Posted December 6, 2020 (edited) I don’t understand why you care so much about these people anyways. OF COURSE you’re going to get a couple ignants criticizing your videos and making arguments that are uninformed and out of context. I’m actually surprised you haven’t received more criticism from other channels. This Adeptus guy only has 12k subs anyways. You’ve already done your part in warning people about epistemic traps ad nauseam. The most you can do is simply refer them to warnings you’ve already mentioned before and move on. Edited December 6, 2020 by Free Mind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 6 minutes ago, Preety_India said: Something wrong with him There may not be anything wrong with him. Careful with the judgments. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said: You should know, I keep the best shit only to myself hot witch girlfriend tantra squirting transcendence tutorial? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 @Lyubov in next week's video: How to squirt your way into God consciousness. The secret no guru wants u to hear! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 (edited) @Ry4nAnal sex with 5meo lube: the new partner plugging experience ? Edited December 6, 2020 by Lyubov Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 (edited) 15 minutes ago, Lyubov said: hot witch girlfriend tantra squirting transcendence tutorial? Oh my Edited December 6, 2020 by Hello from Russia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 if anyone wants to see the Conor Murphy Leo Gura video Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 Great essay Leo, so well written and insightful thoughts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 I'll miss the live awakening videos if you no longer want to do them. It's such a unique type of video that you really can't get anywhere else. But I understand why. They're so easy for people to cherry-pick and misunderstand without having watched any of the other content. But I can always take a psychedelic and have my own live awakening, and that's better than watching a video anyway. I wish guys like Adeptus would just reach out to actually talk to you about stuff like this rather than making gossip/drama videos about these things. I'm kinda surprised some of the other psychedelic youtubers haven't reached out to ask to do podcasts/interviews considering how most of them have collaborated with each other several times at this point. Maybe they're intimidated? Or maybe they just feel awkward about the idea of talking to a guy who they've publicly criticized. I dunno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 @eggopm3 To be fair I don't really do interviews because I got better shit to do. Interviews are usually done by people who have no original ideas of their own and need some cheap, easy content. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 (edited) @Leo Gura 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said: I will be demonized for it anyway. I have already bent over backwards for you guys and mostly what I get is demonized for doing so. There is no incentive for deep truthful teachings. I hope that during these trying times you're still able to see and appreciate how much most of your followers appreciate you and how much value you've added to their lives through your pioneering efforts. It must be tough when you give and give and get so much criticism. I bet the mind easily focuses in on it too. I thought your live stream awakening videos were the coolest thing I'd seen on YouTube. Your authenticity deeply moved me. I'm sure you're no stranger to sycophancy too from time to time, but let me add my voice to that throng and say...Love you Leo. I know you want your work to have a profound impact on society and culture, that's your dream, and it's upsetting to think that it might be corrupted. But from my perspective, and based on conversations I've had, you're already smashing it buddy. Look what they did to Christ. He knew they wanted to string his ass up but that dude just wouldn't quit. He kept on breaking bread, chilling with hookers and dishing out the wine. Maybe this is helpful, maybe it isn't, but I wanted to communicate it, seeing as as it pains me to hear you sounding so disillusioned After watching all of your videos on psychedelics, doing my own investigating (like you advised) and heeding all of your warnings I began taking them occasionally for spiritual work and they've shifted my whole paradigm in a positive sense. Your advice on these substances is very down to earth and if anyone gets into a pickle then they've either rushed into it or didn't stay tuned for the part where you told them they may end up experiencing some very challenging times. In a world of disinformation on the subject, your content is a frigging Godsend Edited December 6, 2020 by Wisebaxter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 @Leo Gura Hi Leo - this is Rob from Adeptus Psychonautica, I have emailed you this morning to take you up on your offer for a discussion. I’m genuinely not looking to have a debate or argument with you, but rather a good faith conversation between two rational human beings. Please respond via email and we can work out the details. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 22 minutes ago, AdeptusPsychonautica said: @Leo Gura Hi Leo - this is Rob from Adeptus Psychonautica, I have emailed you this morning to take you up on your offer for a discussion. I’m genuinely not looking to have a debate or argument with you, but rather a good faith conversation between two rational human beings. Please respond via email and we can work out the details. Thanks Cool! "Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything." -- Rupert Spira Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 please make the discussion public after if it has useful information in it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 @Leo Gura Hi Leo I knew one spiritualy awake man who had to deal with the same problem. He lived in Bosnia and Serbia. And he wasn't known worldwide, like you are. Only few people knew about him. He was such an unconventional person, even more then you are. Even when he was still a seeker, he was always viewed through the lense of at least suspicion, if not hate. He also criticised Tito and his communist regime in ex Yugoslavia and all religions as well! Of course he was a target from the government and priests as well. The war in the 1990s was very difficult time and he became refugee. But becose he was so outspoken about different types of unjustice ( at that time he was critical about the forest devastation), people wanted to kill him, but there were always few people who supported him so he always managed to escape death. Even after the end of the war he had to deal with Vahabi muslims, when he came back in Bosnia and later, in Serbia, the Ortodoks church was hostile to him. He said to me, that this is the destiny of all awake people. Maybe not all awake are in danger of being killed, but all of them are the target of hate or ridicule from ignorant people. But he always encouraged healthy criticism of his work. He passed away last year. So what i want to say with all this? Yes many people are being disrespectful and are demonizing you and your work, but there are few of people, me included, who support you and your work... All the best to you from Slovenia! