
Making Music With Psychedelics and 5 meo?

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Has anyone tried writing music using shrooms and 5 meo? Did it cause any enlightenment experiences and feeling the presence of God because of the ininite ways to use notes? 


Edited by Skenderberg

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One time on acid I wrote a song about a ghost. No melody, though, just words.

Another time on acid, I held my guitar and cried because I realized that the limitation of what sounds my guitar could make lay with ME, not with the guitar. I felt it was an instrument suited and designed to be played skillfully, and I knew that in the hands of someone else, my guitar could reach a fuller potential than in my own. I sat there apologizing to it, saying "I'm sorry I can't do very many cool things to you!"

It forgave me.

Sometimes when I play my guitar while tripping, it feels like it triggers an emotional release in me. I just start crying. Other times I feel lost in the music I'm playing, like I dissociate from the actions of my hands and go on a visual journey while I listen to myself play.

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These substances are too powerful. You will not be able to hold a pencil.

Maybe if you do microdosing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I’ve never written music but I have played my guitar on shrooms. Granted it was a low dose and I was already heavy on the comedown. But it was amazing.

The best thing was that I just felt in total flow. Like my timing was perfect and I was absolutely present with the experience. Crowd was loving it.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Playing drums on psychs is a blast. LSD more so than mushrooms. Mushrooms often make my body all loose and floppy, but LSD makes me feel super coordinated. It feels like I can play at the full potential my skill level allows without the ego saying "that wasn't good enough" to get in the way. And I can just keep playing nonstop for hours without a break (except for the bathroom).

Sitting behind my drumkit while tripping feels like I'm in the cockpit of a spaceship and all the drums are the various flight instruments that take me to where I want to go. Whatever I play informs the images that form in my mind and the images in my mind in turn inform what I play. Playing heavy tom-based stuff felt like I was travelling through tribal jungles, while playing light cymbals and jazzy stuff felt super feminine and sensual. And I'd often become inspired to play weird rhythms I'd never normally play which creates even more diverse imagery. If I'm in a groove and I fuck something up the fuckup becomes immediately incorporated into a new groove shifting the trip into even more different directions. It can actually become hard to *stop* playing after a certain point because it feels like the drums are playing me as much as I'm playing them.

You can't go too high with the dose though. 200ug was the highest I've gone with good results. When I tried to play drums on 300ug it would work amazing well for a couple minutes but then my sticks would turn into noodles and I wouldn't be able to hit anything, so that's definitely overkill.

Edited by eggopm3

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While the process of composition is something that works best in a sober state, classic psychedelics like mushrooms or LSD work really great for listening to and performing music, including dancing and especially singing.

I would even go so far to claim that music and psychedelics can work extremely well together to create communal religious experiences. Which is by the way what my life purpose centers around.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Try microdosing LSD or edibles weed

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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5 hours ago, vibv said:

I would even go so far to claim that music and psychedelics can work extremely well together to create communal religious experiences. Which is by the way what my life purpose centers around.

Sounds like what I'm trying to do in my LP. What do you do?

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@SonataAllegro You gotta be kidding me :D Nice!

I'm working on a psychedelic musical play which will be performed at a live event.
I will be wearing the mask you see as my avatar and live-perform by playing the Piano as well as singing, dancing and narrating the story to partly pre-produced music, ambient as well as danceable electronic music, whatever the story at that moment calls for.

The goal is to reach a collective orgasmic state by transcending the emotions we're being moved through by the music and by actively dancing and singing and thus experiencing communion and essentially God together.

Being on a psychedelic will be very helpful here. It's not a must but it will be strongly hinted at that this event is especially made to be on one.

It will be called - the vibvent.

More details will follow soon. I plan on starting a YouTube channel where I document the process from my vision I have right now to the first realized events.

I already have over an hour of pure music and am currently writing the story, song texts, and planning and rehearsing some ideas how the event can be conducted, and what to say to bring everyone attending on the same page and so on.
I'm already doing a few very first alpha version on my own, and will in the foreseeable future extend it to a small group of people - and then finally someday hold one publicly, accessible by any interested person. But this is a long way to go.

What do you plan, if I may ask?
Did my description match anything you also intend to do? xD

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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I am a musician and pursue seriously as a hobby, and even a life purpose just not as a way to make money. I just really enjoy music and am slowly improving at it.

Playing the guitar on psychedelics is incredible and I actually play very sporadic and open, I mess around with volume, rhythm, and am not afraid to add weird sounds. I'll sort of forget all the music theory and at the same time, notice how intricate and amazing music is.

I'll play for maybe about 30-60mins on the come up, and/or after the peak.

Making music is another thing and it depends on what you mean. If you mean, I sit down with an audio workstation, record guitar riffs, and work on a drum track. I mean it's just too much to do and focus on, unless I am at the end of the trip, I could work on something during that period.

When I reach the peak it becomes too much and I end up putting my guitar down because I'd rather just let go. 


Edited by SgtPepper

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I don't know but when I take magic truffles and I play guitar, I hate the sound of distortion haha so I always play in clean like psychedelic rock ...

I'm a big fan of black metal and I find it funny that I can't bear the sound of this music under psychedelics

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