
San Pedro Trip... Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ. Jesus fucking christ.

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7 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

@electroBeam Enjoyable read. Thanks

One question. How would you feel if the "trip experience" was your "baseline-level experience" of Reality? 

It is. Baseline hasnt gone down.

Baseline levels of anything only take you as far as you need them to take you. Eventually the whole concept and idea of baseline and changing baselines dissolves into pure knowing of thyself as God. You created the baselines, and where are the baselines? Outside of here and now. Why might that be? To run away from here and now. Why are you running away from the here and now? To make realizing the here and now even more awesome and cool then it already is. But to fully realize that, you have to have a sober talk with yourself and admit that the baselines never really happened.

8 hours ago, Seraphim said:

 There are no thoughts in samadhi-states.

Because a thought said so.


EDIT: thanks for all the kind words and appreciation from those that did, definitely felt it. 


Edited by electroBeam

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Aw, I like playing with you. Can we still have a few rounds? I'll tell you what, let's not make any rules and just enjoy.

But here's a question, if you're going to play, then have fun right? If I didn't make rules, (concepts, restrictions, etc), the game would just be one big free for all gibbly gobbly gook of madness. Might be enjoyable, but still as fun? 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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7 hours ago, James123 said:

Yes i am referring to that but not totally. Because, If you dont think and dont know how do you know that phenomena is exist? If you dont think, nothing never happens. So called reality creates by monkey mind, which is a process of thoughts. If there is genuinely not knowing, what is mahasmadhi, you, awakening or mind? 

"Exist" is a concept, so yes I agree, "existence" is stripped away. Yet, there are still appearances (even if they are not real or exist). Raw appearences remain. Yet really, these raw appearances are no different from mahasamadhi. Mahasamadhi isn't less empty, as it can't get any emptier. So I guess in that regard we agree.

But even though THIS right now is ultimately no different from mahasamadhi, there is still some relative/illusory value in imagining the concept of mahasamadhi. The value is for survival. Survival is of course an illusion so that concept is illusion as well, but that applies to all concepts/projections you imagine, and you do imagine many, otherwise 'you' wouldn't be here writing posts but long have starved or died in a different way. So why are concepts of paying the bills fine, yet mahasamdhi isn't? And the concept of mahasamadhi is important for survival, otherwise accidental mahasamadhi will eventually occur (which is of course 100% fine).


7 hours ago, James123 said:

“You can deconstruct the reality” is not to correct way to describe, 

Yes, I should have written "deconstruct the illusion of reality".

But yeah I know even that isn't precise. Ultimately, there is no illusion to deconstruct. What is considered as "illusion" (or "projection" onto 'raw existence') is itsellf just pure God. 


2 hours ago, James123 said:

  truth never comes from learning, it is already you. 

I agree.

Edited by GreenWoods

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Hehe I read your entire post, OP.  Nice it sounds like you had one of those doozy's.  San Pedro is as legit as it gets.  :D

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Now I’m curious about that cactus ?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

Now I’m curious about that cactus ?

Most underrated psychedelic plant.  Extremely easy to acquire and one of the smoothest longest acting psychedelic drugs there are.  Definitely give it a shot.  

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I kind of rushed through your post, but how is this any different from what is discussed on this forum daily? 

Can anyone shed light? 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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21 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:

I kind of rushed through your post, but how is this any different from what is discussed on this forum daily? 

Can anyone shed light? 

17 hours ago, electroBeam said:



I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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5 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

But even though THIS right now is ultimately no different from mahasamadhi, there is still some relative/illusory value in imagining the concept of mahasamadhi. The value is for survival. Survival is of course an illusion so that concept is illusion as well, but that applies to all concepts/projections you imagine, and you do imagine many, otherwise 'you' wouldn't be here writing posts but long have starved or died in a different way. So why are concepts of paying the bills fine, yet mahasamdhi isn't? And the concept of mahasamadhi is important for survival, otherwise accidental mahasamadhi will eventually occur (which is of course 100% fine).

How do you know that these are sentences, conversation, imagining and written by me? What is me?  When you so called speak,  can you see the words ? When you think, can you see the monkey mind? Do you think eyes see anything? Or is there such a thing as eye, if you dont name and label it? When you say mahasamadhi, isnt it something that you have imagined for future? Because you believe in that mahasmadhi will happen after death, because of the meaning of mahasamashi is that, and you think you are alive. So mahasamadhi is something that you imagine for future now for you, so you imagining it. Where is that imagination take place?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Just wanted to add.

From my subjective experience the enlightened self can be sustained if 

in the right place (physically)[Energetically] 

Yet if you are surrounded by deeply lost entities you might loose your "state"

Which is bound to happen if you do not lock yourself in your home or go to a monastery.

My way is that of a bodhi-sattva and i feel Leo is such as well .

In one of the videos (recent ones) he said he was given the opportunity to enter mahasamadhi

and said no.

We are here not for ourselvs.






