Tim R

Where to find Yellow people?

28 posts in this topic

I'm mostly a Yellow person (mostly yellow, a good chunk of turquoise and some leftover green/orange that I'm still trying to "fix")  As you guys know, being Yellow includes being pretty alone (as a person).

Now, I'm not lonely - because I don't perceive myself as an individual anymore, so that's not exactly an issue. But what I would like to have more of in my life are Yellow thinkers, because I'm very much in love with the mind (not "my" mind, but the mind). So far I know only one (half) Yellow (the other half Green and some Turquoise) person, and, surprise surprise, he's my best friend.

So... yeah. I really like the Yellow game but it would be cool to play it with other people, too. 


Where do I find Yellow thinkers in real life? And when I say irl, I don't mean the internet? 


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Just kidding. When I come up with something I'll post again

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4 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Start a club. 

Build it and they will come... 


Also, philosophy meet ups

Hippie communities....they are not all Green.

Yoga/Meditation classes and retreats

Satsangs and Non-Duality talks

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You don't find Yellow people.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Yeah man, I'm on the same boat. After ~1,5 years into self actualization and enlightenment work I've realized that some of my 'friends' were actually people with high narcissistic traits (possibly even NPD or worse - psychopaths) that faked empathy and I feel explited and just used as their narcissistic supply.
Also I feel like I've outrgrown my social circle intelectually, the topics they talk about now seem so surface level, the flaws they have seem so obivious and the stupid things they do, and know that it's ruining their lives, but not doing nothing about it, seem miserable. I try to not judge them at all, and we kinda get along but I feel like I have to step down and be dumber that I actually feel I am in order to 'fit in' which is basically already a setup for failure.

I've thought about this and here are my ideas of where to meet greenish-yellowish people:

1. University/College - It's a hell of a higher chance to meet people with higher awarenees there than in clubs/bars for example.
2. Courses/Seminars 
3. Martial art groups/classes
4. Everything thats related to spirituallity & Philosophy - Group meditation classes, meet-ups etc.

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33 minutes ago, Brittany said:

Also, philosophy meet ups

Hippie communities....they are not all Green.

Yoga/Meditation classes and retreats

Satsangs and Non-Duality talks

Yes, I already thought about founding something along those line at my university.


The friend I mentioned has actually founded a Zen Group at his university (he's an ordained Bodhisattva in Soto Zen), which kinda inspired me to do something similar. His approach is more Green tho and so are (most of) the people who go there, so I'm not sure if this will get the results I seek.

Edited by Tim R

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2 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

1. University/College - It's a hell of a higher chance to meet people with higher awarenees there than in clubs/bars for example.

Not really.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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If you start a club or organisation, you'll need entry criteria: a questionnaire (and a bouncer).  And lo and behold top result in Google:

Is actualized.org really the top resource on the internet for these things? Or does Google know me too well? Well done anyway!

57% paranoid

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30 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Not really.

Well, for me it was that way. Some guys I gratuaded law school together were yellowish. Too bad I had no idea about self help etc back then, and probably was the orange bastard in their eyes back then, hehe.

Edited by meow_meow

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18 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

If you start a club or organisation, you'll need entry criteria: a questionnaire (and a bouncer).  And lo and behold top result in Google:

Is actualized.org really the top resource on the internet for these things? Or does Google know me too well? Well done anyway!

I don't believe that particular test will be of any help unless the candidates have no idea what they're applying for :P

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I think the best test is a single open-ended question. Clare Graves asked each of his students to write an essay describing “a mature individual”. I’ve asked my students the same question (with a little extra guidance). It’s fairly straightforward for crude categorization into different stages. Yet one needs to keep in mind, people can be mixtures of different stages and the immediate environment can have an impact. As well, there are various lines of development,: emotion, intellectual, spiritual etc.

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Why would want imaginary friends? xD

You don't have to search for Yellow people. They are everywhere. Be yellow Yourself and you will develop a radar for them.

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@Tim R

Attend and participate actively in good conferences, seminars, summits, etc.

I also suggest you attend webinars and make acquaintance with people you find interesting - then you can establish a rapport through emails, casual meet-ups and dinners. 



Edited by xxxx

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

If you start a club or organisation, you'll need entry criteria: a questionnaire (and a bouncer).  And lo and behold top result in Google:

Is actualized.org really the top resource on the internet for these things? Or does Google know me too well? Well done anyway!

I just took the test.. Hmm. Not quite sure if this is an appropriate evaluation method. 

Worldview you identify with most: Integrative (16)

Worldview you identify with least: Traditional (-10)

Let's say somebody takes the test and is less integrative than some arbitrarily chosen value of integrative/traditional thinking - then what? 


If somebody wants to join, let them join. If they don't feel like it's their intellectual cup of tea, they can leave whenever they want to. 

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2 hours ago, Tim R said:

I just took the test.. Hmm. Not quite sure if this is an appropriate evaluation method. 

Worldview you identify with most: Integrative (16)

Worldview you identify with least: Traditional (-10)

Let's say somebody takes the test and is less integrative than some arbitrarily chosen value of integrative/traditional thinking - then what? 


If somebody wants to join, let them join. If they don't feel like it's their intellectual cup of tea, they can leave whenever they want to. 

It sucks that they didn't give the entire profile. I got 14 for integrative and -9 for modern. I think by looking at the worldview that you identify with the least, you can reveal a bit more about where you're centered: 

For example, if I react very negatively to modern (orange) while being heavily in favor of integrative (yellow), that would indicate that I'm tending strongly towards green (because green dislikes orange and is closer to yellow than blue).

In your case, reacting very negatively to traditional values (blue) while heavily favoring yellow could reveal a strong tendency towards orange (orange dislikes blue and is closer to yellow than red).

It's of course also true that green dislikes blue aswell, but you would expect it to dislike orange more because it's born as a reaction to orange. The fact that you exclusively disliked blue therefore indicates a strong tendency towards orange (because orange is born as a reaction to blue).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard I don't dislike blue values at all, I understand why stage blue is the way it is - same goes for orange and green. There is something true to be found in all those stages and they all hinge upon each other.

Imo, this test isn't a very good predictor for your SD stage, for various reasons. It's an indicator at best, because it's too unidimensional (integrative VS traditional aren't enough variables).

1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

In your case, reacting very negatively to traditional values (blue) while heavily favoring yellow could reveal a strong tendency towards orange (orange dislikes blue and is closer to yellow than red).

I'm not sure if this line of reasoning is actually viable. 

"Reacting negatively".. Hmm. That's not the same as "not identifying with". Yellow tends to be frustrated/"triggered" by the "ignorance" of Tier 1 (I'm putting ignorance in quotes because we're talking about ignorance in relation to different stages, so it's not just ignorance but potentially more awareness). 


In any case I wouldn't use any test (and certainly not that test) as a bouncer for whatever group I might set up. 

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