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I will use Andy cutler's detoxing protocol to experiment with detoxification and see if it improves my cognitive abilities. I will use ALA and DMSA. These are the chelating chemicals that are introduced every 3 and 4 hours respectively for 3 days which is called a round. DMSA is used to clear out extracellular Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium and antimony. ALA chelates Mercury, Arsenic and cadmium. ALA is the main chelator that will have the most powerful effect. It's the only one that crosses the Blood brain barrier and chelates mercury out of your brain. I will post in this journal my experience so I can look back at it later and evaluate my progress. 

I'm doing this because after improving my diet and correcting any deficiencies and imbalances in my body, I still have some symptoms. Cleaning diet and fixing any imbalances is always the first thing one should do if they struggle with health issues. It improved my quality of life significantly, but still, I have some symptoms like ADHD, Brain fog, memory issues. It's better after fixing my diet, yes. But is it optimal? No. When I was younger, my mind was a lot lot sharper. I try to go back to that place. Learning was so easy. Now, it's more a chore when I need to put a lot of effort cognitively into learning it. Improving my health for me, is a proces of systematically experimenting with solutions and grow % by %. Always small amounts of growth that have a cummulative effect over time. 

Why do I suspect heavy metal toxicity? Not sure. The sentence has been thrown around a lot so I have no choice of inspecting it for myself. There is some factors though that point towards heavy metal toxicity and that is that I've eaten fish a lot. Also Tuna. It's not that I've eaten it everyday, or even every week, No. Also the biggest factor is that my mother has 4 amalgam toothfillings which she has for over 25 years. My older brother has autism, cognitive issues and ADHD. He struggled with health issues from a young age. At one point he got in a mental hospital for depression with psychotic episodes. My younger brother has also cognitive issues. It is known that mercury and heavy metals in general can get passed on to the fetus when a women with heavy metal toxicity gets pregnant. People report that the first child usually get's the biggest load of toxicity. Then the second child the second most, and the 3th child the least. It corresponds with the severity of our symptoms. So I'm willing to check it.


First round: Done

Chelator: ALA 12.5MG - every 3 hours

Supporting supplements:

Vitamine E 1000 IU/DAY

Vitamine C 4000 MG/DAY

Adrenal Cortex: 100 MG/DAY

Zinc: 50 mg/day

Magnesium 800 mg/day

phosphatidylserine 600 mg/day

phosphatidylcholine 1000 mg/day

Date: 4 DEC 2020 - 7 DEC 2020

The round went relatively smooth. Had headache and uncomfortable feeling though. A bit restless. Nothing too significant. This round was to test my chelator dose. You start with one of the chelators and at a relatively low dose to see how you react. I did react to it, so I stay at the same dose until I have no symptoms. Most of my reactions were after the round and it does let me think I'm indeed mercury toxic as so many people have reported the same after a round. I developed an abscess in my mouth, canker sores, painful jaw, muscle pain, upper back, shoulder and neck pain. And I never have these. And surely not all at once. I read many people have the same experience when starting their rounds. And those people have had amalgams and are very sure they are mercury toxic.

Edited by JonasVE12

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Hey man thanks for sharing, I'm excited to follow your journey from the start. Keep us updated regularly ^_^

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

Hey man thanks for sharing, I'm excited to follow your journey from the start. Keep us updated regularly ^_^

Of course man! I'm excited as well to see what will come out of it :D hopefully a lot of mercury ;) 

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Round 2: ongoing

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 12.5 MG

Progression: Too early to tell. Chelation can take very long depending your toxicity levels. Very toxic people may have to chelate up to 2-5 years.

Date: 11 DEC - 14 DEC

Supporting supplements: Same supplements


It's currently day 2 of my second round. I have a lot of symptoms. My mouth is full of painful little white spots (canker sores). I also have the abscess which has grown bigger. It appeared when I finished my first round. I feel very fatigued. The detoxification symptoms are very real and prove that the ALA is definitely bringing something to the surface. Dr Robert's morse talks about detoxification symptoms in his books and the things I experience are very much the same he talks about. It's not especially about heavy metal detox in his books, but detox in general. Anyways, some more symptoms I have are slight fever, headache, constant changing feeling of hot/cold. Neck hurts, shoulders hurt. Also can't sleep very well. Laying awake at night. Note that before I was taking ALA, I felt fine physically. So the symptoms are definitely not random.

