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The $100 Million Dollar Question

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Old video by Leo that I really loved


What would you do if you had 100 mill?

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I like to believe that i would refine and work on my life purpose. After all the partying and buying.. But i don't know. Maybe the reality would be very different. It's a difficult question to answer. 

Probably i would be doing psychedelics on my own island half of the year. 

I like to believe that i would be able to control myself and not self destruct as many lucky lottery winners. But who knows. When i learned about this my immediate answer was that you must be stupid to ruin your life after suddenly becoming filthy rich. But who knows? It's a lot of stress. Either i would use this freedom to grow and expand or this freedom would make my ego go crazy. 

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I'll give those 100 million dollars to Leo. I can't trust myself with it. He will use it properly for benefit of humanity. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Having it would be too much pressure. It's too much! I'd figure out how to stow it away for a couple of decades as fast as I can so I can focus on continuing to grow myself. Buuut first I'd pay-off my student loans. O.o

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9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I'll give those 100 million dollars to Leo. I can't trust myself with it. He will use it properly for benefit of humanity. 

I know this is tongue in cheek, but would you actually do that?

Why can't you trust yourself?

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On another, completely different note, the transition of the sky throughout the video is beautiful. 

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20m to spend on whatever my heart desires (read: waste 20m on things that won't fullfil me)

50m on my LP. 

30m invested in a way so I don't have to work for the rest for my life. Which would be easy as my country's average salary is 1k a month. So even a few percent above inflation is good enough.

10m charity.

If I don't spend all that on my LP I'd donate it to help some ecological cause.

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13 hours ago, Preety_India said:

I'll give those 100 million dollars to Leo. I can't trust myself with it. He will use it properly for benefit of humanity. 

Woah .. do you really trust yourself so little?

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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I will travel every country I want to discover, then I will buy a house in 2 or 3 of my favourite countries.

I will not buy more things  or fancy cars because I'm a minimalist... I think I will give money to my friends, and pay me hookers everyday, the rest of the time medidating, travelling....

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Build a hut somewhere near/in a forest close to a lake, fully equipped to be self-sufficient with electricity and water.

Have an outside gym and a huge library.

Study, read, write, and create art.

Donate 90 million.

Edited by Godhead

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If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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