Why Does God Allow This??

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@Someone here

On 4/12/2020 at 8:23 AM, Someone here said:

Reality is indifferent. The universe doesn't know evil. Evil only exists in your skull. Forget about "why all loving God allow this" these types of abstract questions have no answer

. Any mental gymnastics can be tossed away easily. 

What do you mean by saying that reality is  indifferent?

Maybe these abstract questions do have an answer. How do you know that they don't?

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On 4/12/2020 at 1:34 PM, Waken said:

The other point raised is that everybody chooses or agrees with the circumstances of their birth, so nobody gets something they didn't themselves chose. Negative momentum and attractions thereof can build up and create highly unpleasant situations of course and create situations that nobody might want, but might be of their own making anyway.
Last point that was raised is that even though it is not untrue, that you can find evidence of unjustice, unfairness, suffering, etc. But you always get your belief reflected back to you. So if you focus on suffering and pain in the world, this is what you'll be getting more evidence of. Then it's up to you to choose what perspective you want to look at these things with, which will then create 'evidence' for that in your experience. For example, if you would decide to choose to see them as powerful creators, that have created their own reality, you might find more (pleasant and empowering) experiences reflecting that new thought back to you. So that is up to you

If this is the case then ok, i'm fine. If i as God have decided to experience all of this and i am not just a victim of the circumstancec then that sounds good. But it seems like God is inevitable and that God didn't even choose all of this. It's like it couldn't be any other way. 

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On 4/12/2020 at 2:03 PM, Nahm said:



Add unconditional, notice the conditions you’re adding. Notice ‘you’ & ‘them’ is a condition. 

“But then again the selfish pespective is the one most people experience.”

That is an assumption , an extrapolation & projection.  

Yes it is an assumption and a projection but it's a true one. It is based on direct experience , after seeing how other people view the world.

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On 4/12/2020 at 8:08 PM, Gesundheit said:

 As well, I currently live in very poor physical conditions, and I rarely suffer from that. The psyche is very flexible and highly adaptive to environment/the physical world. Whatever physical challenges you may encounter (except illnesses), you'll suffer at first, but then you'll make your peace with it. Even torture works in the same way. As long as it is still in the physical realm, everything is still fine, although not necessarily ideal or perfect. Hell is only possible in the psychological realm.

Now to your question: I don't know. But if life was a movie, God would certainly win a Nobel prize for the worst director and story writer. Maybe he's after that prize. Just give it to him and be done with it.

I believe that you can come to peace even with illness. 

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13 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


Yes it is an assumption and a projection but it's a true one. It is based on direct experience , after seeing how other people view the world.

You’re missin the point my man. You’ve no direct experience of how anyone but yourself views the world. The “view of other people”...is actually still your view. 


“If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world? There's nothing to it.” - Leslie Bricusse, Anthony Newley

Most people experience being a limited selfish creature. That creates a huge problem for us. All this clearly shows a God who doesn't care at all. A pure psychopath.” - SQAAD



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37 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


I believe that you can come to peace even with illness. 

It depends.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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On 12/3/2020 at 2:48 PM, Moksha said:

Most suffering can be avoided simply by realizing who we are. When unconscious people become conscious, the world changes for the better.

You aren't stuck in the mind of God, you are God stuck in a human mind. The more conscious you are, the more beautiful the world will be.

Hear, hear.

In perfect unadulterated clarity, all is perfectly so. Come what may.

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On 12/3/2020 at 2:56 PM, Javfly33 said:


What you are not getting is that there is no duality between God and You. You are God.

You have a problem with all of this? Well wake up and stop imagining that there is something wrong with the world.

Take full responsability. This attitude of victimhood will get you nowhere.

Yes, peeps need to be exposed to this blunt message on occasion. If nothing else, it will cause one to stir in their sleep and make them wonder, “Am I dreaming?”

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10 hours ago, SQAAD said:

@Someone here

What do you mean by saying that reality is  indifferent?

Maybe these abstract questions do have an answer. How do you know that they don't?

I mean it's neutral. It doesn't care. The universe certainly doesn't care if you die from cancer today does it? 

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9 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

It depends.

Authentic Peace is often a cure for many diseases. 

Of course, the journey across the netherworlds in the process of losing everything one holds dear can bring on certain undesirable ailments, scuffs, and bruises. But those, in hindsight, will just be seen as incidental attachments, perfectly so.

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10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I mean it's neutral. It doesn't care. The universe certainly doesn't care if you die from cancer today does it? 

It's not even neutral. Neutrality means absolute detachment, but attachment also exists. So, the universe can care and can not care.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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It’s a good cautionary sign that one has waded too deeply into mind when one starts attributing human qualities to god and universe. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but it can be a rabbit hole, and in the spiritual search, there are plenty of those.