At this point, I have some worries that I might have picked up covid, although chances are small. I'm still gonna take a test Monday and see if I have it. If I do have it, I will be a bit disappointed to realise the symptoms are a manifestation of the coronavirus inside me, and not detoxification. If the test comes out negative, I certainly have heavy metal toxicity.

I'm actually feeling really well mentally while having these symptoms, as it suggests heavy metal toxicity, and gives me hope to get rid of the health issues.

Before, I have been trying the medical medium heavy metal detoxification protocols. The protocol consists of a daily heavy metal detox smoothie. An ingredient that is in there and that's supposed to detox heavy metals from the brain, is cilantro. Although Cilantro is a chelator and has the chemical properties that are needed to bond to heavy metals, the half-life is unknown. This matters because when you don't know the half-life, you don't know when to take another dose of the chelator. You need have a certain concentration of the chelator in your body around the clock in order for the heavy metals to be removed out of the body. As cilantro's half-life is unknown, when it is consumed, the herb will bond to heavy metals, move it, and then drop it elsewhere and thus redistribute the heavy metals, making the problem worse. Many many people have reported feeling worse after consuming cilantro.

ALA and DSMA are chelators of which chemical properties and half-life are known so it can be used responsibly.

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For those reading this journal: Note that you should never attempt detoxification with DMSA and ALA without researching this thoroughly. Be responsible as it might be potentially dangerous. 

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My test came back negative, so no covid. It's a huge relief for me. Finally I see sunlight at the end of the tunnel. The final pieces of the puzzle coming together. I'm being optimistic. I don't know what's happening inside me as I don't know the ins and outs of the body and how it functions on a biochemical level. I just feel myself reacting to ALA, which chelates mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium. And I can only conclude that It's pulling heavy metals out of my body. I have a lot of detoxification symptoms in my facial area and head in general. Also my health struggles are mostly cognitive struggles. And because the brain is for the biggest part responsible for your cognitive abilities, and in this region, I feel the most detox symptoms, I can associate that with metals being pulled out from there.

I felt like having dementia a year ago. I was basically bed bound. Constantly anxious, forgetful, brainfogged. Couldn't talk to people. I would always zone out and never understand anything that was being said to me. I lost the contrast with how it was before, when I was still in highschool. I became very apathic. I joined the forum in 2019 I think. I remember when writing posts, it would literally sometimes take 2 hours for my words to come out in a logical and coherent manner.

Then I got some bloodwork done last year and saw how I was deprived of essential nutrients the body needs to function. I had Vitamine D, E, A deficiency, as well as zinc, magnesium, Folate, B12, Selenium, Too high homocysteine concentration. My lipid profile was all over the place. No omega 3's. Underactive thyroid. Wheat intolerance. Neurotransmitter imbalances. Probably missing some things. 

I ate mostly just a standard diet with wheat and dairy, processed foods and a lot of sugar, sweets, ... garbage. 

After changing my diet, I quickly began seeing improvements in energy, clarity and motivation. The most important thing was finding healthy and tasty recipes. Don't make cooking and eating a chore. You should experiment a lot and find what keeps you going. Eating healthy has not to be a chore. You can make it very enjoyable if you find what fits you. If you don't, you will quickly fall of the wagon and go back to previous eating habits. 

Anyways, there's still a lot of brain fog left. I notice this for example when reading, studying, learning. My working memory is terrible still. I can't focus that well. I can't comprehend things very fast. It takes time and patience. You can argue that maybe I just don't have a lot of natural cognitive capacities, but I don't believe that. I still remember contrast from years ago. It just can't be that this is age related cognitive decline. That is not natural at this age. years ago, I was very very sharp cognitively. I always considered myself lucky for the fact that I could understand things so effortlessy and it made me pass school without doing much. 

The fact that I became so sick from 2 Rounds of ALA means that heavy metals are in my body and most likely in my brain effecting my cognitive abilities. Let's see in 100-200 rounds how I will improve. 

