
life purpose examples questions

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is mike tyson's or tiger wood's career a good example of a life purpose ? or any sports athlete for that matter - they sure mastered something but they didn't really provide any value to society did they ? 

what about a gamer like ninja or tyler1 ? mad successul but are they good examples of life purposes ?

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I suspect you're of the same sentiment as me, that sports are basically a huge waste of time and resources and don't add anything to society.

Still, I think there is some value in people like Tiger Woods or Mike Tyson. They provide inspiration and examples of excellence. Especially for young people, it gives them a role model and something to strive for. They might not want to become the best basketball player, but it might show them to practice computer programming or some other thing they're passionate about.

While the salaries that sports people make is absurd, usually once they get enough money, some good comes out of it:


Woods established TGR Foundation in 1996 to provide underprivileged children with resources to help improve their college readiness. He later created TGR Learning Lab in Anaheim, which is not far from where he grew up.
The Learning Lab takes an emphasis in science and promotes fields such as engineering and technology. Since its inception, the Learning Lab has helped more than 150,000 children.

Similarly, Ninja has raised over $3 million for medical research in a single charity stream. You have to look at the bigger picture and all other aspects that they impact.

The life purpose course gives some pretty crazy examples of things that can be your life purpose. Like making videos of yourself playing with Lego on Youtube, or moving to a cabin in the woods to read books for a couple of years like Joseph Campbell.

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@Yarco yeah but literally anything other than motivation/inspiration, there is nothing that thy add to society


some would argue that motivation doesn't exist and does not come from within ∴ this external motivation will expire eventually

the 3 million that ninja raised is fair enough

none of this compares to people who actually directly contribute to society with their work, not as a side hustle kind of thing like ninja, say even leo, this mothertwat is making a catalog of videos to help people with serious shit, and almost all of his videos are about that, that's another level no ?

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On 08/12/2020 at 2:02 PM, Yarco said:

I suspect you're of the same sentiment as me, that sports are basically a huge waste of time and resources and don't add anything to society.

Why do most people on here seem to hate sports? 

Sports add so much to so many people’s lives, at the very least the spark enjoyment & love from people, is that not adding value to people’s lives and as a result adding value to a society? 

This is like saying an artist or musician doesn’t add anything to society, when of course they do. 

I would say be wary of judging everything based on “value” as that’s a fast track to a transactional life, for example only when you’re directly doing something of value is your life worthwhile. 

To you, sports may not do much, just like to me, I have no interest in computer Programming, yet to billions around the world they enrich their lives & most importantly people love playing them & isn’t life quite literally about enjoying it & doing what you love? 

The reason Leo does what he does is precisely because he loves it, I remember both Rupert Spira / Francis Lucille they teach simply because they love to, it is one of many ways to express this understanding. 

What makes a great athlete great, is because they love the sport, same as great writers, musicians, artists, inventors, scientists, spiritual teachers etc, they are all doing what they love. 

On 08/12/2020 at 4:19 PM, levani said:

@Yarco yeah but literally anything other than motivation/inspiration, there is nothing that thy add to society


some would argue that motivation doesn't exist and does not come from within ∴ this external motivation will expire eventually

the 3 million that ninja raised is fair enough

none of this compares to people who actually directly contribute to society with their work, not as a side hustle kind of thing like ninja, say even leo, this mothertwat is making a catalog of videos to help people with serious shit, and almost all of his videos are about that, that's another level no ?

People contribute to society on different levels. 

Im sure the millions of people who were inspired to start boxing & Golf as a result of these 2 strongly disagree that they “add nothing.” 

Have you ever played / watched sport? 

Billions of people love sport worldwide and it improves there lives, as well as the countless physical & mental benefits it has, that’s aside from the entertainment these 2 in particular provide when they perform. 

This is the same for writers, musicians, artists etc as I mentioned above. 

Just because they aren’t enlightening people directly, doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable LP. 

Sport helps society in a number of ways, I think it’s very naive to say it doesn’t. If you don’t like sport, that’s fair enough, but to just discredit billions of people’s forms of enjoyment is quite reductionist, do you not think? 

