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I started reading Way of the Superior Man and the first chapter slapped me in the face saying:

"Spend at least an hour today giving your fullest gift, whatever that is for today, so that when you go to sleep at night you know you couldn't have lived your day with more courage, creativity, and giving."

What in the fuck nuggets is my fullest gift? 

So this got me thinking....

What's my dream career? What do I find the most joy in doing? What are dope skills and hobbies that can eventually lead to careers? What are some dope skills and hobbies that align with my deepest values and goals?

More importantly, WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS?

I have a general idea of what I should do with my life (meditation, enlightenment, YouTube channel, become real life Socrates from the book Way of the Peaceful Warrior, get fit, be happy, spread love, completely understand reality, embody love, have beautiful mind blowing sex, maybe parkour and freerunning, etc etc) but I don't know where specifically I wanna go. What my fullest gift is. What my calling is. I'm interested in so many things yet lack the clarity and focus to have a specific life purpose.

But throughout each day I wander through the day without a clear focus other than meditating three times a day and reading an hour a day.

I'm lacking direction.

I've tried googling it. YouTubing it. 

Every video I find, it's like "follow your excitements!!!!! what are you passionate about?????" 

Then there's me just sitting here like a lost poodle saying "I"M PASSIONATE ABOUT BASICALLY EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT THE SAME TIME."

I've been lusting over Leo's Life Purpose Course because it claims to resolve all this bullshit I'm going through butttttttt my finances do not permit anything of the sort.

I have lots of time on my hands, just not financially independent yet and am lacking the money to splurge on courses like that.

So yeah, I need direction.

Any suggestions?



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@longusername12345 Wait for disaster to hit you. Till then you're gonna have to make a choice. 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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I was in the same situation for many years. Eventually my intuition saved me by giving me an intuitive knowing of what I needed to do that was so clear and strong that I couldn't possibly doubt it or waste any more time! Maybe it will be the same for you. Strong intuitions are known to be very rare, but there is always a way, try!

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What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite book?

What is your biggest complaint about other people?

What is your biggest complaint about your own behavior?

What are the biggest problems that you recognize in the world?

What did you spend most of your daydream time as a youth daydreaming about?

Do you want to engage with society and help build more of what we've been building or would you like a more isolated and lazy type lifestyle?

Have you spent time mapping out your personality and interests? Things that make you happy, things that annoy you, etc.

Who in your peer group (anyone working on something) has the coolest professions? What are the top 3?

Do you expect a purpose to be everlasting and unchanging or does it flow with your own development?

Rate your emotional and cognitive self awareness on a scale of 1-100

I don't know you, but if you answer these questions I’ll throw some totally random ideas at you - might trigger a thought in you that leads to something you like. Sometimes we just need to see something to unlock the gate that is creative self awareness.  As life progresses, the depth of your experience will illuminate new pathways that were previously unseen.

Your purpose is predestined insomuch as your thoughts are the foundation of dependent origination (as far as I can tell). Just gotta build that unwavering commitment to accomplish your goals in the face of any and every adversity.


Edited by SourceCodo


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Think deeply and take the Life Purpose Course duh. 

Also what you are asking here is that we collectively f*ck your wife. That's like your ultimate and unique business, not ours. 

Gl though. 

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59 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Think deeply and take the Life Purpose Course duh. 

Also what you are asking here is that we collectively f*ck your wife. That's like your ultimate and unique business, not ours. 

Gl though. 

Not financially stable enough to take the life purpose course.

Also touche, but I guess I got bored of just me fucking her (joking, dont have a wife)

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1 hour ago, SourceCodo said:

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite book?

What is your biggest complaint about other people?

What is your biggest complaint about your own behavior?

What are the biggest problems that you recognize in the world?

What did you spend most of your daydream time as a youth daydreaming about?

Do you want to engage with society and help build more of what we've been building or would you like a more isolated and lazy type lifestyle?

Have you spent time mapping out your personality and interests? Things that make you happy, things that annoy you, etc.

Who in your peer group (anyone working on something) has the coolest professions? What are the top 3?

Do you expect a purpose to be everlasting and unchanging or does it flow with your own development?

Rate your emotional and cognitive self awareness on a scale of 1-100

I don't know you, but if you answer these questions I’ll throw some totally random ideas at you - might trigger a thought in you that leads to something you like. Sometimes we just need to see something to unlock the gate that is creative self awareness.  As life progresses, the depth of your experience will illuminate new pathways that were previously unseen.

Your purpose is predestined insomuch as your thoughts are the foundation of dependent origination (as far as I can tell). Just gotta build that unwavering commitment to accomplish your goals in the face of any and every adversity.


My favorite movie is Yes Man.

My favorite book is Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.

My biggest complaint about other people is they're so fear driven.

My biggest complaint about my own behavior is that I always fall short of my expectations.

As a youth, I'd daydream about making movies, leading all of society to be perfect and happy, writing books, travelling to different dimensions, also lots of fucking but not the emotionless dull sex, but the intensely immersive sex.

I definitely want to help society evolve.

My personality is so fluid I don't really know. My interests are health, love, sex, becoming superhuman, non-egoic states of consciousness, exploring other worlds, lucid dreaming, astral projection, new age stuff, healing, people, self-improvemenbt, psychology, sociology, understanding how reality works. 

I don't really know anyone in my peer group who has professions I admire. Wait! I do have one. He's a canadian chef and he's fucking chill and always flowing with life. He's always stoned, but he's a master chef and he's in a band, plus he does coding on top of that. Inspiring dude.

I expect my purpose to flow as my life does. I just don't know what it is at this stage in my life.

My emotional and cognitive self awareness is 79/100. 

Also thanks dude! Cheers!



1 hour ago, Megan Alecia said:

@longusername12345 Wait for disaster to hit you. Till then you're gonna have to make a choice. 

What do you mean?

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@longusername12345 You're gonna have bad times in your life. They're bound to give you a direction.

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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7 minutes ago, mmKay said:

@longusername12345 Buy nothing but dry lentels and water untill you save up the 250 bucks. it will pay back the investment x100 fold. If you are serious.

ahahahaahah sounds good man, if it's that much of an investment then hell yeah 

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It's really up to you. Do what you find worthwhile. Whatever makes you feel something strongly. Strong connection towards things leads to your identity in general. 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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1 hour ago, longusername12345 said:

My favorite movie is Yes Man.

My favorite book is Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.

My biggest complaint about other people is they're so fear driven.

My biggest complaint about my own behavior is that I always fall short of my expectations.

As a youth, I'd daydream about making movies, leading all of society to be perfect and happy, writing books, travelling to different dimensions, also lots of fucking but not the emotionless dull sex, but the intensely immersive sex.

I definitely want to help society evolve.

My personality is so fluid I don't really know. My interests are health, love, sex, becoming superhuman, non-egoic states of consciousness, exploring other worlds, lucid dreaming, astral projection, new age stuff, healing, people, self-improvemenbt, psychology, sociology, understanding how reality works. 

I don't really know anyone in my peer group who has professions I admire. Wait! I do have one. He's a canadian chef and he's fucking chill and always flowing with life. He's always stoned, but he's a master chef and he's in a band, plus he does coding on top of that. Inspiring dude.

I expect my purpose to flow as my life does. I just don't know what it is at this stage in my life.

My emotional and cognitive self awareness is 79/100. 

Also thanks dude! Cheers!



What do you mean?

Ok. Here’s my advice as a starting point. I don’t have any credibility to stand on so take it with a grain of salt. I’m also just intuiting this with my bias and background experience, do your best to find something to relate to in my words. Don’t reject anything, just explore it and find empathy for why I would say that. 

Focus on a few self development habits and stick to them for a long time. This will build confidence in your ability to stick to things and not tread on the surface too much. This “treading on the surface behavior” is indicated by your many and shuffling interests. It’s a cool trait and allows you to explore more than most, but you’ll have to stick to something long term if you’re after a sense of purpose.

