
San Pedro Trip... Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ.

132 posts in this topic

15 minutes ago, James123 said:

be nothing fully and forget everything as nothing.

Where's the line that separates something and nothing? When does something change to nothing? It never does because It's the same thing.

17 minutes ago, James123 said:

Love, infinite, highest or lowest is something you have learned.

No, not at all. You can not learn nor realize Infinite love with a finite mind.  

18 minutes ago, James123 said:

Therefore you will never be able to understand mahasmadhi is now.

Of course Mahasamadhi is now, where else would it be?  There is only here and now, and has been so for eternity, but "you", the one which happens to be in your body typing on a computer, could not interact within the illusion if you were not in a "physical" vessel in this gross realm. If you were in a mahasamadhi right now you would not be able to interact with anything or anyone, nor do anything, because you'd be in an absolute state of consciousness unable to stand or move. 

24 minutes ago, James123 said:

If you can name and label something that you have experience thats not an awakening

Agreed, yet we must somehow talk about these things, for the love of expression, the love of sharing. Yet in a lighthearted manner because you can't communicate serious awakenings. As soon as you take yourself seriously, or what you speak of seriously on a forum like this, you've already missed the point.

Ken Wilber covers all these points in "The religion of tomorrow" much better than I can. The four inexpressibles cover it well, and The heart sutra: That which is emptiness is not other than form, and vise versa. And neti-neti, not this not that. 

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20 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Brother,  @fridjonk has it correct.   Do not confuse the map for the territory.  What is being said here is being pointed to.  The words themselves are thought.  I have become Absolute Love sober.  Absolute Love and Absolute Nothing and Absolute Infinity and Absolute Being are identical.  The guy in the video has not become conscious of the highest Truth if he still limits God and imposes duality between everything and nothing.    Have to become Nothing to become conscious that it is Everything.  And everything is Love.  This cannot be explained to you on a forum.    It can only be pointed to here.

Unfortunately not. If you dont get what is before birth, you are not awaken. Before big bang whatever is thats what awakening. By the way papaji is the direct student of Ramana Maharshi, and one of the best gurus in the history. Thats why Ramana Maharshi says that “YOU ARE CLOSE TO WHO YOU ARE WHEN YOU ARE IN DEEP SLEEP”. Because it is nothing. Therefore, Anything you have learned is not it. So i tried my best to explain. Don’t follow Leo’s endless wonderland a lot. Because entire your so called life, you wont be able to awaken. Good luck to you guys. Peace!


Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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14 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

he one which happens to be in your body typing on a computer, could not interact within the illusion if you were not in a "physical" vessel in this gross realm. 

Oh, no, you are not in the body. Thats the illusion of the ego. I had several 'awakenings', after wards the ego starts with stories of states, physical, illusion, funcional. But that's actually not true. Is how the ego keeps himself alive. You have never been in a body. You just imagine so 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

You just imagine so

Precisely!  Yet there are states of consciousness. 

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9 minutes ago, James123 said:

tDon’t follow Leo’s endless wonderland a lot. 


Peace brother.  I don't follow anyone i am God.  As are you.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@James123 You'll miss the fullness of awakening if you don't include form. And that is the most beautiful realization of all, it's becomes whole and loving. 

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28 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Where's the line that separates something and nothing? When does something change to nothing? It never does because It's the same thing.

Therefore nothing never happens. If nothing happens, there is no such a thing as infinite love or intelligence. These are just words. 


28 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

No, not at all. You can not learn nor realize Infinite love with a finite mind.  

1 hour ago, James123 said:

If you cant learn or feel it, how can you describe it and you know it is the truth? 

28 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

ut "you", the one which happens to be in your body typing on a computer, could not interact within the illusion if you were not in a "physical" vessel in this gross realm. If you were in a mahasamadhi right now you would not be able to interact with anything or anyone, nor do anything, because you'd be in an absolute state of consciousness unable to stand or move. 

1 hour ago, James123 said:

These are not conversations,, interacting, you just named and labeled it. If you dont think, it is the way that is. There is no one here and moving. You are stuck in process of thoughts and aint awaken. 