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said: . This guy is a total stranger to me. He's not any kind of formal student of mine. Could you elaborate on the distinction "formal student" a little? Do you have formal students, and are these distinct from video-watchers/participants on the forum? I find much of value here but the notion that you are teaching seems a little woolly. It is a tricky position that you hold/ have chosen to hold. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 (edited) I tried to watch Connors only fans videos, like the tantric masturbation, but didn't really want to pay for it... Maybe someday. Edited December 6, 2020 by seeking_brilliance This whole time, brilliance sought me. @starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 (edited) 12 hours ago, Javfly33 said: When does he says it? Just 3:15 Look what he says in that minute mark. Doesn´t sound as God to me. Oh thought you meant Connor Edited December 6, 2020 by Display_Name Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 @Leo Gura 17 hours ago, Leo Gura said: Interesting framing. So if I supported Connor Murphy, I would be a monster enabling a false god. And if I say that he's going down the road of Zen devilry, then it is "strange" and I'm also to blame for creating him. Even though I have an entire video explaining the dangers of Zen devilry. Heads I win, tails you lose. My teachings are not an ideology and being God is not an ideology. I have no idea what Connor Murphy is doing and I have never endorsed whatever he's doing. Until a few weeks ago, I had no idea he even watches me. And just cause he watches a few of my videos means nor says nothing. You have no idea who else he might be following, what books he might be reading, etc. It's also not a good idea to judge Connor's psychological state too much. He's clearly going through a spiritual process, which he is recording live, so of course it will not look stable or "proper" the way that people expect. Keep in mind, if Eckhart Tolle live-streamed his awakening as it happened, everyone would be saying that Tolle has lost his mind and needs professional help. There's no reason why Connor cannot stabilize and become a solid teacher some years down the road once he gets some of the Zen devilry out of his system. Nobody is born as a solid spiritual master. You become a master by going through decades of trail and error and spiritual mistakes. Judging Connor's process is not very wise. Let the man go through whatever he needs to go through. Connor is recording the actual process of waking up. It's a brutal process. I experience similar pushback from people when I release raw, unedited videos of my process. Any deviation from propriety is ridiculed and judged. People expect you to be like Eckhart Tolle or Sadhguru, all happy and calm. Which is a joke. Which is why I have no interest any more in releasing raw, honest footage of my own process. People will just ridicule it and not understand. People don't want raw honesty, they want fake spiritual perfection. As far as the theatrics, gimmickry, and business schemes that Connor engages in -- none of that aligns with my teachings. Also, I should say, this Adeptus guy is strawmanning the shit out of my spiritual realizations. I have never claimed to be any kind of messiah nor have I ever claimed that I can heal all of mankind through miracles. His portrayal of my insights is basically slander. Everything I said in my spiritual videos is still true: I am God (but so are you) I have been more conscious than most spiritual teachers or gurus Psychic abilities are real Healing is real and possible, although of course it is not a power the ego controls and it will not magically heal the whole world. When I spoke about these powers I clearly said this is still something I'm exploring and struggling to develop. These claims are not so crazy. Any serious spiritual practitioner understands that claims #1, #3, and #4 are obviously correct. They might dispute claim #2, but, oh well, that's just a common spiritual dispute that every spiritual person has at some point. I have not backtracked on any "psychic superpower nonsense" because siddhis are not nonsense -- they are a well-known aspect of spiritual work which has existed among serious spiritual practitioners since the dawn of time. What's nonsense is Adeptus' absurd strawmanning of a guy who mentions siddhis. That is coming from a place of arrogance, ignorance, and closedmindedness. I have in fact NEVER claimed to have supernatural powers. But I know people who do and I know they can be developed by certain people (not even necessarily me). My work and teachings have NEVER been about supernatural powers or showing off in the manner of Connor Murphy. Adeptus misunderstand what happened with me. It's not that I backed off of anything I said. It's simply that when I said those things I discovered states of consciousness that virtually no human has ever accessed and I said things in a raw fashion as part of showing people the raw work that I was in the middle of doing. But when I show raw work like that, people now expect me to be unhinged forever, but of course, in fact I'm very well grounded and they are shocked when they see me come back the next week or month and record very grounded videos, taking this to mean that I'm contradicting myself when in fact I've just integrated the raw realizations from before -- as you're supposed to do. The thing to understand is this: When I show a video of a raw awakening or a post-retreat debrief, I'm not in a fully grounded state (of course), and this is shown to the viewer