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Be carefull about the dosage. Only after a few rounds will you really feel if your dose is right, because mercury gets stirred up in your body.

I thought 15mg would be alright for me, because I only had two tiny fillings.
Now six months later, I'm down to 5mg and consider to go even lower. 

It's very important to go slow, otherwise you can overwhelm your organs, most likely adrenals and liver.
Even if your a little bit faster, it does not pay off to live 6 months to 3 years in hell for that.

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Round 3: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 12.5 MG

Date: 18 DEC - 21 DEC

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: Not too difficult of a round.  A bit of a headache, fatigue and brain fog. Nothing major. Definitely less severe symptoms than my first and second round. Currently on my 4th round as I'm typing this. It will be done tomorrow. I actually upped my dose to 25mg which is certaintly not recommended. You just test your symptoms and adjust depending on the severity of your symptoms. I will see how I react to 25 mg and see if I need to lower it. 

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4 hours ago, Ima Freeman said:

Be carefull about the dosage. Only after a few rounds will you really feel if your dose is right, because mercury gets stirred up in your body.

I thought 15mg would be alright for me, because I only had two tiny fillings.
Now six months later, I'm down to 5mg and consider to go even lower. 

It's very important to go slow, otherwise you can overwhelm your organs, most likely adrenals and liver.
Even if your a little bit faster, it does not pay off to live 6 months to 3 years in hell for that.

You can definitely overwhelm your organs if you go to high too fast for an extended period. As I did not have any amalgams, and the severity of my symptoms are medium, I can safely experiment with dosages of 12.5 - 25mg. Andy used to recommend 25 mg ALA as a starting dose, but as more highly mercury toxic people began to apply the protocol and were overwhelmed by the severity of their detoxification symptoms, recommended starting dosages decreased dramatically. I don't think I'm part of that group, and because I have no other accurate ways to assess my toxicity, I have to rely on some provocation rounds to see if I do react. But yes, definitely need to consider lowering it if long term it is too draining and physically too much for my body to handle. 

Edited by JonasVE12

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@JonasVE12 Going by symptoms is the best way. Experimenting with supplements is a good idea too.

My liver is overwhelmed right now, thats why I warned you. 
In case of overburdened liver, if you run into that problem while in the dump phase, switching to DMPS or DMSA can be a smart move, because they chelate via the kidneys.

I wish you a smooth and rather quick detoxification :D


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On 29-12-2020 at 2:44 PM, Ima Freeman said:

@JonasVE12 Going by symptoms is the best way. Experimenting with supplements is a good idea too.

My liver is overwhelmed right now, thats why I warned you. 
In case of overburdened liver, if you run into that problem while in the dump phase, switching to DMPS or DMSA can be a smart move, because they chelate via the kidneys.

I wish you a smooth and rather quick detoxification :D


@Ima Freeman Thank you. You as well :) 

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@Display_Name Updating it now :) 

Round 4: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 25 DEC - 28 DEC 2020

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: The round went relatively smooth. Symptoms included headache, restlessness and elavated brain fog. Nothing major. Results? Nothing worth mentioning. 


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Round 5: Done tomorrow

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25MG

Date: 1 JAN - 4 JAN 2021

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

Notes: My emotional state is off from the moment I ended the 4th round. I'm experiencing a lot of shame & negative self-image related emotions and thoughts. I struggled with these a lot in the past. I overcame them and instilled a more positive self-image by actively returning to feeling self-love whenever these surfaced. Also meditation and transendance of identification to the mind's content. As well as doing specific activities that stimulate emotional wellbeing in the area's that I lacked that.

When these resurfaced last week, it orients my intuition to seeing the connection between mind and body more and more. Many many people in ACC facebook group experienced the same emotional state that I lived in my childhood. characterised by self-obsession, anxiety, shame, apathy. There are many reports of people getting better socially & emotionally as they progressed with chelation. They struggled with for example lack of empathy and ability to connect with people and feel joy in the process. I have this as well to a certain extent.

The rounds go by really fast. And the counter of rounds done goes up quite quickly too. 

