
You don't create anything.

3 posts in this topic

Think about it this way:

If you create a rhythm, say, a drum rhythm, the rhythm already existed in the realm of possibilities. What you did was... wait for it... Actualized it! :)

If you create a picture... You didn't create it, because it already existed in the realm of possibility. The only interesting thing is, the connection between the picture and previous or future pictures or rhythms. Like a thread all tied together in both directions infinitely, with many waves, knots, corrugations and connections of all sorts... In past and future.

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You right. Gotta take into account there is no you to begin with!. So YOU didn't even actualize it. It actualized on it's own. 

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When you say ‘you don’t create anything’, what is missed is you’re creating that there is a you which is saying this and a you which this is said to, let alone being the experience itself. 

Is there any direct experience of the ‘previous’ & ‘future’ x ?



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