
San Pedro Trip... Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ.

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53 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

look close enough(if you dare bahahahaha). You're hiding the fact that the whole point of life is mahasamadhi. Physical death. Suicide(actual 100% dementia, not some pseudo death where you still remember your name and who you are and the forum and your parents )

Some twisted ideas here bro. 

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56 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

I will be infinite formlessness without a game for eternity.

And that's your new game. Which also will end.

The only eternal thing is that nothing is eternal.

The show must go on.

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Most wont resonate with this post because most aren't ready. This post is simply me expressing late stage stuff for those who are later in the path.

Like yeah I can pretend to be a no self realization guy if I wanted. There's no you, everything is empty, there's no dream, yada yada. I could build great rapport and develop a huge following with adviata vedantan guys if I wanted because I've been there and totally get where they are coming form.

Same thing for those that have realized they are God, or Infinite Love or Infinity. Yes the whole world is infinite, its all a dream, god can create whatever he wants, purple elephants if he wants to, yes the present moment goes on for infinity, yadayadayada.

But I'm deliberately not conforming to such perspectives because I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in the truth, and no self, infinite love, god, infinity are not truth.

None will get this probably, but your resistance to me saying those things aren't true are actually survival mechanisms to hide the real truth. Yeah most aren't ready to hear that, but that's the case - sorry. I've exhausted this spiritual stuff, I've looked everywhere, I haven't left any stone unturned. And I'm saying there's stuff beyond all that stuff you're talking about.

And I know this because I created all that stuff as God, no self, infinite love, infinity, are my little toy soldiers.

so yeah its twisted, it doesn't sound right to you, it doesn't make you happy, it doesn't make you blissful, and that's fine. I'm not here to delude people. I totally support following the usual no self, infinity, god and infinite love realizations. Go do that. What I'm talking about is not that though. And it will be beneficial for those who get it. Who get what I'm saying.

To be completely honest, my urge to help people on here is just me distracting myself from the truth because I'm too scared, because I'm a devil. I'm too scared of mahasamadhi. But I might as well be scared in style, if I'm gonna be scared.

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I'm being honest with you cuz it might be helpful. But you are about as delusional as you can get in this thread. Just insane nihilism is all I'm hearing. 

stop spreading nonsense and  encouraging suicide as the "point of life".

"They don't resonate "because This forum is filled with intelligent people. You are not fooling anyone here.

"the point of life" is clearly nothing but however you want. It's not an object that you discover. It's a subjective made up. The point of life is relative. It's a fabrication. So it might be the point of your life. But that doesn't mean it's the point of my life.

Actually it's perfectly obvious that life is pointless.  So even to say "happiness" "love" Yada Yada is still not correct. You talk about radical honesty and being a true seeker.. Well have the courage to admit that the actual point of life is ofcourse nothing but a subjective opinion. And that physical death might be just the point of YOUR perhaps "not smooth" life. 

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What if the truth is, the reason why you don’t go full mahasamahdi and pull the trigger is, deep down you still believe this body and this life is supporting this awareness. 

It may all be an invention, but, what if it’s all contingent on something outside of your own awareness, something that your own awareness is contingent on.

the perception of a world may be contingent on this awareness which creates this world, but, what is this awareness contingent upon or supervening from? Something which awareness can never know, no doubt. Yet, it must be something. 

Why would this illusionary world exist, if it didn’t at least coincide with something homomorphic to the illusion? 

You imagine that when you awake from this matrix, that something different is “outside” of it. Yet, there is no real awakening into something different. What you awaken to, is that this subjective world is created inside your own awareness, including the you you thought you were. 

To actually exit this matrix, would actually be to die. Instead, in our case, You realise this was all created, yet, you remain IN the matrix, or inside your own creation. 

Awareness can only ever know itself from inside itself. It’s like a bubble. What’s outside the bubble, gets projected internally inside this bubble of awareness. The boundary between the inside and outside is the limit of what is ever possible to know. Outside the bubble of awareness is not accessible, only through the internal impressions that whatever lies outside the bubble make on it.

So, what if, when you burst the bubble, that’s it, no more bubble? No more awareness, no more you.

That seems more likely to me.


The bubble can only ever know anything from inside the bubble. 


I realise this make me one if one of those people who believe in an external world. What I think is, that external world can only ever be known from inside this bubble. There are many other bubbles in this world, at different viewpoints, with different histories. 


Most of those bubbles imagine the imagery inside the bubble to be the actual external world. Some of those bubbles realise that whatever occurs inside the bubble is not actually what is out there, but can only be impressions from whatever exists outside, on the very thing which they are.

