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Not Being Governed By Logic

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Maybe someone can help me. I was in college last year and dropped out. I was doing research in a lab and suddenly felt an intense feeling in my body. I told my instructor that I didn't want to be there because I want to start a business. Although doing research was fun, I felt like it was too limiting. I never felt like I needed to discover anything. My ego wasn't able to control me anymore and I just didn't care. Even if I wanted (logically) I wouldn't be able to go back. Is this what enlightenment is like? Or is it just increased awareness? Maybe enlightenment is just existing without giving a fuck. Have a great day, thanks! 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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5 hours ago, Deep said:

 Is this what enlightenment is like? Or is it just increased awareness?


This comes again and again in everybody’s life: whatsoever you are doing you get tired of, you get fed up, you get bored with it. It is very easy to be interested in a new thing – it needs great guts to remain interested in an old thing. That’s what makes a person a genius. Otherwise everybody will become a genius. The only difference between a genius and an ordinary person is that the genius has the guts to stick at something even when he is feeling bored, fed up.
These are plateaus that come. Mm? you work with great joy because something is new – there is a great exploration, new territory and you are enchanted… it is like a romance, a honeymoon. But by and by you become acquainted with the territory; you have looked into all the corners of it and there seems to be nothing new. Now you know all about it so the sensation is no more there, the thrill is no more there.
Now, it is at this point that if you can stick at it and make efforts to find something new in it, you will break through one plane, and on another plane the exploration starts again.

That’s how many people lose their life energy: they don’t stick at things. It really needs courage to remain with the old, because when the plateau comes and everything seems to be just a repetition, doing the same thing again and again and again, one feels to change – change the wife, change the husband, change the job, change the friend, change the town, go somewhere else, do something new.


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6 hours ago, Deep said:

My ego wasn't able to control me anymore and I just didn't care.

What is the difference between your ego and the one who didn't care? Tell me.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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Ultimately it's up to your feeling. Do you truly feel like you are enlightened? Do you feel a deep peace and contentment on all levels of your being? Many people here will say "this is how enlightenment should look" but who are they to tell you? Do you truly feel enlightened? It is unmistakable.

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@Azrael There isn't any. 

Edited by Deep

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Flowzo I don't know yet, but I am much happier than I was. 

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The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Prabhaker Yes, but when something comes of genuine desire you don't get tired of it. All the things I was doing in the past were not my genuine desires. I'm living my purpose now and I don't care about how my life will turn out. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Deep It sounds like you had a realisation and made a break from it, as opposed to all those that *know* they are in an unsuitable job and continue running on the hamster wheel for a lifetime. So good for you. However... I'm not sure how you can confuse this with enlightenment, because for that we're all expecting to see a whole mind blowing new world.  Still, what you did must have been extremely liberating!

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@Neo Thanks! I said enlightenment because I wasn't sure if someone experiences everything in the universe during enlightenment or that they aren't in control. I experienced not being in control. It wasn't my usual self trying to make things happen and I realized I didn't have any free will. In my opinion enlightenment is just letting go of all the concepts and beliefs we have and experiencing life. That can look like different things for everyone. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Deep That's just reaching a point of being fed up beyond the pale.

Enlightenment is WAY beyond that. It's more like getting fed up beyond the pale of ALL OF REALITY. It's like saying, "Fuck you reality! You are bullshit! I quit you forever!"

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Depends on how you define reality. I'm talking about what most people consider their reality, the ego-constructed dream state, the entire web of beliefs.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Thank you. I did a lot of research on enlightenment last night. There are different levels of consciousness and the highest level is when a person is blissful ALL the time. It's when our mind is not affecting us at all. I am VERY far away from experiencing that. It's not something that can be talked about. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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