
The Psychology of the Blackpill and it's destructive effects

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Love bomb?

Sounds like another name for God.

Add it to the list of the 99 names of Allah. I knew there was a reason 1 was missing there ;)

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@soos_mite_ah  you don't understand. 

It's like telling someone don't be a funny person. 

There is no nothing wrong with love bombing. It creates endorphins. 

The tactic is not the problem but the intention. 

A lot of my friends are married to men who love bombed them even more than what narcissists do. 

It's a red flag only if the person uses it to lure in vulnerable people, only when a narcissist does that. 

It's not evil. One can enjoy it as long as it lasts without being emotionally attached. 

It's a common dating tactic that men often use. Not all are narcissists. 

And it helps build attraction. 

The intention is important not the charming technique. 

If the guy has good intentions, nothing wrong with love bombing a girl and get her as a girlfriend. 

The only difference is that it won't work on people with lots of experience. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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5 minutes ago, modmyth said:

Yea I don't think "love bombing" is inherently bad, why would it be? It's just coming on very strongly and directly. Someone could have a change of heart and direction or have the tendency to run hot and cold for many possible different reasons; it doesn't mean that they're trying to screw you over. Maybe they lost interest naturally, maybe they're just all over the place emotionally, or maybe they looked at themselves and was like... maybe I should get a grip and pull my sense of composure together after putting myself all out there (again, there are many possible motives for any one of these behaviours). 

Totally agree. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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On 12/5/2020 at 1:15 AM, mmKay said:

When you walk into a shop and ask the guy who works there where the pasta is, is that an approach?

If that guy was a girl, would it be an approach then ?

if you had mistaken a random girl at the store for an employee, and you asked her where the pasta was, is that an approach?

The anwser is yes, these are " approaches " , but ONLY if you consider them to be.

If the store clerk tells you they are out of pasta, is that an rejection?

If the store clerk turns out to be a girl, and she tells you they are out of pasta, is that an rejection?

if the girl doesn't stop to talk to you because she's speeding to the bus, or going home to her boyfriend, is that a rejection?

Well, yes! But only if you consider them to be.

This is a nice take, when you start getting good at attracting girls you realize they they have their own life, beliefs ect and their not obligated to agree on your advances, if there not on your vibe just wish them best of luck and go about your day, don't create a story in your head about what happened just keep moving, it's really that simple

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Everything Leo said about the psychology of defence mechanisms when denied love is true, and it is happening that way, but why are they denied love in the first place? 

If we look at nature the weak participants to a large organism have always been brutally killed off. Animals in the wild born too weak to survive are left to die. Cells in your body that are too weak are eventually killed off by the body. The human race is a large organism, like the individual body has to preserve itself, so does the race. It keeps the healthy cells (human genes alive) and kills off the bad ones (seen in all of nature). Since women are the gatekeepers to sex, they are the selecters naturally making them hypergamous (selecters of the healthiest cells). While humans are naturally monogomas, it can't work that way for everyone considering the survival of the race through healthy genes. 

The reality of the situation is that it’s not that black and white. 

From looking at the predictability of nature, incels in humans are inevitable. Especially now considering the removal of organised social systems, ensuring marriages in tribes, and traditional and religious cultures. Regarding dating apps; on a big picture level they’re really just a exellerotor of wedding out bad genes and insuring the reproduction of good ones, since woman using them now having access to the top 20% of good looking men and mainly choose them only (studies show this) in large actually doing better for the race but not so much for individual men.

theyre is also such thing as the hallo effect, to prove that humans subconsciously associate higher value to better looking people and lower value to uglier people. Seen as the most popular people in school are the best looking, same with actors, singers, people become billionaires just by being good looking and conversely there’s a popular video and YouTube that some guy made about his experience being ugly, contrast his experience to the experience of a model to understand natural societal value to the display of good genes. Hierarchy of cells health in an organism is basically being recognised and naturally ordered and it can be seen in the organism of society. 

At the bottom of this hierarchy compared to the top who is naturally gonna get the most and least love throughout they’re life and how will that compound to effect they’re mentality and worldview, what type of ideologies will they be most seduced by? ...exactly.

