
Question About Infinity

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Now the real question to me is if a religious person like a christian took this psychedelic that Leo was talking about in his most recent video would they stop believing in the God they know or would it just reinforce their belief even more? Cause think about it in the King James Bible (the one and only true bible from what i have heard and experience myself but i'm not really religious anymore but at the same time i'm not completely closing of my mind from the fact that maybe the bible is real and that we are just being deceived by this new age "self help stuff") says something about burning in hell for eternity or being in heaven forever and ever and that is something that a christian would believe so it might make them think that this infinity they are experiencing is just what is to come for them in the after life or whatever. What are your guys thoughts?

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Well, I would say that acting out of ego is the hell that Christians refer to. When you live an egoic life, there is suffering - hell on Earth. However, heaven is what occurs when you become the infinite field of nothingness that you metaphysically are. And that happens when ego death occurs.

And Leo said that the substance he used  creates this ego death in his recent video.

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@Mercy The real question is should 20-30 year olds be playing god? I think not and it's part of the reason the world is going down the drain.. 

I was a atheist a year ago, found god in a sense due to supernatural stuff happening in my life making me think there had to be a god.. Got excited about life got happy, motivated, stopped sinning, cursing, judging, tried to be a good christian.. Then lost faith because of these astral stalkers showing me that god could be a 20 year old punk with nothing better to do than torment people.. I'm trying to gain some motivation, get in shape, to raise my frequency so I can hopefully get through this..  I shared a video related to astral projection i suggest watching it as it explains a lot about spirit quides, stalkers, frequency, heaven, hell, etc.. 

@Christian from what I've seen on YouTube it's all about your frequency to what dimension you project to.. Higher and lower etc.. Your health both physical and mental play a part.. Same with karma and sins.. Basically you do something wrong you think down at yourself thus lowering your frequency.. 

Im not 100% on all this as I've only experienced how they astrally stalk and torment you with meme's and by possessing your friends leaving comments only someone in the room with you or in your head could know.. Im trying to hold onto hope that Jesus is out there somewhere spiritually and he's got my back.. Word is that if you mention Jesus the stalkers scurry like roaches as they're afraid of him like the light.. I'll add that supernatural power that called me to the church was real power something felt definitely way stronger than any meme calling..

I'm blind as they say only intellectually knowing and figuring this out via YouTube on astral projection, enlightenment, the third eye, and other related topics.. I suggest doing lots of homework..  Don't just say I want  enlightenment and ego death without knowing what that really means..

I wouldn't be surprised if the forum crashed again after this.. I ain't crazy this is the realest stuff said on this forum.. 

Your ego is valuable hold onto it.. Don't idolize anyone, learn yourself don't follow others instructions and think about them while you meditate it some how connects your minds.. Don't give him your power..

Watcha gotta say about that? Stalkers

Edited by Leo Ushers n The End

It's better to burn out than fade away

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I recommend reading C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters." and C.S. Lewis's "Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer"

Perhaps you should utilize the advice of not to ever make assumptions and to only affirm or deny if the situation is proper.

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@Gabriel David Gomez with all do respect.. No thanks.. I know what I'm talking about.. 

I could write a book.. My words might get me killed but I'm sick of it.. They stalk me on every social media sight and everywhere I go 


Edited by Leo Ushers n The End

It's better to burn out than fade away

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13 minutes ago, Leo Ushers n The End said:

Anyways... let the man make decisions without you. What makes you think you're so wise and yet you don't ask for details before replying. A wise advice is, "Be quick to listen and slow to speak."

The names of the books as well as the Author I mentioned likely met the awareness of something in your life and you, perhaps a slave to them, are attempting to make a horrible stand. One book gives advice on how to approach lifestyle and the other reveals an attribute of the things that go on in the realm of things invisible to mere man.

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@Gabriel David Gomez bro, you're a funny guy why would I ask you about the book Instead of just searching it.. Anyways Everyone in here has a book recommendation.. I have a couple on my list.. I've been told I die soon.. With that kind of info I kinda don't give a poop.. I'm really done with this forum after this I'm going to take my chances and let the cards fall where they may.. ✌

Edited by Leo Ushers n The End

It's better to burn out than fade away

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@Mercy Chances are quite high that a Christian ego would coopt the experience and say, "See! I knew it all along! I was right, and they were wrong! Christianity is the one true faith!"

But a truly openmineded Christian would say, "OMG! So much of what I believed and was told about religion is bullshit! But I understand why now and I don't hate anyone for it because the same forces of ignorance I see in others is present within me. All beliefs are wrong."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Mercy Chances are quite high that a Christian ego would coopt the experience and say, "See! I knew it all along! I was right, and they were wrong! Christianity is the one true faith!"

But a truly openmineded Christian would say, "OMG! So much of what I believed and was told about religion is bullshit! But I understand why now and I don't hate anyone for it because the same forces of ignorance I see in others is present within me. All beliefs are wrong."

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