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Did Biden/Harris actually run a better campaign than Clinton/Klaine?

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So guys, now that the results of the 2020 election are getting close to coming to an end do any of you think that actually the Biden/Harris campaign team ran a better campaign than the Hillary/Kaine campaign team did in 2016? Or did Biden/Harris truly only won by pure luck due to the various unusual circumstances that occurred during this election season which automatically set them up to win simply by default?

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Yes he did an excellent job in the elections as compared to Hillary 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The situations of 2016 and 2020 are totally different and pointless to even compare. Dozens of factors were different.

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The situations of 2016 and 2020 are totally different and pointless to even compare. Dozens of factors were different.

Yeah, I guess there are too many factors to compared between those occurred in 2016 and those in 2020. 

Okay, so now would you say that the Biden campaign actually better than the Trump campaign did or did Biden/Harris win only by 100% luck?

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It has nothing to do with luck.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It has nothing to do with luck.

So, then would you say that it was primarily Trump who blew his chances of winning this election?

Edited by Hardkill

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

So, then would you say that it was primarily Trump who blew his chances of winning this election?

This is pure speculation but if Trump actually went up to the podium before coronavirus hit the USA, and bullshitted his way into pretending he was being a very presidential leader with shit like “We’re going to crush this pandemic at the gates.  Have faith in me and my team and with the cooperation of you, the American people—we will stop this disease at the root.”

He would’ve most likely won the election.   But no, he downplayed it as long as he could for the stock market and economy.  Also tried to shoehorn some more snake oil hydroxychloroquine into the mix for personal gain.

But then you had the civil unrest in the summer time from the murder of George Floyd at the peak of the pandemic during the summer.

It was over for Trump in that aspect.  So like Leo said, wayyyy too many variables.


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10 hours ago, Hardkill said:

So, then would you say that it was primarily Trump who blew his chances of winning this election?

Trump blew the election by being the devil that he is and people seeing it.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump blew the election by being the devil that he is and people seeing it.

It's actually very, very difficult to unseat an Incumbent President. I guess we should be thankful that Trump is as incompetent as he is, since it's not hard to imagine the Republican Party running another proto-fascist in 8 or 12 years who's halfway competent and more subtle in thier attempts to replace Democracy with an Authoritarian ethno-state.

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@Hardkill if you had to choose between eating a turd, or a hamburger.. how good would that hamburger have to be in order to get you to say 'definitely not the turd'? 

Biden didn't need an amazing campaign to win this election.  Even the cheapest, lowest quality fast food burger beats Turd every time. 


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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1 hour ago, DocWatts said:

 replace Democracy with an Authoritarian ethno-state.

That would be such a nightmare! Just can't imagine that. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Biden won because he is boring.  After Trump, that became appealing to many people.  He ran a good campaign by being calm and not saying anything controversial or provocative.  He didn't take Trump's bait and lash out.  

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13 hours ago, hoodrow trillson said:

This is pure speculation but if Trump actually went up to the podium before coronavirus hit the USA, and bullshitted his way into pretending he was being a very presidential leader with shit like “We’re going to crush this pandemic at the gates.  Have faith in me and my team and with the cooperation of you, the American people—we will stop this disease at the root.”

He would’ve most likely won the election.   But no, he downplayed it as long as he could for the stock market and economy.  Also tried to shoehorn some more snake oil hydroxychloroquine into the mix for personal gain.

But then you had the civil unrest in the summer time from the murder of George Floyd at the peak of the pandemic during the summer.

It was over for Trump in that aspect.  So like Leo said, wayyyy too many variables.



3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump blew the election by being the devil that he is and people seeing it.


3 hours ago, DocWatts said:

It's actually very, very difficult to unseat an Incumbent President. I guess we should be thankful that Trump is as incompetent as he is, since it's not hard to imagine the Republican Party running another proto-fascist in 8 or 12 years who's halfway competent and more subtle in thier attempts to replace Democracy with an Authoritarian ethno-state.


3 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Hardkill if you had to choose between eating a turd, or a hamburger.. how good would that hamburger have to be in order to get you to say 'definitely not the turd'? 

Biden didn't need an amazing campaign to win this election.  Even the cheapest, lowest quality fast food burger beats Turd every time. 



Okay, I got it now. Yeah, actually what you are all saying are what political experts like Michael Moore, the The Hill/Rising, and Professor Lichtman were saying, which is essentially that it's primarily Trump's fault that he lost this election. He didn't want to take enough serious, legit responsibility as President of our country just as he never taken enough serious, legit responsibility as business owner of both his own family conglomerate, Trump Organization, and the ridiculous business side ventures he had. 

So, then you may be asking "well, if you already knew the answer, then why did you bother asking us, Hardkill?" Well, I still was curious to know or learn if the Biden campaign really did better than either Hillary or Trump campaigns did. However, I guess what you guys are saying is that you can't really evaluate whose campaign was better or the best because neither of them were great, 2020 was too different from 2016, and in the end it mainly came down to Trump who ultimately ruined his own career as President and perhaps his entire life.


On 12/1/2020 at 5:47 PM, Preety_India said:

Yes he did an excellent job in the elections as compared to Hillary 

Yeah, I actually am inclined to agree with you. I mean yes, Hillary would have been more qualified to President than Biden is because she is much smarter and more competent of a politician than he is and she never would have been negatively judged as Biden has been for being over-aged because when she ran against Trump in 2016 she was 1-2 years short of being 70 years old. 

Edited by Hardkill

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