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I'm not a fighter

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It seems like everyone in society is trying to push your buttons and bully you, if they smell weakness they will taunt you, but if you make any jibe back or stand up for yourself, plenty of people take that as an invitation to start confrontation and fights. I don't want to fight because I know that theres always winners and loosers and misery of always being on guard and looking over your shoulder. I handle this by making messed up humour to get them to shutup as I know they have sensitive spots even though they have the tough guy persona. For example Military hard guy sees me minding me own business whos part time at my work through training and says things like he can kick my arse, to get him to shutup so i can go about my day I might say I have links to isis and could get some jihadi  bombers on you. Just because its litteraly the only way to get him to shut up, I'm prepared for a shouting match because I litterally can't stand being treated like shit and need some peace of mind.


I know if I was ever in a fight I would need to use heavy force with a weapon as I'm short in stature and couldn't fight with my fists not that I want to, because like i said before i dont want to be looking over my shoulder and having to sit with a situation of winners and loosers. I hate being treated like shit, I just want peace  of mind and dont want to be threatened.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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Making humour like that is a good strategy. If you suspect someone dislikes you, you could also try the Ben Franklin effect.

The other thing to be aware of is that by having a high degree of consciousness, the negative emotions have a very hard time arising. For example:

1) Some says/does something

2) An emotion arises in the body and reaches out to you to make it into a bitter story of 'me', and why this should not be happening. (Someone used the analogy of a train pulling up to the station but you do not have to board it.)

3) Because you are watching the energy arising, it cannot take over you. You watch it pass by.

Without being watchful of the internal process, of course, one just feels miserable and the emotion can become pathological over time.

If you are unfamiliar with Eckhart Tolle's discussions about the pain-body in the Power of Now, that is essential reading. I can try and find a video online if you wish.

Note: this is not an argument in favour of remaining in a toxic situation long-term.

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Gentlemen don't fight. 

I'm following this mental policy these past few days, it maybe be of some help, I call it "Reprogram the Mind" and what it means is this - 

When someone is being an asshole to you, simply let go and understand that it reflects more of who they are than it does of you. 

I don't want their bad energy and aggression to affect me. 

And by being graceful and nice I'm also paving the way to show that this is the way to be. 

It's called holding your head high and not giving 2 shits about what people think or want from you. Let them sulk in the corner. And let their bad energy dissipate. 

I'm a peace lover, not a fighter, Amen. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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What's the purpose of this post?

You seem to be trying hard to convince yourself that you are weak, which is the opposite of what a post on a self development forum should be. 

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@Tim Ho Guess i just have to accept it, other people have life worse than me , maybe just laught at them

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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@Chives99 Maybe it's just macho banter, if not then he just seems mentally unstable. Legally he won't do shit to you and if he does just take it to court.

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