Yet, some of those bubbles take it a step further, and say, because this bubble can only ever know anything from inside the bubble, all there is this bubble. Those impressions aren’t actually from something outside of this bubble, but actually just spontaneously arising. This bubble isn’t actually a bubble, but, is in fact the entire of existence. Everything happening in this bubble doesn’t actually coincide with anything, because all there is, is this awareness.

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And btw when you die remember you are not going anywhere. You will be right here. Before birth after birth and after death are exactly the same place. Everywhere is the same place. Everywhere is already nowhere. Just close your eyes and imagine stripping existence from all forms. That's what death is. It's identical to life. Your body will go cycling in nature.. A sperm and egg will meet and you will be back right here. There is no where to go baby. God is full time eternal job. ;)

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43 minutes ago, Someone here said:


I'm being honest with you cuz it might be helpful. But you are about as delusional as you can get in this thread. Just insane nihilism is all I'm hearing. 

stop spreading nonsense and  encouraging suicide as the "point of life".

"They don't resonate "because This forum is filled with intelligent people. You are not fooling anyone here.

"the point of life" is clearly nothing but however you want. It's not an object that you discover. It's a subjective made up. The point of life is relative. It's a fabrication. So it might be the point of your life. But that doesn't mean it's the point of my life.

Actually it's perfectly obvious that life is pointless.  So even to say "happiness" "love" Yada Yada is still not correct. You talk about radical honesty and being a true seeker.. Well have the courage to admit that the actual point of life is ofcourse nothing but a subjective opinion. And that physical death might be just the point of YOUR perhaps "not smooth" life. 

This isn't the first time you've called me deluded, and then later realized the exact things you called me deluded for.

Just remember that.

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@electroBeam you talk about how you are gaming yourself. You realized you are God and you are dreaming everything including me and this forum. If I'm just your own mind talking to you.. Why are you still playing the game? Why are you talking to yourself? You see no solipsist takes his solipsism seriously. If he did he would just shut the f*** up cuz hey there is no one but me here so what's the point of talking to dream ghost lol. 

What you are sharing here is NOT IT. Keep up your quest. 

Edited by Someone here

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:


And btw when you die remember you are not going anywhere. You will be right here. Before birth after birth and after death are exactly the same place. Everywhere is the same place. Everywhere is already nowhere. Just close your eyes and imagine stripping existence from all forms. That's what death is. It's identical to life. Your body will go cycling in nature.. A sperm and egg will meet and you will be back right here. There is no where to go baby. God is full time eternal job. ;)

You might want to read about near death experiences (NDE's).

They don't say what you are saying.

I think there is too little talk about NDE's in this forum. I have thought about starting a thread about that subject.

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28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@electroBeam Why are you still playing the game? Why are you talking to yourself?

Because I'm afraid of the Truth. Because I'm a devil.

That's the correct answer. The answer no one is willing to admit.

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49 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Because I'm afraid of the Truth. Because I'm a devil.

That's the correct answer. The answer no one is willing to admit.

I get it. I know what you are talking about..

But I'm not 100% sure that it's not delusion.

I know that I know nothing.

Edited by Blackhawk

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It is just as easy to fool yourself in nothing as in everything else. Nothing is just as illusion as the rest. 

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44 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

I get it. I know what you are talking about..

But I'm not 100% sure that it's not delusion.

I know that I know nothing.

Edited by Blackhawk

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16 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Because I'm afraid of the Truth. Because I'm a devil.

That's the correct answer. The answer no one is willing to admit.

What truth are you afraid of? Can you be specific? 

18 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

You might want to read about near death experiences (NDE's).

They don't say what you are saying.

I think there is too little talk about NDE's in this forum. I have thought about starting a thread about that subject.

NDE's they say they see white light and a tunnel. I don't know what's the significance of this.

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

What truth are you afraid of? Can you be specific?

this one:

4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

white light and a tunnel.


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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

NDE's they say they see white light and a tunnel. I don't know what's the significance of this.

Ok you clearly haven't read about NDE's then.

There's much more than that.

"Consciousness beyond life" by Pim van Lommel is a good book which I'm reading right now. And there's of course stuff on YouTube too.

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I agree with @electroBeam that when you are full enlightened you must leave your body. Otherwise you are like masters and teachers, you still see the truth or you are very close to it but you still have to believe in a body, etc... even if you say "I am not a body or mind, etc etc"...

Because full enlightenment is when GOD reaches the point that it comes back totally to the source and then it begins again in an infinite loop.


What I am not sure is what you are saying about being afraid of something that GOD doesn't know. Maybe I am wrong, but I always considered GOD and TRUTH ALL KNOWING.

But I can be deluded too...


Anyway this post is really powerful. And it makes us think and contemplate crazy ideas that the ego doesn't like.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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San Pedro is that Mexico? Anyways Sounds beautiful how was the Senoritas and tequila? Did you try any of that Mexican Viagra?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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