
Definitive proofs that "I" am God.

40 posts in this topic

I agree that consciousness is the floor of reality. In this sense, the essence of human consciousness is the same as the essence of God. I've also had lots of heavy psychedelics, done an insane amount of introspection, have pushed myself very far out of my comfort zone, and have reached some level of enlightenment (albeit, I could still go much deeper).

Where I lose most people on this forum is the idea that my human consciousness POV is the TOTALITY of God, versus a tiny sliver/container/branch/fragment of the totality. I have not remotely found the former to be the case.

I'm aware of what the default response around here is: "Thinking/reasoning won't get you there - do 5meo." I'm aware of this idea, I agree with the merits of direct experience, I've done 5meo dmt, and I will continue doing higher doses of it until I hit a ceiling.

All of that aside, you still have to answer a few critical questions, if you want to argue in favor of a human POV equaling the totality of God. For me, having good answers to the below questions, AND/OR, being able to directly experience the phenomena that they are pointing at, would be sufficient evidence in support of the primary claim in question.

1. Why do I not have an extremely high level of understanding, or even total understanding, of how reality / the universe works? If I'm 'God,' shouldn't it be easy to understand exactly how everything works, since I built everything / am everything? Shouldn't I have all the laws of physics, chemistry, computer programming, and the rest of the universe's information at my fingertips, with perfect understanding of how they all work? I definitely don't have access to even 1% of this today.

***Side note: Leo HAS referenced directly experiencing #1 several times in his videos. To paraphrase him, "On 5meo, I could literally see how I created every aspect of myself... down to each of the hairs on my arm." I would LOVE to hear more about this, and to directly experience this.***

2. Similar to #1, why do I not have an extremely high degree of control over my reality? If I (highest self, not small self) built all of this, then why can't I manipulate any aspect of my reality at-will? Why can't I snap my fingers and have a billion dollars, the perfect life partner, or a completely different universe? Furthermore, why do I have such little control over my environment - almost none at all? Seems like this should also be a small ask if my human consciousness POV truly is God.

3. If my human consciousness POV is "everything / God / infinite imagination / all that there is," then where is everything else that I'm not currently experiencing from my human consciousness POV? Where are all of the colors, visuals, sounds, and emotions that I KNOW exist (since I've experienced them at other points in my life), but aren't in my current experience/POV? Seems to me like this proves that my human consciousness POV isn't nearly everything at face value.


A few years ago, I wouldn't have even bothered asking these questions, since they seem completely ridiculous to anyone with a modicum of skepticism. HOWEVER, I do think that this forum has uncovered some serious grains of truth, and often many years before I eventually came around to them (such as the Western/materialist paradigm being completely upside-down, which I now 100% agree with), so I want to keep an open mind and genuinely listen to what people here have to say about my three questions above. And kudos to Leo on being contrarian and right in the biggest of ways.

So to close this out, I don't at all doubt that I still have A LOT left to learn and am likely very, very wrong on many things...

.. BUT, I still need clearer answers and/or direction on the three points above, and I think that anyone who claims something as bold as "your human consciousness POV = God / infinite imagination / the totality of existence," owes it to themselves and to their audience to provide more substance in the ways described above.

Looking forward to read some quality responses here that will help point me and many others in the right direction!



Edited by communitybuilder

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19 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

Where I lose most people on this forum is the idea that my human consciousness POV is the TOTALITY of God, versus a tiny sliver/container/branch/fragment of the totality. I have not remotely found the former to be the case.

Any state of higher consciousness you have experienced happened in the present. One cannot possibly deny that. The present is now.

Time is relative and does not apply to the Whole. You really have to contemplate this to understand. It's a really important insight.


12 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

1. Why do I not have an extremely high level of understanding, or even total understanding, of how reality / the universe works? If I'm 'God,' should it be easy to understand exactly how everything works, since I built everything / am everything? Shouldn't I have all the laws of physics, chemistry, computer programming, and the rest of the universe's information at my fingertips, with perfect understanding of how they work? I definitely don't have access to even 1% of this today.

