
San Pedro Trip... Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ.

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@VeganAwake San Pedro is the name of the cactus and I think is from Ecuador...

But it can be grown here in USA too...


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@electroBeam lol so you are afraid of death. I thought you were woke enough to realize death is imaginary? ;)

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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9 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

San Pedro is that Mexico? Anyways Sounds beautiful how was the Senoritas and tequila? Did you try any of that Mexican Viagra?

Can't really tell whether I went to Mexico or came back from it ;)

2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@electroBeam lol so you are afraid of death. I thought you were woke enough to realize death is imaginary? ;)

Well I'm just a figment of your imagination so its a bit hard for me to die isn't it.

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@electroBeam death is as real as a unicorn. :P

You Believe you are a human being that was born and going to die. This is a just possible because of thought process. You can raise your consciousness to realize now is forever. Death is just a belief. It's never going to happen because it's in the future. And the future is one hell of a fucking fiction. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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4 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

What about the machine elves?

Machine elves are just as real as electroBeam. Or possibly more real. Yet not the realest, the realest is mahasamadhi.

4 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

What about the machine elves?  Like freedom to build you own world?  Infinite play or just nothing??

If you want that, go for it. Its totally possible because the universe is infinite.

Yet you will get sick of that eventually, and destroy the dream. That's all I'm saying.

5 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

If it is nothing, then that is just death.  Then there is no heaven, no after... nothing.... I don't want form... but I DO want... an interchangeable worldbuilding, kind of thing.  You know?  ANYTHING that I could ever be!!  With everyone else.

Infinite love is definitely real, but the thing is, eventually you'll realize that you created every spiritual teacher, the path, enlightenment, infinite love as a means to distract you from knowing the truth. A truth beyond all of that. You're a god playing in your room with spiritual teacher toy soldiers pretending that they know about infinite love more then you, when actually the words coming out of their mouth is actually coming out of your mouth - that realization is when you finally get that there is a truth beyond all teachers, and that infinite love and the highest teachings were just distractions from knowing or discovering that truth that is beyond all teachers and paths and even psychedelics. Inside your room, there is another room that you haven't opened, and you've been pretending to open it with your toy soldiers. But when you finally realize its all toy soldiers, you gotta put all those toy soldiers down and go and discover whats in that room. Is there a monster in that room? Or is it a more expansive form of love? Or something entirely different? You've got no pointers because you have been making up all the pointers. This is totally unknown territory. No teachers know about it because they are all puppets of you(when you finally realize that).

Whenever I get the sense of opening up that new room, I always get a sinister feeling, like there's some monster in it and I created all of this delusion and devilry to protect myself from it because of how monstrous it is. Its like the universe isn't infinite love, its actually really bad, and I created infinite love to hide myself from it(not saying this is true, this is just how I feel about it). Its like I've discovered it before, got really shocked, then created all this delusion to protect myself from it.

Yet what I, as God, have to finally mature up to is the possibility that there is a monster in that room, but I discover it anyway because even if the truth is infinite hell, or beyond infinite hell, or a monster, or just horror or beyond bad, I discover it anyway because truth is more important than feeling good or bliss.

In other words Keyhole, you can't rely on teachers or anyone to tell you what the truth is, because what the truth is, is virtually unknown by any of your toy soldiers, including me. Only you know how deep this shit can go, and only you can go deeper then all your toy soldiers, because you're the only one here. Your toy soldiers cant know more then you because their words are coming out of your mouth, you've been pretending they haven't as a means to distract you from the truth (yes thats twisted AND TRUE).

10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@electroBeam death is as real as a unicorn. :P

It sure is, mahasamadhi isn't physical death, I was just illustrating. Its a type of death that kills reincarnation and the dream.


Mods, you can close this thread now if you want. I think the message that was wanting to be conveyed is loud and clear.

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18 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

What about the machine elves?  Like freedom to build you own world?  Infinite play or just nothing??
What do you mean formless?  Aware??  NOTHING???? 

If it is nothing, then that is just death.  Then there is no heaven, no after... nothing.... I don't want form... but I DO want... an interchangeable worldbuilding, kind of thing.  You know?  ANYTHING that I could ever be!!  With everyone else.

