
Personalities and Ego Development

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Hey guys I made an observation and would love some opinions. I would rank myself as an intermediary in regards to Carl Jung personalities, Sprial Dynamics and now a beginner with 9 stages of ego development. All these resources are fantastic for grow vertically. I don't fall into the trap of sterotyping when it comes to these models.

However I've noticed a strong correlation in regards to people who are higher on the sprial or higher on the ego stages and their personality types.

Now that I have a deeper understanding of these models and understanding the mechanics of how X person views the world due to their personality type. I am kind of noticing that personality is like height and vertical development the game of basketball. 

I dont want to start a debate about which personality type have a harder time but there are a lot of things that are encouraged here for this work that are significantly more difficult for certain people. For example being a systems thinker, going interward, developing yourself independently from your tribe/group even ego, letting go of your past etc.

I am not really trying to prove anything, or judge and say which personality is the best or any of this nonsense.  I just wanted to check in on this observations I made and see if others are also seeing this as well. 

Thank you all.


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Yeah I see how each of them intersect with one another in terms of individual self development though I can't say that I know a lot of Jung's personalities. It's just that each model has a different way of slicing and dicing the continuum of consciousness. And according to that, there are pros and cons in regards to which model is the best at explaining a person, place, thing, or situation. 

I have faith in the person I am becoming xD

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@RichnNL Personality and ego development seem inter-related to me. Yet concepts of “personality”, “ego” and “development” can each become highly complex in their own regard.

In a simple construct: one of the Big 5 personality categories is about open-mindedness to new experience. Imagine someone who scores super low here. They always want to do the same familiar things, they never want to experience something new. Now consider someone who scores super high. They are constantly seeking new experiences: traveling to foreign countries, living in tribal cultures, eating new food, sky diving, hypnosis, sensory deprivation tanks, psychedelics, ayahuasca ceremonies, polyamorous communities, gender fluidity, scuba diving, past life regressions, trying improv comedy, playing a musical instrument. They are constantly thinking “I wonder what it’s like to experience XYZ. I’m gonna find out!”.

Would this personality trait have an impact on ego development? To me, clearly it would. The personality trait of experience seeking would create a much larger experiential range. The ego would be much more expansive.

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@Forestluv for sure! Then do you think it is an issue advising then people who for example score low on open-mindedness to BE more open-minded wouldn't a different strategy for actualisation be needed for different personalities? 

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