Of course like I say it’s not that black and white. I used dating apps as example but that’s just a subset of dating where the conditions of selecting a mate are very specific. I am of course coming from this looking at it from a more animalistic perspective considering the predictability of nature when humans have the potential to be more conscious, and some are; progressing more past shallowness like seen in stage green.

humans are more complicated then just cells in an organism and compared to other animals have the ability to have vision, learn complex things, problem solve, create things never seen before and most importantly have consciousness and willpower. In humans it’s possible to wilfully choose the degree of ones own strength rather then simply rely on and create an ideology blaming their determined strength as an individual cell. 

The degree of Awareness/consciousness and willpower is the key to liberating incels, but to say it’s imposiible for certain people to be doomed is very black and white. 





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@Preety_India @modmyth I didn't know that love bombing could be used in a positive way. This is a bias in my perception but I always heard about / encountered the topic of love bombing in the context of abusive relationships. Here are a few articles that reference what I've heard and observed over the years to get an idea as to why I have this perception.

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Throughout history men always had a tougher time in terms of getting laid. Today it's actually easier for an average male to get some pussy but the minority that don't get any will create toxic red/black pill ideology because at least it's something they can blame it on.

On 5.12.2020 at 4:08 AM, Leo Gura said:

An Incel is just a guy who doesn't socialize.

*or is too inhibited to escalate


A few years ago I was in a club with friends. We had very pure MDMA crystals which we eyeballed (I know it was incredibly stupid), it was for sure the highest dose I ever took, just unimaginable euphoria, might even be on the edge of serotonin syndrome. So we took it + a few shots of vodka before entering the club and in the club as well. So here I was dancing on the most disinhibiting drug combo imaginable MDMA and drunk. A girl started to grind on my dick, I backed up in crippling fear, she looked back at me and smiled, she was very persistent trying to do that a few more times yet my fear managed to cripple me completely. Essentially my inhibitions were too high even on super drug combo, what chances do I have sober? After that night I let go of even trying at all to get girls because I thought that unless I will get some amygdala removal surgery, there's no way for me to ever get pussy.


Edited by Enlightenment

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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Embracing shit like black pill is hurting men big time. yall are fuckin fools to even entertain that 

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3 hours ago, Enlightenment said:

*or is too inhibited to escalate


A few years ago I was in a club with friends. We had very pure MDMA crystals which we eyeballed (I know it was incredibly stupid), it was for sure the highest dose I ever took, just unimaginable euphoria, might even be on the edge of serotonin syndrome. So we took it + a few shots of vodka before entering the club and in the club as well. So here I was dancing on the most disinhibiting drug combo imaginable MDMA and drunk. A girl started to grind on my dick, I backed up in crippling fear, she looked back at me and smiled, she was very persistent trying to do that a few more times yet my fear managed to cripple me completely. Essentially my inhibitions were too high even on super drug combo, what chances do I have sober? After that night I let go of even trying at all to get girls because I thought that unless I will get some amygdala removal surgery, there's no way for me to ever get pussy.


Bro, that's the entire point of alcohol.

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

@Enlightenment  go f*ck 20 clean hookers untill you desensitize touching women

Not necessary.

You can practice physical escalation at the club on random girls.

Physical game is a huge part of learning game. Practice it for a few months at a busy nightclub and you'll get pretty good.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 hours ago, mmKay said:

 go f*ck 20 clean hookers untill you desensitize touching women

Don't do this if you have no game and fear talking to women the last thing you would want to do is get hookers. Not only will create new limiting beliefs about women that will only hurt you but you'll be even worse of than you started. 

If you suck with women this bad, you just gotta tough tf up and go approach or at least socialize with women. There are certain lessons you can't skip when it comes to attraction if one doesn't want to learn them well...tough titty

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@Bando What if the person is insecure about being a virgin? Imagine being asked on a date if you are a virgin and you saying yes i am. It can ruin the date. If you lie then you ll look super bad when the sex arrives to the point where she will just leave since girls hate lying to them. Fucking a hooker can be good to get the virgin stigma out of the way and get some basic experience. It can be a huge confidence boost, but i WOULDNT do it often as a replacement of talking to girls and pussy

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19 hours ago, mmKay said:

go f*ck 20 clean hookers untill you desensitize touching women

At one point, that was my plan (maybe not 20 but a few) but then I got severely Ill and sex was not in my mind for a long time. I probably will try hookers at one point. There's no way to know if a hooker is 'clean'

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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