Alas, Forget the purpose storyline until you’re further down the road in life. Instead focus on developing your self awareness up into the 85-95 range (self assessed). This means authentic self confidence beyond the mess of external relations. You’ll get to a point past arbitrary goal setting via grandiose life plans and find you. You. You outside of all of the noise in your life. You outside all of your attachments and addictions. The calm you that sits in reflection wondering who it was that was living before this self and how he could have imagined he would dictate the rest of the story. You’ll transform into someone entirely the same, but entirely different. 

ok. Once you’re here, you’re likely at a place of transcending the worlds issues and letting life be as it is. You’ve probably really gotten to know yourself and your interests and you’ve likely garnered a lot of really cool world experiences with heightened abilities to relate to people and have empathy for the things you saw while traveling and being involved in the worldly life. That’s a cool place to be. 90ish on a self awareness scale and transcendence scale (total bullshit, just trying to illustrate the idea of multiple facets of the personality needing work). 

I think that would be an ideal time to reflect on your values, reflect on what makes you happy and how you could help yourself or the world in a meaningful way. You’ll know yourself better and be even smarter and better equipped to make those decisions at that time. 

Now go meditate on detachment from the need for all of the nonsense. It’s just part of the game you’re playing right now. Transcend it for a bit and enjoy the show. 

Kittens, rainbows and dragons ?


This could all be a rambling biased crock of shit too. I’m slowly dying and trying to take meaning with me into the big nuthouse in the sky. All while having total immersion in the experience. Why the fuck am I giving advice on the internet? Somebody get a stick and hit me in the face with it. 

Edited by SourceCodo


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  • Not knowing life purpose, lack of clarity on what you truly want in life, what to do in life


  • Life Purpose, Passion
  • Meaning, Purpose, Value
  • Time Management
  • Theory Vs. Practice, Balancing It

Suggestions / Solutions:

