
There are good and bad

50 posts in this topic

17 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Obviously there is good and bad. There are two (✌) opposing forces which both have a pull. Choosing to see and anchor the + in every or most situations is that, a choice. But there is definitely also -.

The devil just says he doesn't exist so your guard is down. A magnet does not work with two positive sides. The negative is absolutely necessary and if we deny it, we are just ignoring what is. 

I have seen acts of cruelty and I know there is unnecessary crueltyin the world. To deny it is to close your eyes an have wishful thinking. 

The world is a battlefield between Two very powerful forces. Its kind of like star wars. 

@Dodo No, there's nothing good or bad in this universe.

There is only the magnet, not a south or north pole - why? Because you can't have the north pole without the south pole, they are one magnet. And there's nothing but that magnet. 

You see? The poles aren't real, they are simply conceptual divisions of one magnet.

Although it is true that we can see "good" and "bad" things in the world, that doesn't mean that they are real.

Just in the same way as we divide a magnet into 2 poles, we divide between good and bad, whereas in reality, there is only one magnet - and since that one magnet includes everything (since it is One), it is identical to absolute, undiscriminating Love and Goodness. 


The universe is a magnet that rejects nothing. How could it reject anything?;)


20 minutes ago, Dodo said:

The world is a battlefield between Two very powerful forces.

It's not "the world" -  it's your mind.

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11 hours ago, Nahm said:

Reacting would be in kind, name calling, assuming, blaming, writing off, projecting, etc. Responding does not equate to reacting. That is one of the nuances I became aware of in what I shared in the last post. When I slowed down and was honest with my self that those behaviors didn’t feel good, it was readily seen and naturally concluded. 

Theories can be not believed also. Especially in cases where they don’t feel good. 

The suffering is in the misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and misidentification. Essentially, thoughts which don’t feel good, but are believed in spite of feeling.

The misunderstanding is due to believing assumptions in lieu of direct experience. You’ve not experienced God, so you believe God is separate from you, and like you, can choose to create dualities - suffering - or anything other than or ‘over’ infinite goodness. God never suffers. God does not know suffering. God is only knowing of infinite goodness, because that is all there is. Your suffering is released either by the recognition & relinquishing of presently held assumptions & beliefs, or the direct experience of God. These are actually the same, but as a course of action either would suffice. 

The misinterpretation persists only in reinstating & affirming it, in spite of how it feels. The trouble with assumptions and beliefs is one believes their belief is true. One then see’s no reason to inspect, because they are already ‘right’, in spite of how being ‘right’ feels. These assumptions are at the most fundamental level, and all experience is tainted as such. It is not easy to see, because it effects the whole of experience. There is never a shortage of how it feels though. Feeling is always decisive & clear. To remain believing the assumption, requires one to avoid feeling. To avoid feeling, is to avoid the goodness, the truth. 

The misidentification is derived only of thought attachment. The belief you are Redline, a person, a human, form, separate, physical, etc, and that there is a God which is separate of you. Meditation is great for detaching from thoughts & getting some ‘space’ for inspection of thoughts. Inspection is great for releasing beliefs & assumptions which don’t feel good, and realizing truth which feels amazing & inspiring. Writing about feelings clarifies misunderstandings, and understanding arises. Then there can be open mindedness. With open mindedness, a fresh approach can be undertaken to contemplate new perspectives, and ‘listen’ to feeling going forward, as not to create more assumptions & beiefs. 

Stuff you might contemplate or consider if & when...

God doesn’t make choices. There is nothing to choose from. God is unconditional.

God forgets God is God, by appearing as Redline. 

God does not experience suffering, or unconsciousness, because God is infinite consciousness.  

Death is an assumption, a belief. 

Thank you.

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On 12/1/2020 at 5:09 AM, RedLine said:


What is the relationship between Love (the Absolute) and love (I love my mom for example)? 


Absolute is nothingness. Everything is nothing as you, therefore everything is you. Because you are nothing. Additionally, you are experiencing this dream now because of experiencing something other than you, therefore you love it. Because when you are nothing, there is just you, just 1. Even understanding these words are love, because these words are you, i am you, wall is you.

but loving your mom can be from egoistic perspective, because chair has no differences than your mom. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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29 minutes ago, Tim R said:

@Dodo No, there's nothing good or bad in this universe.

There is only the magnet, not a south or north pole - why? Because you can't have the north pole without the south pole, they are one magnet. And there's nothing but that magnet. 

You see? The poles aren't real, they are simply conceptual divisions of one magnet.

Although it is true that we can see "good" and "bad" things in the world, that doesn't mean that they are real.