28 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Agreed, yet we must somehow talk about these things, for the love of expression, the love of sharing. Yet in a lighthearted manner because you can't communicate serious awakenings. As soon as you take yourself seriously, or what you speak of seriously on a forum like this, you've already missed the point.

These are not communication. It is identical with drinking water, because it is nothing. Stop using psychedelics, you can never get the awakening. There is no self, whatever you know, feel and communicate is an illusion if you name and label it. Because it comes from the self. If you dont name and label it is already it. Awakening is what was it before the big bang. 

Read the post i just shared in above. Peace! 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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15 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Precisely!  Yet there are states of consciousness. 

But you are not in the body even in the "state of consciousness of being in the body " (story of the ego) ?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Whatever floats your boat.

The beauty of reality is it's totally relative and perspectival, so what's true for "you" is true for "you".

And what's true for "me" is true for "me". 



Edited by fridjonk

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Electrobeam said:


“True awake is physical death, not ego death. Ego death is fooling around.”




This is something that I was contemplating long time ago. I have a co-worker friend that he is all the time taking care of his health, like eating healthy, he always tries to tell me that refined sugar is bad, that you shouldn’t eat donuts, that anything that is very sugary is dangerous, he doesn’t use the microwave because the waves affect the food, so he brings something from his home that warms his food up with electricity so he doesn’t warm up food in a microwave.

And he is very non-believer, he is an atheist I would say. And he thinks that believers, believe in God because they are afraid to death, and they want to believe in a heaven where they will live forever, etc…


And he is right from some POV. I understand his beliefs, I was there too. I did all those things too hehehe… not at the same level as you @electroBeam, but I was also atheist, in fact I was agnostic.

And I know he is right about eating healthy and all that… but…


I was noticing that he is also afraid to death. Because why is he eating healthy if it is not because he thinks he will live longer? I also had a preoccupation, I wanted to be healthy to live longer. It is not that I don’t want it now, but… I realized that I was fooling myself.

Every time we eat something, we are killing ourselves. Is a paradox. When you eat something unhealthy you are killing yourself slowly, but isn’t that truth also if you eat healthy? The only difference is that you do it more slow than if you eat not healthy.

Everything around us is making our bodies die, so we slowly go to union with God or the source.


I was thinking a lot also about that for example in the case of Jesus. In my opinion, Jesus was the most enlightened guy because he knew he was God. And Buddha for example, he didn’t say he was one with God. What a fool I was! Hehehe…


Not even Jesus was completely awaken and probably he was doing everything to get him killed so he could be united with God.


I agree also about the idea that you are not completely awakened until you die. Because if you really really see through the illusion, where there’s no body nothing, masahamadhi must happen. Otherwise you are still believing that there’s a body, probably a weaker belief than the rest of the people or a subtle belief, I don’t know… but is still a belief. You have to die to be one with God because that’s what God is. There’s no body and nothing. Even when you think that you are not the body, that you are not the mind, bla bla bla… is all BS.


So, I AM God but I have chosen to live this human life and try to enjoy it the best I can, or suffer it or whatever.

If I want to try to become awaken or explore consciousness or doing whatever you think you have to do, is all good, because I AM God and what I decide is whatever it is. No need to change anything.



Thanks for sharing your views, this is something I was contemplating long time ago but now that you shared your experience with us, it makes a lot of sense.

Having said that, I will continue exploring consciousness and playing the game because is fun and beautiful. Now I am curious about that San Pedro Cactus hehehe…. Thanks for sharing that.

Thanks again!




Electrobeam said:

And that's because the only thing that will 100% fulfill you is physical death.



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Man, what I love is how you showcase the power of psychedelics.

I've seen a few posts on here of people downplaying the power of psychedelics, reducing it to a "drug", or a flashy experience.

And here you are.

All I can say is that, this trip report is awesome and I can definitely relate with realizing one is alone and the creator of everything. 

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6 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

@electroBeam This is how I've been conceptualizing it:

- Awakening

What people talk about on here. It has many degrees.