specifically to give you a taste of what this work feels like because otherwise the viewer gets the false impression that this work is always grounded and that I am some stoic, emotionless, autistic robot. Out of 300+ of my grounded videos, Adeptus cherrypicks 2 raw live awakening videos and a pre-retreat and post-retreat video that came after an intense 30 straight days of 5-MeO-DMT, to demonize my entire teaching and build his biased narrative. Watch the other 300+ videos for context. And if you dare, let's see how your first video will look after 30 straight days of 5-MeO-DMT breakthroughs. I'll bet you'll be a bit emotional and glowing with insight. I sacrificed myself for the sake of psychedelic science and this is the shit I get from my fellow psychonaut? Not only do I get shit from non-psychonauts about this non-stop, now I have to deal with shit from psychonauts too? Adeptus, if you read this, please stop with your whiteknight routine. I know you mean well, but you're getting carried away with your good-guy act and you are unwittingly slandering my work. My work is more grounded than your rants, so please spare me the outrage. Connor Murphy is his own man and I am not responsible for whatever zany shit he decides to do. I will however email Connor and try to have a talk with him about the dangers of presenting these ideas to the public so that awakening, psychedelics, and "I am God" are not mis-perceived by the public. I very much care about that. Whether he will even listen to me is questionable. I am not his daddy and to frame me that way is irresponsible in and of itself. This guy is a total stranger to me. He's not any kind of formal student of mine. What you're doing is akin to someone watching your YouTube videos about psychedelics, taking a massive dose of 1000ug LSD, jumping out the window, killing himself, and then people blaming you for it because, hey, Adeptus told him that psychedelics are good, despite all the warnings you issued. That's exactly what you're doing to me in the name of playing a whiteknight with your moral outrage. Excuse me, but who died and made you the Pope of psychedelics? Just because someone has a different process than you with psychedelics that you disagree with does not make you right nor does it give you the moral high ground to judge them for it. You don't like me enjoying 5-MeO-DMT in a bathtub? You think that's dangerous? Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. You have no clue of my actual situation when I did that. Psychedelics are dangerous. Spiritual work is dangerous. I've always said that. In the hands of a fool psychedelics and/or spiritual work can get you killed. But the Truth is the Truth regardless. The Truth is, psychedelics can show you that you are God. And it doesn't matter how many people get killed, the Truth will always remain the Truth. Also: Connor Murphy was NOT banned from the forum. Some of his posts were so self-promotional (promoting donations to his Patreon account) that our good Mods were right to moderate some of it. He is still free to post here and he has not contacted me personally for advice. If he did, I would gladly offer it. But I would never presume to go around telling another teacher or YouTuber how to run his business. I didn't give Connor advice because I didn't feel he would be receptive to it. All of the above is so obvious that I hardly feel it needs to be stated. I have never felt a need to state it until now, but now I'm forced to state it because clearly people like Adeptus got some really wrong ideas about my teachings and how spiritual development works and now I feel I have to publicly correct this slander and strawmanning. It's bad enough that my work is slandered by all sorts of ignorant noobs, materialists, and religious fundamentalists -- I expect that -- but when my work is slandered by a fellow psychonaut who should have a deep understanding of the trickeries of this work -- that leaves me disappointed. Since day one of my teachings I have always spoken out about the dangers and traps of psychedelics, spiritual work, ideology, cults, and self-deception. I have always steered people away from irresponsible use of psychedelics and Zen devilry. The bottom line is this: give a man some room to spiritually develop without breathing down his neck and telling him everything he's doing wrong. That is, if you're truly compassionate and care about his development. But if you want to create sensational YouTube rant videos, I guess that's another matter. But if you care about truth, be careful how your mind constructs convenient narratives to explain away stuff like what's going on with Connor Murphy. The bottom line is that you have no idea what he's going through and what the right process is for him. If you, Adeptus, ever want to correct the record, I'm more than happy to explain all this publicly with you. My work is grounded and it will always remain grounded and I will always condemn teachings and teachers which are ungrounded. But of course, there truly is no ground I've read what you written so far, and I have to say it's really articulate and well written! I'm reminded of a few similar states of madness I've gone through in the past in so far in seeing and hearing Conor's behavior, but my case is short term spiritual purification, and different to him. It's thanks to some infrastructures I've placed to remind me of your videos that I hadn't fell entirely over my head and pulled myself back, so to speak, so thanks for the content you're providing for free. I think at this point, it's safe to say Adeptus has already committed to making you his long term cash cow. He's made too many rant videos about you to stop anytime soon. At this point, we'll have to add studying philosophy seriously and major it before taking psychedelics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 6, 2020 Disappointing Leo has had to come out and defend himself in this manner. I’m sure he just wants to get on with his work, awakening and teachings. This sort of bullshit is just a distraction for him and us. No wonder he’s got no interest in going on podcasts and things like that as it would just be a hindrance and distraction to the whole idea of Inevitable though at some point something along these lines would crop up. Difficult to ignore I know leo just keep ya head up and keep up the good work it’s all very much appreciated and those with half a brain understand how much goes in to everything you do ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites