
Please define enlightment

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On 11/12/2020 at 0:00 AM, BlackMaze said:

What does enlightment mean?

Bursting into a new dimension in which it is glaringly clear that you are not human and the earth doesent exist.

In this place (depending on how far you go) you will enter a state of perpetual bliss, supernatural knowledge. You will have seen god's actual literal presence and you will realise that it is your own presence. At this point you become completely immortal. You will have dramatically increased quality of life in this new place. The bliss is amazing btw ;) I'm not enlightened but I've had a few 5meo experiences. I guess I'm just chilling, Gona do what Leo did soon...just gotta go to fucking town with 5meo at some point.

5meo is a must

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Enlightenment is your real nature. Your natural state as you are. Look at how a child behave. That's really it. Or an animal. Enlightenment is returning to your natural animalistic state and getting rid of your human bullshit as much as you can. All your agendas. Your shoulds and should nots. Your ideas about what's right or wrong or how life should be . Your sense of control. Your sense of separate self. Your sense of being a thing at all. 

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On 11.12.2020. at 5:09 AM, VeganAwake said:

A clear recognition for no one that there never was a "YOU" or "ANOTHER"

Yeah Yeah. ?

1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Enlightenment is your real nature. Your natural state as you are. Look at how a child behave. That's really it. Or an animal. Enlightenment is returning to your natural animalistic state and getting rid of your human bullshit as much as you can 

Enlightenment /Awakening is realization of your True Nature, yes exactly. 

Infinite Love. ✌️

Actual work. ?Not guessing, "animal". 

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@Aaron p unfortunately i don't have access to anything. Maybe i will travel in the future only to try 5meo and stuff. This day is still far though. I had some profound experiences with salvia many years ago but it was not pleasant at all. Fuck salvia. 

@Someone here i guess even if i was enlightened this would not change my smoking habit then

@zeroISinfinity 5 meo? How did you enter god mode? 


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@BlackMaze this is not to sound pedantic but the correct understanding is "you" never become enlightened.

If you read my comment I said it's the dissolving of that sense of self. 

you as a separate individual entity literally do not exist. This is not a word game. This is meant literally not metaphorically. You can practice self-inquiry and verify this. What is left after you shed the misconception of what you really are is what enlightenment is. Which is already your natural state as pure consciousness. 

Has nothing to do with smoking or addiction in general lol. There two separate things lol. 

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@Someone here i agree with you. It's a habit to talk like this. I can't avoid every i in a sentence in order to write something. I mean that even if enlightment happened this body will continue to be addicted and on top of that there would be no right or wrong so i might as well continue smoking or do hard drugs for example. How can this be solved? 

Edited by BlackMaze

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@BlackMaze ofcourse enlightenment won't get you rid of addiction. 

How to stop smoking? 

Well Smoking is an action. You stop the action by stopping the action. Tada lol.  There is no how. There is a how when it comes to how to do X. But when it's how to NOT do X.. You just don't do it lol. 

Ofcourse easier said than done. I myself am binge smoking these days. Could have helped myself lol :D 

Also when you become enlightened you realize free will is hogwash. There isn't a doer for your deeds just in the same way you don't control your breath or heart beats or that monkey that is constantly rambling in your mind. The body mind will still have to function. You just hope that it functions well lol. 

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@Someone here yes i mean that if enlightment happens and there is no separation between good and bad that means that addiction would be also ok. 

I still don't grasp the no free will idea. I mean i do but also not. If i strive to reach a goal does this mean that the striving would happen anyway? If i let everything go and don't do anything would be the same as trying to do something because it's pre-determined? 

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4 minutes ago, BlackMaze said:

@Someone here 

I still don't grasp the no free will idea. I mean i do but also not. If i strive to reach a goal does this mean that the striving would happen anyway? If i let everything go and don't do anything would be the same as trying to do something because it's pre-determined? 

@BlackMaze again the whole point is that you are not real. Who is it that have or doesn't have free will?  You ofcourse. But the whole point is that "you" is just a thought not an entity. So the whole question becomes meaningless. 

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Spend all your efforts getting 5meo. Meditation is like fighting with sticks and stones, 5meo is a nuclear bomb. You'd be better selling your sticks and stones for 50 years to save up for one nuclear bomb rather than trying to get the same success with fighting with sticks and stones for 50 yesrs

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@Aaron p now i'm more curious to see what all the fuss is about. But it will take some years probably 

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On 11/12/2020 at 1:00 AM, BlackMaze said:

Please define enlightment


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@BlackMaze Losing seeming center in the head (self) from which all experience seems to be observed. No longer feeling like you are looking out the world out there and there is a separation between you and the world. Drastic reduction in self-referential thoughts.  

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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