- Full Awakening

  • This is what I believe people like Krishna and Babaji had.
  • If someone puts a gun to your head, it makes 0 difference. So if some devices were screening your body, they would show data that is exactly the same as before. All the way till the bullet hits you. (I agree that no one on the forum has that level of awakening)
  • Yet the body/mind can still function, make survivial decisions and there is not total dementia. If someone put a gun to your head and said "you decide" then you probably decide for not being shot.
  • You are able to do mahasamadhi instantly at any moment

So basically physical death is 100% honestly accepted, yet, in most cases, physical death is avoided, and the game continued. For no reason other than playing the game for it's own sake. That decision is already gaming yourself but you do it for the sake of gaming.

The assumptions I made are:

  •  It is possible to be so awake that you 100% honestly accepted physical death.
  • Yet, it is possible, that this doesn't necessarily mean you physically die. That means it is possible to continue the game. So the assumption is that making decisions like eating when you are hungry can happen, even when physical death is honestly 100% accepted.
  •  living like that is possible even without full dementia





So these were my assumptions before reading in this thread. You say, this is bs. What I labeled "Full Awakening" is bs. The assumptions made are bs. Only actual mahasamadhi is real awakening.

Do I understand what you are saying?

I'm very hesitant to talk about it TBH because its so radical and not many want to hear it.

But yes you're correct. I have seen for myself that Full Awakening is not the highest, FULL AWAKENING is.


You can be in a state where if you had a gun to your head, you'd 100% accept it. You'd still go through some negative emotions, yet you'll watch those emotions from a distance and let it flow through. And that's because there's no human you, and this entire life was just a way of setting yourself up to fall in love with yourself really hard (infinite love realization). That's the state I'm in now. Yet I am definitely not awake. No where close.

But you're still hiding something even when you're in Full Awakening. You're playing the game. Playing the game is actually you hiding something if you look close enough(if you dare bahahahaha). You're hiding the fact that the whole point of life is mahasamadhi. Physical death. Suicide(actual 100% dementia, not some pseudo death where you still remember your name and who you are and the forum and your parents ). That's actually the point of it. Physical death isn't some cool phenomena that happens in the game. Its the point. The whole point is infinite dementia amnesia love.

I heard from somewhere that Full Awakening is looking at the infinite from the finite mind. FULL AWAKENING is looking at the infinite from the infinite mind. IE dementia.

You need to let go of everything to the point of dementia to be fully awake. Its not awakening if you still remember who you are and who others are and what the game is. The game needs to be totally eradicated for full awakening.

I didn't realize that before the trip. I thought I was 100% awake, then that trip smashed me to pieces. I'm now just totally shocked, and I can see a trillion times more games being played on myself and others.

And I can see that others are either at Full Awakening, or lower, and that's how I know on a relative level that people don't understand or get what I'm saying. The discussion between james and inenlightened is happening somewhere inbetween awakening and full awakening.

Its very subtle. People are making that mistake about me on this thread. Their eyes aren't keen enough. They think I'm parroting what yogis have been saying for thousands of years, but I'm not. I'm saying something subtly different.

Thoughts and the ego is amazingly sneaky. Within "who is the I that's saying that" lies a trillion opportunities for the ego to deceive. Context is important. Whose saying it is important. Just parroting "who is the I that's saying that" without acknowledgement of who and context allows the ego to be very very sneaky and clever. It allows the ego to make you think no self realization is the end of the road, when its actually mahasamadhi. People aren't taking in the context with what I'm saying.

Mahasamadhi is not 0 thoughts. Mahasamadhi is a huge paradigm shift. No thoughts is 1 state of consciousness, not the highest. Definitely not the scariest, and definitely not the point. Yep sure there's no point to life and everything is just a dance, yet you will continue to seek, grow, integrate till mahasamadhi. Your desire is not to be in a state where you're playing the game. Your desire is to destroy the game forever, but you're too afraid to, so here you are. 0 thoughts is not destroying the game and getting amnesia. 0 thoughts is just a temporary state of consciousness that flees when you go back to looking at this forum for example lol. And even then, 0 thoughts is something that happens very early on in the path. As you advance you realize that thoughts occur, but not in your head, but in the universe. Its the universe thinking, not your skull. 0 thoughts is completely irrelevant to mahasamadhi.