You are god experiencing mind.  The mind is the dream, it has its limits. You cannot obtain that level of understanding within the mind. 

Enlightenment reveals the Whole. Not specific and relative pieces of it such as physics, as that creates a duality. You will see how EVERYTHING 'works'.

23 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

2. Similar to #1, why do I not have an extremely high degree of control over my reality? If I (highest self, not small self) built all of this, then why can't I manipulate any aspect of my reality at-will?

Because you are experiencing your 'small self'. What if this seemingly limited and concrete reality is the 'manipulation'?

29 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

3. If my human consciousness POV is "everything / God / infinite imagination / all that there is," then where is everything else that I'm not currently experiencing from my human consciousness POV? Where are all of the colors, visuals, sounds, and emotions that I KNOW exist (since I've experienced them at other points in my life), but aren't in my current experience of consciousness? Seems like this sort of proves that my human consciousness POV isn't nearly everything at face value.


But do you really know that they exist? Maybe you feel as if you have enough evidence to confidently say that they do, but do they actually exist right now as something other than a concept/belief? Are those memories actual? 

Basically, that question isn't really relevant. I made a post asking the same question, and I've gained so much clarity in letting it go and realising that endlessly perusing those questions isn't how we discover ourselves. You must let go of all concepts, questions as well as the questioner. 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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1 hour ago, communitybuilder said:

. If my human consciousness POV is "everything / God / infinite imagination / all that there is," then where is everything else that I'm not currently experiencing from my human consciousness POV? Where are all of the colors, visuals, sounds, and emotions that I KNOW exist (since I've experienced them at other points in my life), but aren't in my current experience/POV? Seems to me like this proves that my human consciousness POV isn't nearly everything at face value.

How do you know there exists anything else (other POVs) than what you are conscious of atm? Isn't that just a baseless belief? Is it even possible to know that? After all will you ever experience anything else but your own POV? 

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Isn't it your belief that there were other points in time? That there is time? That there are other POVs? That you are a POV? That there is something else? That there is something at all?

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10 minutes ago, Swarnim said:

That there is something at all? 

I wouldn't go this far. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I wouldn't go this far. 

Nothing = something

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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20 minutes ago, SamueLSD said:

Nothing = something

Does having ten million dollars in your bank account =having "nothing" in your bank account?  

It's often misunderstood what is the real meaning of "form is emptiness and emptiness is form". 

Edited by Someone here

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5 hours ago, communitybuilder said:

I agree that consciousness is the floor of reality. In this sense, the essence of human consciousness

If you notice the runaway train at the station (‘human consciousness’), and instead write what you want on a dreamboard, seeing that it does indeed come, manifest, is realized in hindsight that the rumination could’ve continued for ‘your’ entire life, self defeating the only point of existence. ‘Thought’ seems like other-than-you, like the story of a book sometimes does not seem to be quite simply, a book. Alternatively, you are oriented to creator-creation-creating, ‘home’ / remaining as grand central station (vs believing you’re actually ‘on’ one of the ‘thought trains’, and everything begins to make sense. ‘Sense’ points to feeling-creating, vs more illusory ‘thinker thinking’. 



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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

Does having ten million dollars in your bank account =having "nothing" in your bank account?  

It's often misunderstood what is the real meaning of "form is emptiness and emptiness is form". 

Our definition of nothing as an empty void is wrong. I'm not very experienced with that insight though I'll leave it there

Edited by SamueLSD

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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4 hours ago, Nahm said:

 instead write what you want on a dreamboard,

Should I write Enlightenment on a dream board? Or something like that? 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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24 minutes ago, Nahm said:


For sure. What you write does unfold. Let the ‘how’ (voluntary thinking / figuring out) go. 

I'm doing a dream board ASAP!



