter.  At this moment i'm working as a housepainter and for now i like it. I'm very adept at the trade and for as long as i have this as a job i want to increase my knowledge and skillset with it as much as i can for the time being. So i want to research every paint and coating system and materials i get my hands on. there alot more to learn!

- Training my mind for systems thinking I already noticed that i'm starting to enter in this way of thinking in alot of ways and i want to get better at this way of thinking. 

I would like to find a meaningfull relationship too but i just have too many things i want to improve on myself to start with that

Gonna copy this to my OneNote

Edited by MaxV

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- Maintain my established good habits (intermittent fasting, WHM, meditation, contemplation, etc)

- Move out

- Get a job as a 3D artist

- Learn how to draw

- Try shrooms

- Continue posting on my blog

- Meet new like-minded people

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@louhad I can help with that 

I am Launching my online business to coach and hold accountability for people developing a kickass journaling routine sooo pumped to be finally developing my stage orange/ achiever mindset and actions this year, and to do so with a increased level of consciousness.  I think I have been to spiritually minded/ trying to wrap my head around actualized.org and my life purpose in previous years. All time well spent. This is a year of action, direct impact and earning some $$$. This week looks to be promising for me as I shoot for launch!

@YarcoGood luck!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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U should add a homework task to write down the HOW?

2021 will be awesome..I guess we cannot go worst than 2020 right??

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38 minutes ago, Heaven said:

U should add a homework task to write down the HOW?

Have you seen Leo's advice for young people series?


2021 will be awesome..I guess we cannot go worst than 2020 right??

Don't jinx it ;)

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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On 12/12/2020 at 10:53 PM, BornToBoil said:

Completely clean up my skin, get rid of acne

apple cider vinegar can sort this

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