Even physical death doesn't describe mahasamadhi. Because if the average person dies, they'll just reincarnate. Mahasmadhi is knowing something that will change you so much that the dream gets destroyed. Its like once I know this I can't reincarnate ever again. I can't play the game ever again. I will never have parents ever again. I will never identify with blabla ever again. I will be infinite formlessness without a game for eternity. Physical death isn't knowing that, physical death is ignorance. Mahasamadhi is way more destructive and radical then physical death. I just use physical death as an example to illustrate the radicalness of what I'm talking about, because I know that enlightened beings still don't want physical death. But what I'm talking about is more getting an infinite nuclear bomb and ruining your chances of reincarnating into a form ever again.

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4 hours ago, abrakamowse said:




This is something that I was contemplating long time ago. I have a co-worker friend that he is all the time taking care of his health, like eating healthy, he always tries to tell me that refined sugar is bad, that you shouldn’t eat donuts, that anything that is very sugary is dangerous, he doesn’t use the microwave because the waves affect the food, so he brings something from his home that warms his food up with electricity so he doesn’t warm up food in a microwave.

And he is very non-believer, he is an atheist I would say. And he thinks that believers, believe in God because they are afraid to death, and they want to believe in a heaven where they will live forever, etc…


And he is right from some POV. I understand his beliefs, I was there too. I did all those things too hehehe… not at the same level as you @electroBeam, but I was also atheist, in fact I was agnostic.

And I know he is right about eating healthy and all that… but…


I was noticing that he is also afraid to death. Because why is he eating healthy if it is not because he thinks he will live longer? I also had a preoccupation, I wanted to be healthy to live longer. It is not that I don’t want it now, but… I realized that I was fooling myself.

Every time we eat something, we are killing ourselves. Is a paradox. When you eat something unhealthy you are killing yourself slowly, but isn’t that truth also if you eat healthy? The only difference is that you do it more slow than if you eat not healthy.

Everything around us is making our bodies die, so we slowly go to union with God or the source.


I was thinking a lot also about that for example in the case of Jesus. In my opinion, Jesus was the most enlightened guy because he knew he was God. And Buddha for example, he didn’t say he was one with God. What a fool I was! Hehehe…


Not even Jesus was completely awaken and probably he was doing everything to get him killed so he could be united with God.


I agree also about the idea that you are not completely awakened until you die. Because if you really really see through the illusion, where there’s no body nothing, masahamadhi must happen. Otherwise you are still believing that there’s a body, probably a weaker belief than the rest of the people or a subtle belief, I don’t know… but is still a belief. You have to die to be one with God because that’s what God is. There’s no body and nothing. Even when you think that you are not the body, that you are not the mind, bla bla bla… is all BS.


So, I AM God but I have chosen to live this human life and try to enjoy it the best I can, or suffer it or whatever.

If I want to try to become awaken or explore consciousness or doing whatever you think you have to do, is all good, because I AM God and what I decide is whatever it is. No need to change anything.



Thanks for sharing your views, this is something I was contemplating long time ago but now that you shared your experience with us, it makes a lot of sense.

Having said that, I will continue exploring consciousness and playing the game because is fun and beautiful. Now I am curious about that San Pedro Cactus hehehe…. Thanks for sharing that.

Thanks again!




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14 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Mahasamadhi is not 0 thoughts. Mahasamadhi is a huge paradigm shift. No thoughts is 1 state of consciousness, not the highest. Definitely not the scariest, and definitely not the point. Yep sure there's no point to life and everything is just a dance, yet you will continue to seek, grow, integrate till mahasamadhi. Your desire is not to be in a state where you're playing the game. Your desire is to destroy the game forever, but you're too afraid to, so here you are. 0 thoughts is not destroying the game and getting amnesia. 0 thoughts is just a temporary state of consciousness that flees when you go back to looking at this forum for example lol. And even then, 0 thoughts is something that happens very early on in the path. As you advance you realize that thoughts occur, but not in your head, but in the universe. Its the universe thinking, not your skull. 0 thoughts is completely irrelevant to mahasamadhi.