(Note: I am reading your post about that too Nahm. :-)

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@SamueLSD Thanks so much for this reply! This is really solid. On the whole, you answers make a lot of sense to me. Could you provide a link to the post that you're referring to? I would love to read that. Regarding your last question, no, I don't know that other contents (colors, visuals, sounds) that I'm not currently experiencing exist outside of my current experience. The point I was trying to make there, was that if my current frame IS everything, then where is all the other stuff that I've seen before but I'm not seeing right now? Doesn't 'everything' (including all of that other stuff I've experienced at other times, along with a LOT of other things I've never experienced) need to be included in my current frame of consciousness, if it truly is everything?


@Someone here @Swarnim Appreciate the replies. I am hyper-aware that I don't 'know' anything - have been painfully aware of this my whole life. That said, we (humans) all operate under the assumption that we do know many things, or at least strongly believe them to be true. Every single person does this, and wouldn't be able to function if they didn't. I don't think it's productive to dive back into the solipsism rabbit hole, but in the < 1% chance that maybe I can dig up something useful for everyone on this topic (since it keeps coming up), maybe you can answer this one question for me:

***Are you having a conscious experience through a pair of someone else's (not James's) human eyes right now?***

For example, as I am typing this right now, I'm sitting in my office, looking at my computer, having the experience of seeing the world through my (James's) eyes. Are you also having your own experience right now, whereby you're seeing a totally different environment through the eyes of someone who isn't James? This question would sound ridiculous to people IRL, but not to people on this forum. And it's also a question that prompts a clear "YES" or "NO" response - not rhetorical philosophical questions and/or tangents that evade providing an actual answer. You are either having a conscious experience through a human POV like I am, or your entire existence is nothing more than a line of text on my computer screen (aka solipsism, or something damn close to it). I'm open to solipsism and other radical explanations, BUT, I also really want to see more of an effort from people around here to exercise the discipline and the focus to actually think for themselves and make earnest attempts to answer questions like this. I'm well aware that I know basically nothing, that theres no boundary between James / small self / existence, so you can skip over all of that, and actually attempt to provide me, yourselves, and everyone else on this forum with a real answer to my question: "YES, or NO." Or not.


@Nahm Will try to meditate on this for a while. Thanks. Also curious if you have an answer to the question I posed to @Someone here and @Swarnim above.


@Leo Gura - Lol. Right on cue. Fair enough though! Just wanted to see if there was some other way to gain insight to my questions above (which are the logical hangups standing in-between where I am now and getting on board with the idea that 'I' am God) without solely relying on 5meo. I guess I have my answer now. Nonetheless, appreciate the response!

13 hours ago, communitybuilder said:

I'm aware of what the default response around here is: "Thinking/reasoning won't get you there - do 5meo." I'm aware of this idea, I agree with the merits of direct experience, I've done 5meo dmt, and I will continue doing higher doses of it until I hit a ceiling.



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28 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

we (humans) all operate under the assumption that we do know many things, or at least strongly believe them to be true. Every single person does this, and wouldn't be able to function if they didn't.

That is a belief built on assumption. You have zero experience of that. Let it go. :) 

28 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

***Are you having a conscious experience through a pair of someone else's (not James's) human eyes right now?***




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@Nahm - Wow! Damn. I appreciate the honest response to my question, and I'll take your word for it. This is the first time I've heard someone say "no." This makes me update my thinking more in the direction of 'solipsism.'

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 @communitybuilder you can really simplify all of this.  There is only THIS.  Look at your hand and acknowledge the ACTUALITY.  Thats it.  That is all there is.  That is GOD and you are IT.

We can go on and on with stories.  Which we do.  But that's all there is.   You're getting lost in stories that you are a human and that there are other humans because that's what the mind does.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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The fact that Nahm, and now potentially you (@inliytened1), are saying "no, there is not some human POV behind my username that is seeing/experiencing a different environment in right now" is kind of blowing my mind. Going to ask a bunch of other people about this now. Really interesting.

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I still want to be able to better understand and shape this reality though. Currently, I have almost no ability to do either. Which is why I don't think that "I/we" are God.

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39 minutes ago, communitybuilder said:

Going to ask a bunch of other people about this now. Really interesting.

You are not grasping it yet.  Asking others are more stories.  Look at your hand and become conscious of what is actual.   At some point if you wish to awaken it must be alone.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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