
Overcoming internet addiction

4 posts in this topic

Hello dear forum,


does someone have expirience with dealing with internet and more specifically youtube addiction/bad habit. I tried cold turkey app and it worked for 1 year. I use youtube also for information and there are some lectures for on programming that I would like to use. This is the Nr 1 bad habit that stands in my way to self actualization. While I work I use it to listen to Jocko podcast and that is very helpful, but when I get home I start to watch political commentary and documentaries. What is a good habit I can replace it with?

Thank you in advance.


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Build enough of your own discipline. For example with a 3 to 5 day fast. 

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just think about how much time you waste, you will likely develop a sense of urgency over time;)

you asking the right questions, now it's up to you how long it takes before you overcome that. usually one is lucky change one habit at the time. don't forget to live and always think about the break points, the points there you are likely to fuck your new routine up

Edited by supremeyingyang

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Is there anything you are ignoring? Eventually, any addiction is an external escape from an internal pain 

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