Even physical death doesn't describe mahasamadhi. Because if the average person dies, they'll just reincarnate. Mahasmadhi is knowing something that will change you so much that the dream gets destroyed. Its like once I know this I can't reincarnate ever again. I can't play the game ever again. I will never have parents ever again. I will never identify with blabla ever again. I will be infinite formlessness without a game for eternity. Physical death isn't knowing that, physical death is ignorance. Mahasamadhi is way more destructive and radical then physical death. I just use physical death as an example to illustrate the radicalness of what I'm talking about, because I know that enlightened beings still don't want physical death. But what I'm talking about is more getting an infinite nuclear bomb and ruining your chances of reincarnating into a form ever again.

Brother i am sorry but you are completely wrong. Please watch the video. 


Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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5 minutes ago, James123 said:

Brother i am sorry but you are completely wrong. Please watch the video. 


Appreciating the love, but "completely wrong" is is outside of the NOW.

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26 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

But what I'm talking about is more getting an infinite nuclear bomb and ruining your chances of reincarnating into a form ever again.

How sure are you that after Mahasamadhi even if your current thread of reincarnations/dreams ends, you won't just start all over again as a low-consciousness life form? 

Can God really escape its own Imagination? 

Edited by Fran11

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5 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Appreciating the love, but "completely wrong" is is outside of the NOW.

It is within. Because it is nothing. Just watch the video. Congratulations for stepping up. 

Much love! 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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1 minute ago, Fran11 said:

How sure are you that after Mahasamadhi even if your current stream of reincarnations/dreams ends, you won't just start all over again as a low-consciousness life form? 

Can God really escape from his own Imagination? 

There's 2 different levels here.

There's realizing infinite love, and seeing reincarnation from that POV. Then there's seeing reincarnation from mahasamadhi's POV.

From the infinite love POV its obvious that reincarnation happens, just like how it happens every time we sleep at night. The dream goes to something else.

Yet that's not the end of the road. Then there's mahasamadhi which is beyond that. Its beyond reincarnation. Its like realizing that reincarnation isn't a thing. How could you live after realizing reincarnation isn't a thing?

What if the whole reincarnation and high consciousness and low consciousness and merging with God and not merging with God are all just you distracting yourself from a truth that will blow all that away. Well that's what that trip was like for me. And of course its like that because I invented Leo, the path, enlightened beings, infinite love realization, psychedelics, all of it. Once you get to the point where you're so sober that you realized you created all that shit, that's when you realize all that stuff isn't true. And if all that stuff isn't true, then everything you know now is gonna be a complete lie and obliterated. What you're actually hiding is something no beings have talked about because no beings are real. You created them all to distract you from this thing you're hiding. Who the fuck knows what that is. Why did you even create all this shit in the first place? That thing you're hiding is so radical and scary that you went so far as to game yourself so hard with all these enlightened beings and psychedelics and the path, you tricked yourself into thinking you're legitimately getting to the truth with all this path stuff, when actually all of that is a distraction you created to hide this thing. jesus christ what the fuck is this thing you're hiding. You are going to some extreme lengths to hide it. Like gaming yourself with the path, making yourself think you're getting to the truth way better then 99.99999999% of people, and all of that was a fucken game to hide this thing. Jesus fucking christ.

That's why posting videos to me about what other teachers say is just completely stupid from my POV, because I've seen that I created all of that to distract myself from X, and what in the fuck is X, it could be a monster for all I know. But I'm God, I've gotta toughen up and venture and see what this X is, this X beyond everything I know. Its my fate. Its definitely leaving the body and amnesia and mahasamadhi, thats for sure. Like I have no idea what X is, and I've gotta be extremely manly and tough and brave to figure this out, because this is God level shit. I as God am hiding something big. And I don't know why I'm hiding it and going to such extreme lengths to hide it. I need to be extremely tough, brave, intelligent, and mature to figure what X is, its beyond all teachers and everything I as god have created.

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@electroBeam So when one gets to the verge of Mahasamadhi doesn't really know what's beyond it unless one completely dissolves into it, right?

Mindblowing man... I would be lying if I said I understood everything you said becouse these things are of course beyond comprehension and I've never had my consciousness risen to a near-Mahasamadhi level.

Very interesting post and thanks for replying. Much love!  

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