Reply to Adeptus Psychonautica's direct response to Leo Gura

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura,
There is really no damage to control. I just needed to make clear that what Connor is doing has little to do with my teachings. The reason I reached out to him is: 1) Because I don't want him to hurt himself, and 2) Because I don't want him to give spirituality and psychedelics and a bad image. Yes, your video spurred me into taking these possibilities more seriously because in general I don't take people like Connor seriously unless I'm really forced to. I don't sit around watching people's spiritual videos. My attention is focused on my own work. When some posts a video mentioning me or criticizing me, I have zero interest in seeing it. My initial reaction is that it's a distraction. Any errors in my work will not be revealed to me by some YouTube reactionary, they will be found by myself. I don't need you to tell me where I'm deluded, I will find all those areas much deeper myself. I still hold to my initial statements: 1) Connor is acting like an unhinged lunatic in the way he style his videos. Any casual observer with perceive him to be unhinged, regardless of whether this is true or not. I wanted to speak to Connor to find out if he's actually unhinged in person. My conversation with him was healthy and reasonable. I wish he came off that way in his videos so people don't get the wrong idea. But he told me he deliberately plays up the crazy for purpose of views and clicks. To me that's a waste of my time. This entire "controversy" is basically nothing but clickbait drama. Which is why I don't usually respond to such things. It's a distraction from serious spiritual work. I generally don't like it when people create controversy and drama just for attention because this seriously distracts my audience from the deep work they should be focused on doing. I am protective of my audience's attention. I don't want it directed towards dramatic stuff like Connor's Tantric sex. It's a waste of time. 2) I still hold that Connor is a Zen devil. I have an old video: Becoming A Zen Devil, where I explain many of the traps Connor is falling into. My treatment of Connor was fine considering that I try to keep my focus on my own work and not the work of others. When a guy comes off as unhinged I don't give that person much of my attention. That's what happened. Then your video made me rethink the situation and get involved. I generally don't like getting involved in such things because it's usually not constructive or productive. No, he is not saying the same things I am saying. Not at all. I have never engaged in clickbait with my channel. I do the opposite of clickbait and it costs me millions of views and $$$. So to compare my teachings with Connor is absurd. Just because Connor says basic spiritual truths such as "I am God" or "Life is a dream" or "Do psychedelics" does not mean his teachings are the same as mine. Those a common spiritual truths which many spiritual teachers say. What matters is the other 95% of the teaching. My leaving video was recorded after a massive breakthrough in consciousness facilitated by 5-MeO-DMT, which is why I left to do the 30 day retreat. I was also going through a very challenging health situation. Firstly, there were no "antics". I just sat in a bath. That's it. That's what you call "antics". Secondly, I thought you had an issue with my taking a bath on 5-MeO-DMT. I know some YouTube reactionary did, I guess that wasn't you but someone else. I confuse you with that someone else. My bad and my apologies. Lol. I will watch porn whenever I damn please and I don't care about your judgments on the matter. If you have a problem with me watching porn or jerking off, that's all you. Addiction is your assumption. I never said anything about addiction. It was a spiritual experience, and an amazing one that you only wish you had. To become fully conscious of what sexual desire is, is a profound awakening. And to give yourself the sexual pleasure you desire is also a profoundly healing spiritual experience. Try it sometime instead of judging Expression of sexual desire is not a pathology. Calling Connor a Zen devil was a precise articulation of his problem. My comments were derogatory in the same way that anyone new watching some of Connor's unhinged videos would react. BTW, I withheld commenting or judging Connor for many months. People have been posting his videos here since last spring and I withheld judgment even though in the back of my mind I already saw that this guy was a troublemaker and a potential distraction. I only called him an unhinged lunatic after enough of his videos were posted here and your video linking him to me was the straw that broke the camel's back. I toned down my language so that I could reach out to Connor and find some common ground to try to persuade him not to go down the road of Zen devilry. If he continues making unhinged clickbait videos, my initial opinions of him will stand. I want to give him some space to correct himself. Such abilities are not delusional bullshit. But these abilities require serious spiritual practice to actualize. A psychedelic trip alone will not grant these abilities in the sober state. This is still something I'm researching and figuring out. That particular statement was overstated, to be fair to you. And I can see why that would arouse skepticism in people like you. Nevertheless, deep consciousness can indeed resolve and heal many problems in your life. It's not a magic cure for everything. Some problems need to be fixed at the material level. So I will concede that point to you. I exaggerated with that statement. I do have tendency to exaggerate and overstate things sometimes in order to communicate the depth and profundity of these remarkable states of super-human consciousness. Sober words don't really do these states justice. The truth is that everything that I said about spirituality, consciousness, and psychedelics is a gross understatement. I have accessed states of consciousness which are absolutely beyond anything that could be explained or taught, or that has been accessed by traditional teachers. Doubt me if you like, but I don't care. In these states of consciousness literally every problem is resolved. The problem is how to sustain such consciousness. That's the only real problem. I get very little out of engaging with you. It takes up time which I could invest in creating better videos. I have a general policy not to engage with any reactionary material to my work. Now, of course, my critics will chalk that up to the fact that my positions are too weak to be defended in public debate. But the reality is that the things I teach cannot be debated at all. So I don't debate and I don't react. I don't really do interviews either. Because I want all my attention to be focused on constructive work. My policy has always been not to engage reactionaries. I made a rare exception for your video because Connor has a large audience and I don't want them to get misled about this work, and also because I became somewhat concerned about Connor's psychological health. Your video did make me take this issue more seriously, as I initially dismissed the seriousness of the situation. Because my mind is not focused on anyone's work but my own. So some thanks to you for that. If a see some crazy YouTuber doing something, I generally have no interest in butting in. I got my own work to focus on. This whole incident, thanks your video, has made me even more convinced that in the future I will not be responding to any reactionary YouTube content about me. And that is because nothing of value comes from it. I will not do debates and I will not defend any of my teachings. My teachings will stand completely on their own merits. My teachings are true only if you can validate them for yourself. Anything that comes out of my mouth which you cannot validate is not true. Which makes things very simple. My teachings are not an ideology of any kind and therefore they require no defending or debate. You cannot discover the truth of my teachings via a conversation, discussion, or debate. You cannot know whether miraculous healing is possible from super-human states of consciousness via discussion on YouTube. The only way to solve that is to actually do it. I thank you for your willingness to engage in a public conversation, but I would rather focus my time and energy towards creating positive new content rather than distracting my audience with drama, gossip, and controversy. It's not that I'm saying you're wrong, either. Even if you are right, I will let the audience make that determination for themselves while I move on with doing my constructive work. But I simply have no interest in publicly adjudicating rightness or wrongness. A much faster way to adjudicate that is through actual practice. Practice is what will cut out all the falsehood. If you are right and I am wrong, practice will show that. So I would rather just direct my audience to practice more. I simply have zero interest in explaining myself to YouTube reactionaries. I would rather just focus on making videos that actually help people do spiritual work. Okay, good for you. In general I have a very low opinion of YouTubers who make their careers as reactionaries. If that's not you, then great. I wish you a long and happy career as a constructive content creator rather than a troll. Maybe at some point in the future we could have a public conservation, but right now my focus is on deepening my own practice. I'm not even much interested lately in being a YouTuber. Very soon most of my focus will be going into my own radical awakening and spiritual practice. When I do my deepest work you will not even know that I exist.