  • Consider the perspective (helpful framing) of life as different categories, shades, areas, domains
    • For Example:
      • Spirituality / Psychology
      • Health/Body
      • Purpose/Passion (I.E Life Purpose)
      • Finances/Cashflow
      • Productivity/Time Management/Efficiency
      • Success/Career/Academics
      • Social/Relationships
        • Romance/Sex
        • Friends/Bonds
        • Family
        • Network/Other
      • Activities/Hobbies/Lifestyle/Fun
    • These are not strict categories, in fact, you can make them however you want, and they often overlap (especially with the earlier ones, I mentioned like Spirituality/Psychology, this pretty much hits every other domain at its core).
      • You can also tier domains by their importance and prevalence.
      • These are by no means equivalent domains, but just different "shades" for looking at life.
      • There are other ways of categorizing life such as Maslow's Hierarchy, or a list of needs, etc.
      • However, these categorizations, compartmentalization of life offer clarity on a lot, including the different goals, agendas, endeavors you can pursue.
    • From this, we can garner that the different goals you speak of, can be seen as in different categories (or endeavors) in life. Based on what you talked about, these are the main categories for those goals (even though they can affect all areas of life, as life may not really be confined to these imagined categorizations)
      • Meditation, Enlightenment
        • ---> Spirituality / Psychology, Life Purpose (Possibly)
      • YouTube Channel
        • ----> Life Purpose (Possibly),  Sucess/Career/Academics (Possibly)Activities/Hobbies,
      • Become real-life Socrates
        • ----> Spirituality / Psychology, Mainly a mindset/goal/ideal/philosophy that goes throughout all areas
      • Get Fit
        • ----> Health/Body
      • Be Happy
        • ----> Spirituality / Psychology, Mainly a goal/ideal that goes throughout all areas
      • Spread Love
        • ----> Spirituality / Psychology, Life Purpose, Social/Relationships, Mainly a goal/ideal that goes throughout all areas
      • Completely Understand Reality
        • -----> Spirituality / Psychology, Mainly a goal/ideal that goes throughout all areas
      • Embody Love
        • -----> Spirituality / Psychology, Life Purpose, Mainly a goal/ideal that goes throughout all areas
      • Have mind-blowing sex
        • ----> Romance/Sex
      • Parkour/Free Running
        • ----> Life Purpose (Possibly), Activities/Hobbies
    • Therefore, from this, we can understand that most of these are not necessarily zero-sum (take one or the other) options but different endeavors that you can pursue congruently
      • You can, and maybe should pursue all these endeavors (maybe even simultaneously, although that may not be recommended), however, the main area where you really have to make a choice is life purpose
        • So you can have mind-blowing sex, be fit, aim to completely understand reality (in those categories of life) while pursuing a life purpose (in its own category of life)
      • You can consider the goal of maximizing all these life areas
        • Which for life purpose, could mean finding out what it is, and pursuing it for the (1 hour+ a day or whatever like you mentioned)
      • (You may have already understood all that, but I say it just to lay the groundwork/foundation and just in case
  • Do whatever you want
    • Unless you have your basic needs met, there is really no rush to getting to life purpose, if you don't feel the desire to have a life purpose, you don't necessarily have to force yourself
      • You can just do whatever you want, while
        • Being aware of the "best" / "ideal" / "end" path (which appears to be having a life purpose)
        • Not following your desires off a cliff (like doing hardcore drugs like heroin)
      • It appears, that eventually, you will satisfy your earlier / "lower" desires (such as the bottom/mid-tier of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs) and then desire life purpose naturally
        • If you are already here or want to go ahead with life purpose anyway (again doing whatever you want), that's fine as well
  • Pursue Development + Needs
    • You can also consider pursuing the development/growth (through Spiral Dynamics, Ego Development, Integral Theory, etc.) as this seems to be what you will end up doing anyway, just at a less efficient pace
    • Further, you can consider pursuing all Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (or various psychological needs), just like look at different lists and aim for the ones you think are unmet or want to strengthen/fulfill (but generally this is aligned with following your desires, as you generally would feel desire for whatever need that is unmet)
  • Become Financially Free
    • This is simple
      • Financial Freedom = Time + Material/Ressource Freedom
        • Now you can do whatever you want
        • And can get (within a price range) whatever you want
      • It's basically a net benefit for every area of life
    • Achieving this is a great launchpad and a huge asset (possibly even a necessity, at least for some) to living a good life
  • Self-Experimentation
    • In terms of life purpose (or really figuring out what to do with your life in general or anything)
      • Anything before experience (meaning everything I talked about above) is just imagination/thoughts/beliefs/ideas and really serve as predictions
    • This means you want to actually go out and experiment / explore these various options
      • Experiment w/ the options I gave above (such as following your desires, pursuing development + needs, etc., maybe even multiple at one time)
      • Experiment w/ different life purpose options
        • For example:
          • Make a list of what you think maybe your life purpose, and devote a set time every day (like an hour for anywhere from a week to a month), to gain some first-hand experience on whether its actually want you to want to do with your life
    • The most important thing is:
      •  You got to take action
    • You're not going to figure out your life purpose, or what to do through pure thought and research (At best you will get a solid prediction)
      • Think about it, you have probably been doing research, thinking, theorizing so far, where has research/theory gotten you?
      • Although some healthy research, study, thinking, and contemplation beforehand, won't hurt ----> you've already done that
        • The time to take action is NOW

Let me know if this does or does not solve this issue or give you a game plan for solving this issue or if there are any further issues

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Lucid dreaming expert would be cool. Just a springboard. 

Edited by SourceCodo


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I floundered for YEARS, realistically my whole life, but seriously for about 6 years trying to figure out what my life purpose was. 

It wasn't until I took Leo's life purpose course that I figured it out. 


NOTHING else helped me, and I looked into SO MANY THINGS. This is why Leo's contributions are so important to the world, but I digress...


I know you don't have the funds right now but this course, if purpose is important to you, is a MUST. There are so many secrets in there that I didn't find anywhere else. 


