
Shroom Tolerance / Frequency question | to shroom or not to shroom - yet ¿

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Yo family 

What's good?

I have a question about shroom trips.


Here's my timeline. 

1st ever trip: Nov 10, 2020 1.3grams

2nd trip: Nov 26, 2020        2.3 grams


3rd (microdose + weed) nov 29 0.5 grams

4th (microdose + weed) nov 30 0.8 grams 


5th trip: Dec 4 (yesterday) 1.3 grams 



Is this many trips / dosages in this much time ok/effective? 


Like when it comes to weed, there's been times i have done it 5-6 days in a row.

I know shrooms different territory. But more me, all were smooth rides. The 2.3 gram dose felt same as my 1.3 gram. Maybe lasted longer and had more energy and positive vibe factor...


I was thinking of doing one tonight...

Nothing too intense or crazy experienced as yet on any of these trips above. I was thinking of crossing the 3gram territory... Perhaps at 3.3 gram.


Should i pull the trigger on this, having done one yesterday (1.3 gram) or wait for next week / if not more.


Thanks in advance ?






Love Is The Answer

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I’ve heard giving about two weeks per trip is recommended for tolerance sake. (I don’t have experience so I’ll link you to something I saw) 

Leo recommended 7-10 days.

im sure it varies from person to person. Good luck.  

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Looks like you found the magic. 

You would have tolerance from yesterday. The rule of thumb is about double dosage.

There can also be a psychological tolerance if I trip too often. The magic starts to decline. 

In terms of your schedule, I see it as manageable since there aren’t any heavy trips, just micro to moderate. Plus, you seem pretty grounded in spirituality and nonduality. And the trips have been smooth. 

I had a similar stretch for about 3 months. 

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Will read what's written above later. 

Will say this for now.


Took 3g in and it spat me out as 5D




Seek not.


And because you know.


Ask not.


It's here.

Ask & beg only when know not

But you know!

So give thanks.

It's here.

The without has come to match the within.

Peace cannot just be within

Peace is.


The inside and out will break.

And break?

How can that which never was break?




It is here.


It's global.

It's One.


Love is the answer


It is the answer which shall leave no room for any more questions.



2 will be 1

2 never was 

And so,

Only 1


And 1 expands

To INFINITY and beyond



Love you all.

No need to express

But Express for the blind.

Blind need hear 


You need not 

For you know



















Love Is The Answer

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Cross eyed!

When you go cross eyed, you will see 2 where there was and IS just One.


Appearance only.

Ground just One.

When you return to normal vision.

The "2" break and come into the truth of 1

Love Is The Answer

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37 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

Cross eyed!

When you go cross eyed, you will see 2 where there was and IS just One.

This one mentioned by Rumi as well.

I add 1 month of a gap between each trip. 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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@SilentTears thanks. Yes. I did find that also.

But you're right. It does vary for everyone ?♥️


12 hours ago, Forestluv said:

The rule of thumb is about double dosage.

There can also be a psychological tolerance if I trip too often. The magic starts to decline. 


I guess i did end up doubling the one from day before. So it went well. 


But i hear you, that magic isn't as powerful. 

Less is more ♥️


@Muhammad Jawad yes. That's the idea from now. 1+ month. Time to float in the current waters :)



Thanks guys ??



Love Is The Answer

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