Apart from the emotional aspect, I also have some phyiscal symptoms including stiffness and pain in my muscles. Some weird tension. 

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My word recall is also really terrible this week. It's insane. 

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Here are some paragraphs from Andy Cutlers book, 'amalgam illness' describing how mercury typically manifests in people. I can relate very very much. Maybe some others can too. 

'Amalgam illness page, Andy cutler, page 25-29'



All of the following symptoms come and go. None of them are constant. The more poisoned someone is, the more frequently they will have the symptoms their own personal physiology makes them prone to .. Due to individual variability different people will exhibit different symptoms, and any particular person may or may not ever have a specific symptom.

In an overall lifestyle sense, the fact that symptoms come and go leads to the victim having periods of weeks to years of being highly functional and productive, interspersed with periods of being nonproductive and having a hard time getting anything done. Life seems to progress in fits and starts. Great progress is made on projects which later get shelved for long periods. As the disease continues, the productive periods become shorter, fewer, and farther between.

The symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning mainly originate in the central nervous system. Immune dysfunction and gastrointestinal problems appear later with deranged liver metabolism. There may also be endocrine problems. There is seldom any evidence of the kidney problems which are present in acute poisoning. There is no typical presentation - the clinical spectrum spans the range from imperceptible disturbance to complete incapacitation. Poisoning sets in slowly, and progresses as an ever changing picture of increasing dysfunction. There are emotional changes in mercury poisoning. Depression slowly sets in. Victims feel fatigued and listless. They lack motivation - even for crucial tasks. They lose interest in their surroundings and in their own life. They do not enjoy life, or experience happiness or joy. They experience constant fear e. g. of losing their job. They may be very tense. They feel hopeless. They have a sense of impending doom. Every small problem is discouraging. Minor difficulties seem overwhelming and insurmountable. The altered emotional state of a mercury intoxicated person leads to impaired interpersonal relationships. They become increasingly irritable and sensitive, reacting strongly to relatively innocent remarks. They may not be able to take orders, instructions, or suggestions without losing their temper.

They resent criticism and may interpret innocent remarks critically. They may have an exaggerated response to stimulation and become fearful or anxious and nervous. They may project their fears and anxieties onto others, making inappropriate criticisms or attacks. They become shy and avoid dealing with strangers. While timid, they may unexpectedly lose self control with strangers. They may wish to visit with friends and family extensively, often wishing to engage in long, repetitive conversations, then withdraw for prolonged periods of time. They withdraw more and more from social contacts. The emotional changes reduce the victim's ability to function day to day. The victims are often restless. They lack self control and have poor judgement They are easily upset and embarrassed. They may become quarrelsome and neglect work and family. They have little patience. They lose their self confidence and become indecisive. Euphoria or manic-depressive type behavior sometimes occurs. Obsessive or compulsive behavior or thought patterns are common at later stages of intoxication. Delusions and even hallucinations are possible in severe cases. Intelligence gradually deteriorates. Previously bright persons become dull and slow in thinking.

They suffer from a progressive decline specifically affecting short term memory as well as the faculties for logical reasoning. Thus their ability to do things like balance the checkbook, do math, or play chess suffers. They lose the ability to concentrate. Memory problems may be more from distractability and inability to concentrate and pay enough attention to get things INTO their memory than an actual failure to remember things (thus they may complain of memory problems but do well on memory tests). They cease being motivated towards their work or other tasks. Thoughts .bycome heavy, repetitive and pedantic. Creative thinking becomes progressively more difficult, eventually becoming impossible. They become unable to select the right words to convey their meaning, and make sty listie and grammatical errors. Their ability to express themselves declines progressively.

There is a distinctive cognitive symptom of being unable to think clearly without great effort. The best description for people who have not experienced it is of a hangover without pain. People who have experienced it will recognize the term "brain fog" as entirely descriptive.

As the victim's level of intoxication waxes and wanes they go through periods of life when they do or do not dream. Dreaming may be in black and white. The victim's subjective experience of chronic mercury intoxication consists of irritability, excitability, fearfulness, restlessness, melancholy, · depression, weakness, timidity, fatigue, indecisiveness and headache. Feelings of hopelessness, depression and futility are a part of the intoxication syndrome. The victim generally feel that their behavior patterns are rational, appropriate and well justified. The mental effects of mercury poisoning are distressing and frightening.

Baily physical symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), insomnia, daytime drowsiness, loss of appetite, a tendency towards diarrhea - often alternating with constipation, cold hands and feet, a tendency towards sweating (some people have the opposite symptom and do not sweat at all), flushing or reddening of the skin - partic.ularly on the face and neck. Some people blush frequently, but others do not blush at all. Asthma is .a symptom of chronic mercury poisoning. Digestive disturbances are also common.

The skin becomes dry, athlete's foot and toenail fungus progress, and the insides of the ankles, particularly behind the ankle bone and a bit above it become dry, itchy, flaky and peel. This often becomes painful and annoying enough to keep the victim up at night. Even after fungus and yeast infection has been eliminated hyperkeratosis, often with papular erythema and itching are common.

The hair becomes thinner, dryer, duller, less strongly colored, slower growing, and more brittle. The biological clock is distu:rbed. Waking up late and staying up late is more common than being an "early bird." Try as they might, the mercury poisoned person simply cannot control their circadian rhythm. Victims may become photophobic and find bright light uncomfortable and unpleasant. There may be visual disturbances, including alterations in color perception leading to reduced sensitivity to the color red, or color blindness. The ability to focus on distant objects may be sporadically impaired. Peripheral vision may be reduced in the most severe cases.

The hands and feet often become distinctly cold. This can occur suddenly and is most distinctive .when . combined with sweating. Later in more severe poisoning they may also tingle or lose feeling. The effects of mercury on the mouth are receding, sometimes spongy gums that bleed easily and teeth that are 'loose' in their sockets and can be wiggled very slightly. It also causes excessive salivation and unusually bad breath.

Mercury interferes with the sense of smell which becomes less acute, and later with hearing, in which perception of sounds does not diminish as notably as the patient's ability to understand and interpret them - e. g. to understand speech directed at them even though they hear it clearly. Victims often experience discomfort that feels like a "tight band around their head." They may also experience sharp points of discomfort in their ear canals at bedtime. Mercury also interferes with the body's ability to regulate temperature. Victims may alternate between being hot and cold when the temperature isn't changing, or have to wear more clothes than other people, or have more difficulty than other people in staying comfortable while the temperature changes. Temperature disregulation also leads to 'night sweats.'

There is also profuse sweating in most individuals, who then generally have moist skin. Some individuals (most often females) do not sweat much, or at all. In these people sweating will not be induced appropriately by heat or exercise. Heart racing (tachycardia) is quite common. The heart rate may vary dramatically over a period of a few minutes for no apparent reason. Heart pain (angina) may occur. Doctors may hear intermittent heart murmurs. and may find a flattened T wave or a prolonged QT interval on an EKG. . Women may have profuse menses with abdominal pains, may experience stinging pain in their ovaries, and may experience a sensation of rawness in their female parts.

An unusual edema (puffiness) of the face and legs may occur. Mercury interferes with the endocrine system. The thyroid may be underperforming, which is most easily tested by taking the temperature in the morning before arising (for menstruating females, days 2, 3, and 4 of their period). Leave the thermometer in place for a long time (5 minutes or so) either under the arm or tongue. If the average temperature is less than 97.5 there are problems with thyroid hormone metabolism regardless of blood test results. Women also get a periodic check on their thyroid levels since their menstrual flow should be bright red if thyroid levels. are normal and brownish if levels are low. Another often unrecognized endocrine problem is excessive urination. More. than 2.5 liters of urine per day - urinating more than 5 or 6 times per day - is abnormal. A wakening every night to urinate is also abnormal. Subclinical adrenal hypofunction with symptoms suggestive of Addison's disease is common. These consist of weakness, fatigue, depression, weight loss, hypoglycemia, anxiety and low blood pressure. If baseline adrenal function is adequate, high blood pressure may be part of the symptom complex, and the victim may experience continuous hunger. Mercury also directly interferes with the body's ability to regulate glucose. Feeling tired 2-3 hours after meals, and craving a sweet which fixes the problem for a while are signs of hypoglycemia (whether it is due to adrenal problems or not).

