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the Benefits of Psychedelics

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What is the benefit of psychedelics? What is the problem with the mind pre-psychedelics? And how has the mind improved post-psychedelics?

The problem with the pre-psychedelic mind is that it is closed, while the post-psychedelic mind is open: open to new possibilities, new perspectives, new ways of understanding the world. This is the essence of creativity. Creativity is a never-ending process. It goes on forever and ever. The opposite of creativity is stagnance: unmoving, unchanging, unwilling to grow.

The wisdom of psychedelics is that they expand the mind. They push the mind into new territory. Now, granted, this can be scary at times. Unknown mental territory is similar to unknown physical territory. You can’t be certain what you’ll encounter there. You can’t be certain whether or not you’ll be safe. But if human beings had never ventured into unknown territory, then we would never have discovered this vast and beautiful planet.

To use an analogy, and continue this metaphor... in my personal experience, the closed-mindedness of my pre-psychedelic mind is to the open-mindedness of my post-psychedelic mind, as nescient prehistoric cavemen are to super-intelligent multi-planetary aliens.

=]  <3

Edited by juvoci

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