You just given me a crisis.  Shit.  Tell me something good.

No one knows. Most people are not even conscious enough to realize death is a belief. To find out go die. Anything else is just stories and mental masturbation. 


Wrong tag. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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3 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

@electroBeam :( But what is it?  Anything?  Just nothing, floating in love forever... alone???

I'm a toy soldier, you're god, this post is coming out of your mouth.

That's the truth, wake up :)

Man up! You're God for f sakes! Its your responsibility to figure that out, you created me not the other way around! Go look in that room. Forget me and what I say, my actions and words are spawning from your hands, and you're pretending its not purely to hide from what you're afraid of. Sounds real? Because it is :) What you deep down feel is whats actually true. Because youre god. If youre afraid of the truth, then the truth might actually be scary, you might have been pretending its infinite love all along? Or maybe not. You dont know and your job in this life and the next 1000 lifetimes maybe, is to man up to the point that you can discover what that is, even if its scary. Staying in the dream forever isnt sustainable. I cant tell you what the truth is because my function is purely to distract you from the truth... until this post :)


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22 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Machine elves are just as real as electroBeam. Or possibly more real. Yet not the realest, the realest is mahasamadhi.

If you want that, go for it. Its totally possible because the universe is infinite.

Yet you will get sick of that eventually, and destroy the dream. That's all I'm saying.

Infinite love is definitely real, but the thing is, eventually you'll realize that you created every spiritual teacher, the path, enlightenment, infinite love as a means to distract you from knowing the truth. A truth beyond all of that. You're a god playing in your room with spiritual teacher toy soldiers pretending that they know about infinite love more then you, when actually the words coming out of their mouth is actually coming out of your mouth - that realization is when you finally get that there is a truth beyond all teachers, and that infinite love and the highest teachings were just distractions from knowing or discovering that truth that is beyond all teachers and paths and even psychedelics. Inside your room, there is another room that you haven't opened, and you've been pretending to open it with your toy soldiers. But when you finally realize its all toy soldiers, you gotta put all those toy soldiers down and go and discover whats in that room. Is there a monster in that room? Or is it a more expansive form of love? Or something entirely different? You've got no pointers because you have been making up all the pointers. This is totally unknown territory. No teachers know about it because they are all puppets of you(when you finally realize that).

Whenever I get the sense of opening up that new room, I always get a sinister feeling, like there's some monster in it and I created all of this delusion and devilry to protect myself from it because of how monstrous it is. Its like the universe isn't infinite love, its actually really bad, and I created infinite love to hide myself from it(not saying this is true, this is just how I feel about it). Its like I've discovered it before, got really shocked, then created all this delusion to protect myself from it.

Yet what I, as God, have to finally mature up to is the possibility that there is a monster in that room, but I discover it anyway because even if the truth is infinite hell, or beyond infinite hell, or a monster, or just horror or beyond bad, I discover it anyway because truth is more important than feeling good or bliss.

In other words Keyhole, you can't rely on teachers or anyone to tell you what the truth is, because what the truth is, is virtually unknown by any of your toy soldiers, including me. Only you know how deep this shit can go, and only you can go deeper then all your toy soldiers, because you're the only one here. Your toy soldiers cant know more then you because their words are coming out of your mouth, you've been pretending they haven't as a means to distract you from the truth (yes thats twisted AND TRUE).

It sure is, mahasamadhi isn't physical death, I was just illustrating. Its a type of death that kills reincarnation and the dream.


Mods, you can close this thread now if you want. I think the message that was wanting to be conveyed is loud and clear.

This post is life changing. I'm utterly speechless

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30 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

It sure is, mahasamadhi isn't physical death, I was just illustrating. Its a type of death that kills reincarnation and the dream.


Mahasamadhi is a religious belief. It's even worse than "physical death". At least you can go out there and see creatures falling dead. But so called "mahasamadhi" is literally just a story some hindu old dead men told you and you Believe in it. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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44 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Mods, you can close this thread now if you want. I think the message that was wanting to be conveyed is loud and clear.

What was the message? Can you give a brief summary? Because your posts were all over the place.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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