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Scientology Fair Game, a great podcast highlighting the mechanisms of cults

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Scientology was created by the science fiction writer L Ron Hubbard (who is actually one of the most prolific writer in history with 1000+ published pieces). He wrote Scientology into existence like one writes a science fiction universe and collaged concepts from spirituality, psychiatry, science fiction to create what turned out to become a very powerful structure. After the death of Hubbard the structure was taken over by his young aid, David Miscavige, who notched the oppressive nature of the church to the next level.

This podcast led by Leah Remini and Mike Rinder (two former top Scientologists) is excellent at exposing the harming ways of Scientology, it's called Scientology Fair Game :

Some of the policies or facts that makes Scientology a grinding machine :

- Fair game policy : critics of the church are declared fair game and scientologists can harass or harm them in any way without facing any consequence from the church.

- Disconnection policy : scientologists are to cut all ties with people declared enemy of the church. People are scared to leave or offend the church because their family members and friends will be forced to cut ties with them and this led to many very painful situations.

- Pope of the church, David Miscavige, used to (continues?) to physically assault top level executives of the church that offered their life to it for any reason ranging from failure to complete a task to a smug comment.

- Many of top level executives that lived in Scientology for 25+ years (including David Miscavige's own father) had to escape from the Scientology base like one escapes from a prison.

And it goes on and on. Given that the self help business is often (systematically?) abusive on some level it seems beneficial to familiarize with this material so one can decide with additional clarity whether the abuse he is put through is legitimized by the promise of growth.

Additional material :

Father of the head of Scientology on Joe Rogan show : 

Leah Remini on jre :

Description of some of the physical abuses : 

Leah also made a great 3 seasons show called "Scientology and the aftermath" that covers extensively the abusive nature of the church.

Edited by Tetcher

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