Daniel li Rodenko 


I live in Israel Jerusalem anyone who is around 

is warmly welcome to just sit and chill at my home.

Haven't read all answers so sorry if it was not on point.

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14 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

But even though THIS right now is ultimately no different from mahasamadhi, there is still some relative/illusory value in imagining the concept of mahasamadhi. The value is for survival. Survival is of course an illusion so that concept is illusion as well, but that applies to all concepts/projections you imagine, and you do imagine many, otherwise 'you' wouldn't be here writing posts but long have starved or died in a different way. So why are concepts of paying the bills fine, yet mahasamdhi isn't? And the concept of mahasamadhi is important for survival, otherwise accidental mahasamadhi will eventually occur (which is of course 100% fine).

Exactly right.  The relative exists for the relative which is exactly why it's relative :)

The concept of death does not exist without birth.  It is a duality.

I think you guys are just talking about two sides of the same coin.   he is expressing non duality while you are stating that duality exists - which it does - for its own sake.  

It's a debate that has gone on here for years where some have said duality is an illusion.  But notice - it IS an illusion hehe.  You cannot get under existence.   I don't think @James123 is disputing this here but speaking of pure non-duality.  But I could be wrong....actually to despute it would just be a finite perspective.  Absolute Infinity or Absolute Nothingness or Absolute Love cannot be spoken.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 not disputing and debating brother. I am just trying to explain what the awakening is. Because many people still think that illusion still goes on, however in awakening you realize that there is no illusion or duality, which just happens within the process of thoughts. If you are still stuck in process of thoughts, words, questions, any expectations or consider any happening about future, and you still take granded thoughts or words, you (you mean is as people, dont get me wrong) aint awake. This is non duality. So nothing never happens. If you think illusion, illusion arises. If you dont think nothing will never happen. There is no thoughts separate than you, therefore no thoughts, because it is you, because god is nothing. 

36 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

is disputing this here but speaking of pure non-duality. 

Yes you are right.

 Awakening = Pure non duality = Truth. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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17 minutes ago, James123 said:

@Inliytened1 not disputing and debating brother. I am just trying to explain what the awakening is. Because many people still think that illusion still goes on, however in awakening you realize that there is no illusion or duality, which just happens within the process of thoughts. If you are still stuck in process of thoughts, words, questions, any expectations or consider any happening about future, and you still take granded thoughts or words, you (you mean is as people, dont get me wrong) aint awake. This is non duality. So nothing never happens. If you think illusion, illusion arises. If you dont think nothing will never happen. There is no thoughts separate than you, therefore no thoughts, because it is you, because god is nothing. 

Yes you are right.

 Awakening = Pure non duality = Truth. 

I hear you brother i know you are out here tryin to wake mofos up...

Interestingly enough thought can exist in an Infinite state of consciousness but it is not finite thought bound by time.  It is not what the finite mind calls a thought but it is Absolute Mind.  You must quiet the monkey mind to reach such a state because it is merging with the present moment.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

You must quiet the monkey mind to reach such a state because it is merging with the present moment

Because there is no mind and me( who can think the thoughts). Me and mind is just a thought.

9 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Thought can exist in an Infinite state of consciousness but it is not finite thought bound by time.  It is not what the finite mind calls a thought but it is Absolute Mind. 

What do you mean by that? Can you explain detaily? 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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6 minutes ago, James123 said:

Because there is no mind and me( who can think the thoughts). Me and mind is just a thought.

What do you mean by that? Can you explain detaily? 

If only language could explain it....?

Infinite Mind brother.  Infinite Understanding.   God.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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30 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

If only language could explain it....?



30 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Infinite Mind brother.  Infinite Understanding.   God.

Imo, Saying infinite mind and understanding is misleading, because you still go in the process of thoughts. Whatever you know just forget everything, thats what god, before birth, after death, and now. Because anything you know and learned is created by so called self. There is no self. Whatever left is it. I dont even want to say god, because god is still concept.

And what is left if you forget everything whatever left is what you already are ?. Because god is nothing. And nothing has no concept, it is the way that is. It has no name, but is you and now. It has no beginning nor infinite. Because beginning and infinite is just a thought .

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 hours ago, Gili Trawangan said:

Can anyone shed light? 

To my mum, Tony Parsons, Leo, Rumi, Mooji, sadhguru are all saying the same thing.

The difference is in the extremely subtle details. What i wrote about was NOT what this site writes about daily. It was a complete rejection and rebuke of it if anything. 

I'd have a stab that you'd need to be balls deep into spirituality to notice the details. If you're my mum you'll read what I've written and determine it was the exact thing every teacher talks about.

If it doesn't help you, dismiss it of course, but for those who are balls deep into spirituality, at the very least it would open their minds up to other possibilities, whether they know that consciously, or not(absorbed subconsciously)

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20 minutes ago, James123 said:



Because anything you know and learned is created by so called self

Indeed brother no one should take it as a belief but after the self "dies"  and God awakens  then God can say what i am saying.  That is not ego.  That is Truth once One has awoken.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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