
Strong Determination Sitting Major Fail

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Ok so i have been practising sds 45min everyday for mounths working my way up to that time from 30min.

Now the discomfort has became overwhelming and i just cant seem to find a good pose that dosnt feel like its doing damage to neck and shoulders.

I can barly do 15 min now. Im so pissed off about it. I feel like i just wasted time trying to learn something yet again. 

I have notice that my back seem to twist to the right after about 15 min and arms go numb and a shooting pain in the spine. Its alot worse with time. Not as i hoped at all. That it would get better and better with time. Its just got worse.

Any suggestions? Im cutting down to 15min now and see if i can figure out the posture. Im so pissed and dissapointed in having to do that after all hard work.

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I understand SDS helps many people, but where did the idea come from? From Leo's videos?

The reason I ask is this forum is so disjointed and confusing that one is left with a very random set of ideas.

I said I want to go away and read so and so book - and people say it's like I'm giving up, go away read book, never get anywhere,

but sometimes a bit of structure could be useful.

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There is no special pose you have to sit in, sit in a comfortable chair like you are watching a TV show. I took this advice from the guided meditation video and I can mostly meditate without moving. I only do 20 minutes a day.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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45 minutes ago, Shaun said:


will it autocorrect if i brute force those 45min? Just worried becouse it pain all the time now. Or will that solve it self if i just keep going? Like mental tension?

Its to painfull to just give up.



Edited by Svartsaft

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Sounds like you're applying the technique neurotically.

Might be better for you to chill out and just meditate regularly, with love and kindness towards yourself.

Meditation is not a dick-measuring contest. The most important part is that you're MEDITATING.

Your posture is not that important. I meditate comfortably on my couch.

If you have health problems, SDS might not work for you at all.

Then again, consider that your ego might just be creating a backlash from all the neurotic self-discipline you've been forcing upon yourself (which is why you're pissed off).

I suggest trying a different meditation technique and then returning to SDS after a few months to see how things have changed. Don't worry, you haven't lost anything. It's all consciousness training. And SDS is designed to be VERY hardcore.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thanks. I know im very neurotic. I just hope that will solve it self with enough meditation. Im doing the letting thoughts go to so its not down to nothing. In a comfy position.

I have some serious problem with life right now. I just stopped a serious drug addiction. Thanks to the meditation i bet. And im at a point were it all comes into light. My horrible nasty behaviours and all. Its alot of pain going on.

I realy feel like i messed up in a unforgiveable way. So i will try and compensate anyway possible. But thanks for replying it means alot comming from someone i realy look up to.

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  • Thanks. I look into to it.
13 minutes ago, Capethaz said:

@Svartsaft Man, I think that you are not sitting in a good posture. Check this posture guide:

@Neo Strong Determination Sitting is what Buddha used to attain Enlightenment, and it is a technique used in many spiritual traditions to attain 

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@Svartsaft Have you tried resting your arms on a table in front of where you sit? Might help but your hands will go numb which isn't that bad.

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I've been applying SDS on daily basis for 4 months. Starting from 30 min, I increased bit by bit. Now I'm practising 1 hour SDS. Most of the time, I can complete 1 hour SDS though the pain is extremely severe especially during the last 10 min. But on the other hand, there are still times I give up before reaching 1 hour because I can't take the pain anymore. I am failing once a week. I want to know how to complete 1 hour SDS without failure for every single session. Any suggestion?

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