It is a belief

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Leo said is not a belief because it’s what you’re directly aware of. But that’s the thing - it is a belief. What I’m directly aware of has no belief, sure, but as soon as I comment anything at all about the experience, I got belief. Calling it actuality is a belief. Calling it consciousness is a belief. Calling it direct experience is belief. Commenting that it’s not belief is belief! Calling it god is belief! Naming it at all is belief!

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Yep, but some beliefs are closer to Tat than others.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Yes. What is, is not a belief.

To call something "consciousness" or "direct experience" or whatever is in the final analysis entirely meaningless, that's right.


5 minutes ago, 73809 said:

But that’s the thing - it is a belief. What I’m directly aware of has no belief, sure, but as soon as I comment anything at all about the experience, I got belief.

That doesn't change anything about the underlying "Tathata" which we call "direct experience" and that's the point.

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@73809 Look at your relationship with the thoughts and see if you can detach from that relationship. For example. meditate with some bird chirps in the background. Notice how bird chirps and thoughts both arise. Notice how 'external' and 'internal' are constructs of the mind and both bird chirps and thoughts are co-appearing as impulses. Here, one can observe different relationships the mind has with bird chirp impulses and thought impulses. Yet this can break down such that they are both chirps or thoughts. . . One can also observe how an extra layer of "belief" is added on.

Yet this exercise isn't very "sexy" to a mind that wants to create narratives and do some figuring. 

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