To me a good example of a LP is doing something you love, for the love of it that also has a positive impact on society in any way. 

So, in the athletes case they are obviously doing something they love, and then they are 1) entertaining the fans & spectators that watch them, and providing enjoyment to people that way 2) inspiring / encouraging people to play sport themselves which as I mentioned before has helped & improved billions of people’s lives a number of ways- physically, mentally, socially, teaching discipline, offering life lessons as well etc. 

You mention Ninja & I think video games are slightly different, as while they offer enjoyment & social benefits, they are more prone to negative effects as we all know. (Not saying sports are perfect, but it’s far healthier to play football than play FIFA for hours on end) 

Not everyone is destined to be a spiritual teacher, or something in spirituality. This understanding can be expressed in numerous ways, and I for one look forward to when more awakened beings enter fields like sports, art, writing, movies, science, etc etc 

Sorry for the rant, but I feel sports gets a shit rep on here for some reason, and think it’s completely unjustified, I’ll leave you with 2 things- 

A video from Rupert on career- 


(Sports express love, for example Francis plays Tennis) 

Sadhguru article on sports-


”Being a sport means you are willing to play. Willing to play means you are involved or alive to the situation in which you exist, and that is the essence of life. If there is anything that is truly close to a spiritual process, in the normal course of life, that is sports. Swami Vivekananda went to the extent of saying, “In kicking a ball or playing a game, you are much closer to the Divine than you will ever be in prayer.” Because you can pray without involvement, but you cannot play sports without involvement, and involvement is the essence of life.”


Spend your life doing something you love, that should be the starting point! Then from there create positive impact :) 



'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 I feel you bro bad sport don't really add anything to society in a way and if they do it in direct in my opinion but I would love it if someone would prove me wrong


Also doing something you like it doesn't seem to be that it's helpful to society or that you will enjoy the long term or that it's non-neurotic

Edited by levani

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@levani Can I ask, have you ever actually played Sport? 

If you have played Sport & found sport / exercise you love, I don't think you'd be saying what you're saying now, that it isn't 'Valuable to society.' 

Is improving the lives of Billions of people not valuable? Is billions of people having fun, improving their health & doing what they love not valuable? 

Isn't life about enjoying it right & being fully involved? 

Go and play a decent level of Football, Tennis, Table Tennis, any sport you can, and see just how involved & 'Present / In Flow' you are, and how much fun you have, no matter the result. 

It seems to be you have a belief that everything you do 'must be valuable to society' when in fact, you're allowed to enjoy life as well! 

Plus, I'm still confused how you don't see the value doing something you love, that people enjoy watching, that improves people's health, social skills & teaches valuable life lessons. Also, ITS FUN! Life is about enjoying ourselves and loving the life we live right? 

I'll admit I'm biased because I love sport & believe we should follow our passion & what we love, but I thought that was normal, instead of forcing ourselves to do something we don't like if it's more useful. Follow your passion, follow what you love, and then you can be incredibly valuable to society, while enjoying yourself, isn't that a win-win? 

Also, you're really underestimating how much value Sports has on even an 'average' athletes life in terms of the impact coaches can have on them, building relationships with teammates, competing & learning to win & lose gracefully. 

You may not like Sports, but just because it isn't your passion, doesn't mean you should belittle it and make it worthless, as for quite literally billions of people it is a HUGE source of enjoyment and passion and that is what life is about!!

I'm re-watching this video by Leo-


In relation to this, he says about finding things your passionate about and following them no matter what they are. and finding things you enjoy and creating the life YOU desire. 

So, I would recommend going into that, instead of trying to simply be useful, go with your heart, follow your passion and then you will be much more useful than you could imagine, without purposely being so!

All great masters of their craft come from a deep sense of love for what they do, no matter if that is Sport or being a Spiritual Teacher, and you can communicate & express truth, love & joy in ENDLESS ways, so be careful not to be biased. 

Just because you personally aren't sporty or haven't found value in sports / (insert any other activity) doesn't mean millions & billions haven't, each of us have a unique set of interests & we should follow those and create the life we want for ourselves not a life that someone else wants / thinks we should have. 