If in meditation or just doing self inquiry, take note of how often such thoughts lead one deeper and deeper into that raging river of the unconscious dream of “me”. If it happens, no problem (it will); objectify and just ask the “me” why or how it keeps doing that so often, and then give it space. Insights could emerge out of the darkness. That’s more likely to be intelligence that one’s looking for.

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It is the nature of reality at-least in this reality we live in, that every creature's life depends on other creature's death to become food of the former creature. The food you are complaining that those children are not getting. That food is actually some form of a living entity either in an animal form or a plant form. So, even if you do solve the food crisis of humans, you are still committing crime against other living entities by consuming them as food for yourself.

I heard that there is a passage in the 5000 year old Epic Mahabharatha, where some Rishi says to somebody in an argument which goes somewhat like this: "Those who do not even know that just by simply breathing, they are killing so many living entities(Microbes, bacteria, etc..in air probably) they shouldn't talk about violence".


Duality means contrast. Contrast of something against something else. Love cannot exist without its opposite hate. Compassion cannot exist without its opposite cruelty & suffering. If every one lived like a king or queen and there was no suffering in existence, then who will be compassionate for whom and what for? The very word compassion and along with its actual reality of feeling it in the form of bodily & mental sensation also will cease to be. Same goes for love as well.

Either Love/Compassion  or  Anger/Hate, if one can attain an ultimate intensity in either of these feelings, one will attain liberation then & there right away. Because, in its ultimate core, they are one and the same thing. But, the problem is that we humans are not good at either of them. Which is the cause for great anxiety.


Edited by PopoyeSailor

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

@Gesundheit look .. Caring and not caring is something you as a human can do.. Right? Does a rock care or not care? 

we are also the universe so if we care the universe does care in some way

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1 minute ago, Keyhole said:

Because the world of form is Hell.  Only in death is there true liberation.  Privileged folks like us get to talk about God in such a way, while innocent children are left to suffer and die.  It isn't fair.  They did nothing wrong to be born into a world like that and only selfish idiots say such things like, "They wanted to experience it.  God wants to experience what that is like."

Oh yeah?  Then move there.  You go experience it.  Don't want to?  Wonder why that could be? 9_9

Trade places with them, to those who pretend like they understand God.  Really.  Do it.  Why does an innocent child have to go through that while we sit in comfort?  I mean, if you're God... then... try it out.

You live there, bring them here and see how you feel about such beliefs.

Unfortunately what you call the world of forms is already death

The way to avoid suffering is to wake up in the world of forms.

Death will never happen as you think it is

13 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Yes i agree with you but didn't Leo say that God has no control??

If God has no control then he cannot stop imagining all of this..


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6 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

Because the world of form is Hell.  Only in death is there true liberation.  Privileged folks like us get to talk about God in such a way, while innocent children are left to suffer and die.  It isn't fair.  They did nothing wrong to be born into a world like that and only selfish idiots say such things like, "They wanted to experience it.  God wants to experience what that is like."

Oh yeah?  Then move there.  You go experience it.  Don't want to?  Wonder why that could be? 9_9

Trade places with them, to those who pretend like they understand God.  Really.  Do it.  Why does an innocent child have to go through that while we sit in comfort?  I mean, if you're God... then... try it out.

You live there, bring them here and see how you feel about such beliefs.

you don't think that innocent child is also god?

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1 minute ago, Keyhole said:

@PurpleTree I think people here like to parrot.  A lot.  Your question doesn't have anything to do with what I have written.  You're trying to introject your viewpoint under the guise of asking me what I think.  smh.  I think the innocent child deserves to be where most of you are, that you should trade lives and stop being such hypocrites.  If God wants to maximize love and understand itself, then you folks, who already "know" what it is to be "God" - why not give them a chance to discover the same thing?

This place is turning into an echo chamber and a cult.  All it takes is leaving for a few days and coming back to see this.  Leo, you should shut this place down dude.  These kids are phony af.


i'll just say you should stop insulting people here an leave it at that

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53 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

we are also the universe so if we care the universe does care in some way

Yeah you could think of it this way. But my general point still applies. 


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5 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

@PurpleTree Then don't be manipulative with your questions.  I'll leave it at that.

I don't think it was really manipulative. Do you think everything/everybody is god or not? Or do you think everything which seems conscious is god or do you think there is no god, just a question about your views.

Or do you think you are god and this child is just a "poor innocent, african child" which seems in a way condescending.

Also if this place is so bad, why not just stay away, instead of coming here and dishing out insults? I get it you're hurt and i'm sorry for that.

But how should a fruitful argument come out of insults? It just makes me want to insult you back

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