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This ones a question for you sci-fi nerds,

How far do you think science can take humanity in expanding our lifespan. Do you think there is a limit on our human lifespan, or we can live in the 'physical' world for eternity given the right scientific development?

I think we won't be able to get past 130 years max but I wouldn't be surprised if I was proven wrong. I'm currently 21 and in the year 2078 I'll be the same age as Joe Biden lol - we must have some high tech technology that will keep me alive for as long as I please right? Hahahaha

Would love to hear some responses...

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Death gets closer and closer. Every breath is one breath less, every minute is one minute less.


Each time your cells replicate, for each and every miniscule shift in your energy, you age in some way. 

It's natural. I'd be amazed if such an omnipresent force like physical aging could be overcome. It would be like trying to stop entropy, trying to stop brownian motion.

Death as a property of reality is inherent, regardless of lifespan. Flux and impermanence is death. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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I think the ultimate truth of it is thus...

You used the word yourself: "Limit". Time, any length of time, is like a Limit in Calculus... Forever and ever, approaching infinity; but never quite getting there.

Yes, I believe we can indeed extend our lifetime, as humans, indefinitely. But existence is ultimately eternal, and any number of years, relative to infinite years, is essentially nothing, no time at all.

So the question of "how long" will we live, is far less important than the question of "how deep" can we go into the present moment?

=]  <3

Edited by juvoci

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look this way: You dont have any cell in your body that you had when you was a kid, all cells are replaced.

On a self-psychologycal level you change your ego (mask)  diferent times in your life, your self mature, so the old infantile you is dead already and now youre an adult.

If we reduct the self as pure consciousness, its is already inmortal.

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I remember when I was 8 or 9 and I hopped on The Immotality Institute's online forums, argued with them some, and called them all stupid and got banned. :*

I didnt know why I didn't like it so much, it wasn't even from a christian angle. They just annoyed me

While I don't think that is the best way to talk to them, my distaste for transhumanism and life extension has been refined and sharpened. Viewed from the lens of spiral dynamics, it is definitely a detrimental idea from stage orange. Life extension and transhumanism is just vastly inferior to being a philosopher  .

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Let's be realistic. On average, we live, we get injured, we get sick, we get old, and we die. Some of us die immediately.

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