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Round 10: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 5 FEB - 8 FEB 2021

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: The only noticable symptoms on this dose are headaches. The symptoms on this dose are not that strong, so I think about upping the dose in the coming weeks.

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I'm also interested in chelation. I have yet to read some books about it. How much those supplements cost? Lets assume that chelation process would take two years.

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@Username The ALA itself costs around 25 USD for a bottle. DMSA same price. The only additional supplements that anyone on the protocol should really be taking are vitamine E, Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamine C. Other Supplements are optional, but neccessary depending on your own health requirements.

Let's say you do it for 100 rounds, then you will need 27 bottles of ALA (each 90capsules). This will cost 675 USD. It's not that bad. Of course the price goes up with the support supplements.

Edit: And if you want to buy ALA or DMSA, I recommend this site for UK:

and for USA: (Although nowadays their products take ages to arrive because of corona)

Edited by JonasVE12

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@JonasVE12  Thank you.

I did some research and I'm confused by price range. 600 mg capsules are much cheaper than 25 mg. I also found a 100 g bag with powder that costs ~$33 (that should be more than enough for 150 rounds).

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@Username I should say that dosing these substances should be done very precisely and exact. This is because chelation is a very delicate proces where taking a too high dosage of these chemicals can have a very dramatic outcome. You can't really be sure how toxic you are until you try the protocol, so it is adviced to start very low. Some people start no more than 0,25mg ALA or DMSA. The websites above sell these supplements in the dosages specifically aimed at people doing these detoxes so they are very precise and start at a low mg. 600mg ALA is insanely high and if you have heavy metals inside you, it would be  dangerous to take. Or maybe you want to split the capsules? 

Buying ALA in powder form is also not adviced. Only if you can measure it to the MG and want to bother making your own capsules. 

If money is not an issue, and you want something reliable, the go-to ALA and DMSA for chelation are the supplements from livingsupplements.

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Round 11: Done

Chelator: DMSA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 12 FEB - 15 FEB 2021

Supporting supplements: My supplementation has slightly changed. Vitamine C absorbic acid has been giving me heartburn so I'm going to switch to a buffered form of vitamin c: vitamine c sodium ascorbate. I'm also now using only the core 4 of the protocol which are vitamin c, vitamin E, Magnesium and zinc, as well as adrenal Cortex for adrenal support.

notes: Writing this 3 weeks post round but writing it in the present time as if it was 3 weeks ago. Feeling significantly worse than I've ever felt. I've quit my study in VFX. Things are a bit vague. Difficult to see clarity in my purpose. Thinking about starting my meditation/yoga habits again and keep up with it and shut up my excuses. 

I also ran out of ALA so now using DMSA. The symptoms are similar although I'm not experiencing fatigue, frustration and headaches when on/off round.

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Round 12: Done

Chelator: DMSA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 19 FEB - 22 FEB 2021

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: People in Andy cutler community call this phase that I'm entering 'The Dump' where the concentration of heavy metals outside your cells is supposedly lower than the concentration inside the cells. In order to maintain homeostatis, the body will slowly 'dump' or extract the metals from inside the cells to outside the cells, creating all sorts of nasty symptoms. It is a sign of progress. 

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Round 13: Done

Chelator: DMSA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 26 FEB - 1 MAR 2021

Supporting supplements: I did initially shy away from supplementing with omega 3 as it is often contaminated with mercury. After some reflection, I realised that my fat profile was the only thing that I did not address well enough. I did decrease sources of omega 6 and handled that, but didn't quite address my omega 3 deficiency. I found possibly one of the best brands in terms of purity and quality so I'm integrating that into my supplementation regimen. It is called nordic naturals. A bit expensive. Probably will look for an alternative in the future but for now it will do. It has 1075 Omega 3's per capsule (562 EPA + 438 DHA + 75 Other omega 3's) and the cost is around 90 USD for a bottle of 120 caps. Also combining this with Flaxseeds.

notes: Started to get canker sores again in my mouth. For the rest, cognitively, I feel a bit sharper overal in comparison to 3 months ago. Still, focus and motivation are not good. I've been taking ritalin and trying to find a way to establish some routine where I can use medication to focus and still have off days so I don't become dependant. Going to incorporate modafinil into this routine as well and maybe going to try microdosing psychedelics. 

For the rest I started doing kriya yoga and going to see if this helps my ADHD. I did meditation daily in the past for a year and had a lot more peace of mind then. Became lazy and quit though. Your mind really needs to be taimed and trained in order to have more equinamity. Presence is not some standard or free gift to some lucky souls. I realised awakening can help you realise everything for what it is, but it does not garuantee instant transformation. Transformation is what happens when one integrates these realisations, trains one's mind to be present, and purifies all aspects of yourself where you and reality touch. This is where real liberation happens. Not all human problems dissapear when realising the truth of your existance. The mind needs to be purified as well as the body and it takes time. The more you purify yourself, the more attuned you become to this, the higher frequency you can embody and it all starts by embracing your human existance and not denying it.

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Round 14 & 15: Done

Chelator: DMSA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 5 - 8 Mar 2021 & 12-15 Mar 2021

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: Currently paused doing rounds. Gonna start again in some weeks. Started having migraines with aura after round 14. I used to have these when I was younger, but didn't have one for years. Now I had multiple in a row. Strange. 

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@JonasVE12 it's been quite fascinating to read on this journey.

Does the method have ways to objectively tests once you are done? How would you assess whether the toxin load has decreased besides physical symptoms? 

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@Michael569 Generally, it is very difficult if not impossible to get an accurate, objective and direct measurement of your mercury toxicity concentration levels because these metals are deep inside your organs in relative small amounts, and blood and urine tests only show recent acute exposure, and don't show the relatively small, but detrimental amounts of mercury in your organs and brain. Though, mercury has a very typical signature where it is known to cause mineral transport derangement. There are certain parameter abnormalities that are consistent in mercury intoxicated people. You can observe these with a hair test analysis. It's not a direct way to determine if you are mercury toxic, but if a test meets a certain amount of predefined counting rules, it suggest very high likelihood of mercury toxicity in a way that is very statistical significant. If one is done with chelation, I would assume that these abnormalities will restore to normal values.

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@JonasVE12 Interesting to read your journey so far. I've just finished my first round of DMSA actually. I had my amalgams removed end of last year thank god.

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@JonasVE12 Hey there. Are you from the UK? I'm  hoping to do a detox aswell, just wondering where you researched all the information. Andy  Cutler's book? Also did you not test urine before and after?

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