Occasional hypogonadism is known and may be difficult to recognize in males. Mercury causes immune disregulation . Victims often have difficulty fighting off minor illnesses, get sick more often, and have a more serious and prolonged illness than others who get the same thing (e. g. recurrent bouts of bronchitis). Immune disregulation can also lead to increased allergy, asthma and other respiratory complaints. Allergy commonly expresses itself with asthma, sinus pain, itchy skin and fatigue, but not a runny nose. A nonliquid discharge slowly builds up in the nose. Itching is on exposed areas of skin and may be relieved by washing, which will also reduce fatigue. Victims of chronic mercury poisoning have difficulty metabolizing alcohol and often give up drinking because they do not enjoy it, or feel terrible after a drink or two. If metabolic problems become severe, chemical sensitivity sets in. Mercury·(and other heavy metals) have their effects · by taking up residence in the active site· of certain enzymes where some other metal is supposed to be sitting. Thus these enzymes stop detoxifying pollutants and naturally occurring toxins and the victim becomes more sensitive to air quality, foods and chemicals. The victim may become a 'picky eater;' feel tired or depressed during periods of significant air pollution; feel bad after routine exposure to chemicals such as during photocopying, using bleach or chlorine containing scouring powders, or after painting,· carpet, insulation or tile installation; and may experience skin irritation from clothes washed in many detergents, or from washing themselves with some soaps or lotions. Ultimately victims may develop "multiple chemical sensitivities" or "environmental illness." ·The most typical sensitivity is anxiety on exposure to hydrocarbons as in paint fumes, exhaust, etc.

Mercury interferes with oxygenation of the blood. ·Rapid breathing and achiness as if exhausted will often occur when there has been no recent exertion. Being unusually cold and unable to generate body heat to warm up often goes along with this panting. Supplementary thyroid hormone will relieve this muscle aching, fatigue, and being out of breath even when all laboratory tests for thyroid function are normal. Mercury affects the blood coagulation mechanism and leads to easy bruising and bleeding in some people. Mercury poisoned people may acquire a distinctive body odor which can be described as colostrum like or as milky sweet.

On defecation, mercury toxic people may feel tl)ey are not done and have not passed the whole stool when they have. A feeling of weakness occurs in the upper arms. It occurs on that part of the upper arm and shoulder that is on top if the arms are held out to . the sides. ·The feeling of weakness actually occurs on the part of the upper arm between the biceps and triceps - there is no muscle there to BE weak, but the feeling is very distinctly localized in that area. The actual muscle that causes the weak feeling movements is the top portion of the deltoid on the shoulder. Fine muscle tremors eventually appear. These can include twitching of the eyelids, as well as poor coordination of the lips and tongue rendering speech indistinct, unclear and more difficult to understand. Speech may also be tremulous and halting. Tremors in the fingers, eyelids, and lips appear before tremors elsewhere. Tremors in the arms interfere with tasks requiring good finger coordination ·- handwriting becomes unsteady and ultimately illegible, straight lines cannot be drawn, and the execution of other precision work deteriorates. Tremors occur in the legs last. These are 'intention' tremors which disappear during sleep and become more pronounced during stress as the victim tries to control them. These tremors are coarser and less regular than those observed in hyperthyroidism. They consist of fine tremors which may be interrupted every few minutes by coarse, jerky movements. The tremors begin in the fingers, with the ring and middle finger first, and are less severe when familiar tasks are performed. Tremors eventually cause muscle spasms and difficulty in walking. Seizures eventually occur.

