
What is intuition?

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What is intuition and how can i know that i reached a point that i can trust it? 

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I feel I can trust it when it is so clear and strong that it feels obvious. The intuition is silent, quite subtle but it can be strong at the same time, it's like an inner knowing, it's not coming from the mind or the brain but some people think it does. It's tricky because we have to make sure it's not coming from the mind, some feel it's really difficult and Dalai Lama for example never trusts it alone, he also asks other people and his seer for advice. I know this God-avatar who always uses intuition and has lived like that his whole life, it's very rare but we all have the potential for it.

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  On 12/6/2020 at 1:42 AM, BlackMaze said:

@AdamDiC My intuition tells me that i can't be sure

Haha, so you trust it?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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  On 12/6/2020 at 8:09 PM, Rilles said:

Haha, so you trust it?

Nice catch!

  On 12/6/2020 at 1:34 AM, BlackMaze said:

What is intuition and how can i know that i reached a point that i can trust it? 

Intuition comes in different forms for all people. The most common form is this knowing that you should go somewhere or do something. Not out of fear but just so. 

I will send a link to a video

I would consider intuition a strong impulse to do something. 

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@Seraphim is there a way to cultivate this?

 @Rilles haha yes but it's hard to do it when my logic says otherwise 

@Breakingthewall i know what you mean.. But i am not sure if sometimes i have to trust my logic or other people that maybe know more about something than i do. 

@SilentTears i'm definitely going to trust my intuition and buy a lottery ticket next time :D but how do i know when to trust it? Should i trust it when i feel good and have an intuitive thought? If i have a negative intuition about something a bad feeling about a situation does it mean that i'm wrong? 

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  On 12/7/2020 at 0:10 PM, BlackMaze said:

haha yes but it's hard to do it when my logic says otherwise 

What tells you that logic is correct?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I'll give you an example. When i moved to another country there was no possibility for me to go to university, i had to learn the language etc. etc.. I wanted to go back to my country. There was an option to immediately start working save some money and go back or do something else. This was my intuition. The logic was telling me to learn something to do professionally to earn more money in the future and i had to invest 4 years in this. My intuition was strongly against it. I chose the logical option and invested those years. In the process i damaged my health but it was a good experience and now i'm in little better place than before financially. I still don't know if it was worth it. Logically it was worth it but at the same time i regret it. I think that i made the right choice though. But the right choice was logical going against my intuition. 

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It can literally feel like a pull to go in a certain direction. Or a resonance with something. To begin with it can feel like an intrusive thought or distraction, that's just the mind automatically judging and dismissing feeling without hearing (feeling) it out. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Intuition is having an answer/solution to something without having taken any prior mental (deductive) steps. 

"I just know"

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  On 12/7/2020 at 4:28 PM, BlackMaze said:

@mandyjw and how can i know if i should trust it or not? 


  On 12/7/2020 at 4:24 PM, mandyjw said:

To begin with it can feel like an intrusive thought or distraction, that's just the mind automatically judging and dismissing feeling without hearing (feeling) it out. 

Trust, or not is judgement. Judgment was not invited to this party. It can take a lot of experience because mind is constantly butting in. Intuition is not rational. Therefore, it does not consider a timeline like logic does. You may not see results or the reason why until much later. Or not at all. Don't do anything rash, but get curious about it. Curiosity doesn't concern itself with trust, it's just open.  

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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  On 12/7/2020 at 4:40 PM, mandyjw said:

Trust, or not is judgement. Judgment was not invited to this party. It can take a lot of experience because mind is constantly butting in. Intuition is not rational. Therefore, it does not consider a timeline like logic does. You may not see results or the reason why until much later. Or not at all. Don't do anything rash, but get curious about it. Curiosity doesn't concern itself with trust, it's just open.  

I’ve noticed the thinking mind often enters and creates a story in a timeline to make sense of intuition. Right brain intuition appears and left brain judgement, rationality, analysis takes hold of it. 

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@BlackMaze Have you ever had a case where you trusted your intuition, and later regretted it?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I never thought about this before... No! I can't find a situation that this happened... Actually the times that i didn't act on my intuition were the things i tend to regret. Does this mean that i should act on it everytime as long as it's nothing crazy? As i said above i went with logic against intuition and i don't think that i really regret it. But maybe my true intuition was to go with logic instead of feeling. Maybe everything i do in the end is intuition who knows. Maybe this goes deeper than what i thought. Do i even have the choice to act on my intuition? 

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@BlackMaze If you have never regretted trusting your intuition, once you recognize it, it might be worth continuing to trust it :)


Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I will start doing that :)

I never thought of asking this question thank you! 

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