It is worth the money. Get used to paying money for worthwhile things in life. In fact, the money you spend often contributes to the worthiness of the thing for you. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Trying to do this in self referential thinking, or ‘in your head’ is probably impossible. Making a Dreamboard turns this seemingly complicated thing into a board full of what you like, love, want to experience etc, in front of you. Completely different experience & vantage point. I would begin this, and take Leo’s LP course asap. What makes it otherwise difficult, is creating the life you want is already underway, and no one call tell you what your life purpose, or most ideal life to create is. With the dreamboard, day by day it becomes most obvious. 



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You mentioned writing as a passion. Starting a blog is a great place to start. Write about all the things you love; that can be movies, politics, whatever. If you like speaking, start a vlog too, and post those videos on YouTube and on your blog.

Don't worry about if anyone reads or watches the content. If you're unsure what direction to go in, seeking the approval of others is just a distraction. The exercise of a blog vlog is a self-discovery exercise. Through the creation of these writings and videos, you'll learn a lot about yourself.

Now, you might ask: "Why not just write in a private journal or keep the videos on my iCloud?" Because, in my opinion, making the content public is very important. Why? Because someone might read / watch it. It keeps you honest. It makes the process more real.

Hiding from the world is a terrible idea if your goal is self-growth and maturation as a human being. Many people marinate in their own private echo-chambers and expect to grow. Incorrect. This is a feedback loop which will often lead to delusion. Instead, interact with the world at large (thank god for the internet). This creates real and quality feedback.

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On 12/9/2020 at 7:50 PM, SourceCodo said:

Ok. Here’s my advice as a starting point. I don’t have any credibility to stand on so take it with a grain of salt. I’m also just intuiting this with my bias and background experience, do your best to find something to relate to in my words. Don’t reject anything, just explore it and find empathy for why I would say that. 

Focus on a few self development habits and stick to them for a long time. This will build confidence in your ability to stick to things and not tread on the surface too much. This “treading on the surface behavior” is indicated by your many and shuffling interests. It’s a cool trait and allows you to explore more than most, but you’ll have to stick to something long term if you’re after a sense of purpose.

Alas, Forget the purpose storyline until you’re further down the road in life. Instead focus on developing your self awareness up into the 85-95 range (self assessed). This means authentic self confidence beyond the mess of external relations. You’ll get to a point past arbitrary goal setting via grandiose life plans and find you. You. You outside of all of the noise in your life. You outside all of your attachments and addictions. The calm you that sits in reflection wondering who it was that was living before this self and how he could have imagined he would dictate the rest of the story. You’ll transform into someone entirely the same, but entirely different. 

ok. Once you’re here, you’re likely at a place of transcending the worlds issues and letting life be as it is. You’ve probably really gotten to know yourself and your interests and you’ve likely garnered a lot of really cool world experiences with heightened abilities to relate to people and have empathy for the things you saw while traveling and being involved in the worldly life. That’s a cool place to be. 90ish on a self awareness scale and transcendence scale (total bullshit, just trying to illustrate the idea of multiple facets of the personality needing work). 

I think that would be an ideal time to reflect on your values, reflect on what makes you happy and how you could help yourself or the world in a meaningful way. You’ll know yourself better and be even smarter and better equipped to make those decisions at that time. 

Now go meditate on detachment from the need for all of the nonsense. It’s just part of the game you’re playing right now. Transcend it for a bit and enjoy the show. 

Kittens, rainbows and dragons ?


This could all be a rambling biased crock of shit too. I’m slowly dying and trying to take meaning with me into the big nuthouse in the sky. All while having total immersion in the experience. Why the fuck am I giving advice on the internet? Somebody get a stick and hit me in the face with it. 

Nah man, this feels like really solid advice. I really appreciate it!

I already have a consistent habit of meditation and reading, should I just maintain these habits while raising my awareness?


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On 12/9/2020 at 9:04 PM, SourceCodo said:

Lucid dreaming expert would be cool. Just a springboard. 

Holy fuck dude that's perfect hahahaha. I should add lucid dreaming/astral travel to my habits for sure.



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