Coordination affects the eyes as well. The ability to focus the eyes and to control the iris progressively deteriorates, as does convergence - the ability to bring both eyes to bear on nearby objects so as to see one of them with depth perception rather than to have double vision. Eventually the muscles that move the eye become weak and the victim turns their head to see up, down, or side to side instead of turning the eyes. One sign of this coordination loss is difficulty dialing phone numbers accurately, or repeated errors when entering long strings of numbers on the keypad, or reduced typing skills. Acrodynia is · a rare syndrome found in children exposed to elemental mercury or inorganic mercury compounds. It is characterized by severe ·leg cramps, irritability, paresthesia (a sensation of prickling on the skin), and painful pink fingers and peeling hands, feet, and nose. Similar symptoms are seen in some adults, particularly those who are chemically sensitive. Mercury poisoning has a . sexually dimorphic effect. Men more frequently become quietly depressive and withdrawn, while women more ·often become anxious, shy, fearful and high strung. In certain circumstances mercury poisoning may be recognized in the earlier 'acute' phase. For example, after placement of fillings which extend below the gumline, after placement or replacement of several fillings, after placement of a dissimilar metal crown or bridge over or against amalgam. Of course, other occult exposures may also cause acute mercury poisoning. In this earlier phase there may be blood cells in urine, greatly elevated urinary porphyrins leading to pink - not red-tinged - urine, burning urination, as well as the above symptoms. Very high exposure levels cause nausea, loss of appetite and diarrhoea. In general acute poisoning leads to much more pronounced physical symptoms and much less pronounced mental and emotional symptoms or endocrine changes.



Edited by JonasVE12

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Round 6: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 8 JAN - 11 JAN 2020

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: Symptoms include fatigue and irritability,..  headaches. I've also been having low blood presure, for example when standing up, I get very dizzy. Also after exercise, I feel very lightheaded. Not a good feeling. Maybe it's low adrenal function, I don't know. 

What's also very apparent is the fact that I've been getting into arguments with my girlfriend whenever she's here and I'm on a round. We usually don't have these, but I feel very irritable and intolerant of her for relatively innocent things. I try to be self-aware, and don't react, but as I'm easily overstimulated on round, it's difficult. The dose is good for me. The symptoms are bearable. I need to feel some symptoms in order to know that I'm on the right path. When I'm feeling bad, it actually motivates me, knowing that I'm healing. 

Somtimes I get impressions that my logical reasoning skills are improving, but it's not too apparant, I still struggle. I'm studying VFX, and this requires you to be good in solving logical problems  when it comes to Math, physics, programming, coming up with algorithms. 

Usually how it goes when I see a problem is, I analyse what needs to be solved, what needs to be achieved. I try to reverse-engineer the solution, and try to see the steps that need to be taken to get there, develop an algorithm and implement it with the tools given. But usually this process is so frustrating, that I end up standing up, opening the window, shutting down the heating system in my room, because the frustration raised my temperature, feeling like I'm in the middle of the savannah with a skijacket on. But to be honest, I can more easily relax into the proces of finding a solution at times. Getting into a flow state more easily. Doing it step by step. instead of ADHD. 

Still, these moments are infrequent and brain fog is still a major issue for me. My goal of chelation is improving my brain fog and logical reasoning abilities. These are the most important for me. Also short term memory and ability to retrieve information from long term memory. This is important in translating your internal world to language, and being able to communicate 

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Round 7: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 15 JAN - 18 JAN 2020

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: Overal this was an easy round. Same symptoms as before. Fatigue, brain fog, frustration, irritability. Also had to vomit. Kind of got used to all these symptoms. I had to study previous weekend on round for an exam I had yesterday. The studying itself was exhausting and unproductive, but the exam went very well. I notice that my motivation has decreased to the point im not really interested in anything. Just laying around and being lazy. This is definitely a symptom as I'm usually very motivated to work on goals. I'm just so tired. Focussing is difficult. My thoughts are racing. Feeling positive overal though. The motivation and focus will come back.

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Round 8: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 22 JAN - 25 JAN 2020

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: No real symptoms. I wonder If I should increase the dose, but I wont and will wait an additional 10 rounds to increase the dose.

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Round 9: Done

Chelator: ALA

Dose: 25 MG

Date: 29 JAN - 1 FEB 2021

Supporting supplements: Same supplements

notes: Gonna keep it short from now on. Symptoms included headache & started developing canker sores in my mouth again, but they did not last as long and were not as bad as the first time. My sleep is also affected. I find myself lying awake sometimes feeling uneasy.

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