Just in the same way as we divide a magnet into 2 poles, we divide between good and bad, whereas in reality, there is only one magnet - and since that one magnet includes everything (since it is One), it is identical to absolute, undiscriminating Love and Goodness. 


The universe is a magnet that rejects nothing. How could it reject anything?;)


It's not "the world" -  it's your mind.

When you overgeneralise you make a mistake 

You put mud and icecream together you cant eat it. 

There is nothing conceptual about the division. You don't need concepts to see the difference in the north and south.. Thats just jibberish. You are trying to fit everything in your nonduality box. 

There are two polarities, calling it one magnet does not change the differences between north and south. 


Icecream plus mud still makes something. But it is no longer qualitatively good. It is not good enough for purpose.

Eating icecream plus mud would be considered torture. Eating icecream alone would be considered pleasureable... 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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47 minutes ago, Tim R said:

@Dodo No, there's nothing good or bad in this universe.

There is only the magnet, not a south or north pole - why? Because you can't have the north pole without the south pole, they are one magnet. And there's nothing but that magnet. 

You see? The poles aren't real, they are simply conceptual divisions of one magnet.

Although it is true that we can see "good" and "bad" things in the world, that doesn't mean that they are real.

Just in the same way as we divide a magnet into 2 poles, we divide between good and bad, whereas in reality, there is only one magnet - and since that one magnet includes everything (since it is One), it is identical to absolute, undiscriminating Love and Goodness. 


The universe is a magnet that rejects nothing. How could it reject anything?;)


It's not "the world" -  it's your mind.

I pray for you and all others that the magnet rejects torturing you for eternity. For by your words even that is not rejected "how could it *smugface".. 

You don't understand that you can also be punished. You might live a comfortable philosophers life right now, but lets hope God has mercy and save our souls from our own foolishness.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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33 minutes ago, Dodo said:

There is nothing conceptual about the division



Edit: sorry for not responding properly to that. Your insisting on duality is simply misguided. 


If you think there are actual divisions in reality, show me "up" or "down". Show me "left" or "right". Don't be silly.

Edited by Tim R

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41 minutes ago, Tim R said:



Edit: sorry for not responding properly to that. Your insisting on duality is simply misguided. 


If you think there are actual divisions in reality, show me "up" or "down". Show me "left" or "right". Don't be silly.

The movie in which you live can be a heavenly movie or a hellish nightmare movie. In both cases its a movie. That doesn't mean there is no difference between the plots. 

Only a fool could not see a different between a good dream and a nightmare. Even you know the difference, but in your comfortable reality currently you have forgotten what hell is like. You can be reminded, like I was. 

Imagine in one movie you are about to be sent to harvest your insides and will remove one or 2 of your fingers. Just cause thats the plot of the movie.

In the other movie you are going with the love of your life to see a play out in town. 

Tell me there is no difference, nonduality box does not work here. Your suffering will be real.

If that scenario is not painful enough, imagine a scenario in which the love if your life is willingly sleeping with every other man but you, cause thats the plot of the movie. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Everyone is right :) Ultimate reality is nondual. Imminent reality is dual. The entanglement of the two is the mystery of God.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 12/1/2020 at 5:09 AM, RedLine said:

What is the relationship between Love (the Absolute) and love (I love my mom for example)? 

If you say you experiencie the Absolute as Good/Love you are relating to the relative concept of love/good know by you; but this time it looks like this sension/concepts/whatever is infinite/absolute.

If you say the Absolute is Good then it implies there are good and therefore there are bad too.



This is more of a linguistic and conceptual game than it is of any relation to actual reality.

There is no such thing as good or bad or love or Love or absolute. Point to any of them in direct experience. And notice you are not pointing to "Love".. You are pointing to whatever you are pointing to.

At some point you gotta realize these are just empty words attempting to describe the indescribable. We are merely creating maps with language and conceptual understanding. We give names to everything but we don't know what anything is. And the name does nothing in revealing or unraveling the mystery of the thing. For example you call a cat a cat. Let's call it a dog. A biological entity. A dream. matter. consciousness. An appearance. An illusion. God. Donald trump. Love..... Doesn't matter. The name does nothing. and all names are equally meaningless vibrations. The cat is simply exactly how it looks smells feels etc. And that's it.

You can't get more direct than direct. 

Arguing whether reality is "absolute good" or whether good and bad are inherent or mind created is just foolish.. The entire language and conceptual description is mind created. Reality is not "absolute goodness". Reality is exactly what you are conscious of right now. Stop projecting your bullshit onto it. 

Edited by Someone here

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