Anyways, sorry for the rant, but this goes beyond Sport, DO WHAT YOU LOVE, express happiness, joy, love, creativity, fun etc etc in your LP & Life and believe me you'll live an amazing one!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Btw, I am not saying don't be useful, of course be Useful. Just realize that being Useful can happen in so many ways that you don't realize yet, and that by following what you love & following your passions to develop mastery, you will become FAR more useful than you could ever imagine.

Also, you can be useful in INFINITE ways, for example I'm taking Golf lessons right now, from an Expert in Golf who has developed the skill & developed his coaching ability, so that is useful to me, so I pay him for that because I enjoy learning Gold & want to get better- see ;) 

In a Pro athletes case, they are paid by the club they play for, and that is funded by fans & owners, they are useful are they are enriching the lives of their fans & (ideally) helping the club become successful & 1000s or millions enjoy watching them. They also provide inspiration for people to play themselves and do what they love, even if it is just recreationally & in turn they enjoy life more & get healthier etc, see how this is in fact valuable! 

Of course there is degrees, but it is not as black and white as you think and value can be found in so many different ways!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I don't really see that as useful as I think you have usefulness confused with that incorrect definition of usefulness

You can enjoy something hedonistic or you can enjoy something eudaimonic or even in the middle.

Enjoying some vision of the stick one please to a fulfilled life where you will be completely happy. fact ? fact !


You can enjoy 1 million different things and inspire my million different people but you said inspire them to do the "wrong" things Which will intern not make them happy or make the environment sustainable or et cetera et cetera


There are multiple ways of being healthy and none of them have to tie into your life purpose


Life purpose in my belief and his belief is coming from an aware man, is That you should love what you do whilst helping society whilst getting paid for whilst a society needs it at the same time


Having said all this I completely respect your opinion but I just simply think it's not as advanced as my point of view.

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@levani Let's just agree to disagree, good luck on finding your LP! 

To me, Sports are very 'Useful' have enriched my life greatly and given me lots of fun, memories, pleasure & overall great times. and that's not just playing, watching sports is also an incredibly fun experience, and I'm watching all of those people living out their first LP ;) 

Yeah, I don't disagree on doing what Society needs, but do we not need fun & joy in our life, you could say comedians are useless using your 'More advanced point of view' since they're just entertaining & making people laugh, what use is that! Or Artists, they're just drawing shit, no point! 

But anyways, as I said, we can agree to disagree, I know a lot of people who's LP involves Sports and they help LOTS of people & love their life. If that isn't a 'successful LP' according to your almighty POV then I guess we have a different idea of a well lived life. 

One thing- be careful not to get arrogant in this work, or when life humbles you, it'll hit you hard. Especially when you get deep into Spiritual work, that arrogance will be whipped out of you very fast! 

Can I ask is your almighty POV also higher than Rupert Spira's who simply says to do what you love & go from there? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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On 08/12/2020 at 11:11 AM, levani said:

is mike tyson's or tiger wood's career a good example of a life purpose ? or any sports athlete for that matter - they sure mastered something but they didn't really provide any value to society did they ? 

what about a gamer like ninja or tyler1 ? mad successul but are they good examples of life purposes ?

Im not sure about tiger woods but with Tyson boxing came to him. He was discovered one day in a youth prison when he hit one of the guards in a sparing match so the guard brought him down to see a legendary boxing trainer called Cus D'amato who knew straight away if eh trained Tyson up he would be world champion because he was a freak athlete. Before he was robbing people in the rough streets of New York so I wouldn't say he is a good example at all because he is say a once in a lifetime person. Tho if you follow him from when he trained with D'amato yes you can take massive inspiration in the way he evolved mike into a hard working killing machine. When Cus died he went back to being destructive Tyson again and that was all she wrote. Tho Id say atm Tyson has now evolved to be one of  the most conscious well known athletes atm, he's done 5meo, meditates and loves sadhguru. Considering who he was and where he came from defo an inspiration without question just a complete one off tho. 

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